Mule Deer Guide Needed??!!

Guys, I am new to this board. I am looking to finally chase a mule deer. Am getting to the age where if I don't do it soon, I will be too old to do it. Anyway, after some searching, I am strongly considering booking with Sizzlin S Outfitters who are based in Montana. Any news on these guys? I will consider other outfits but will need your input. :dumb
Welcome, I have heard a few things about them mostly from watching the outdoor channel. No personal experiences. Just wanted to welcome you aboard!
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welcome Nice to have ya join this is a great group of guys. I guid here in Washington but most are not record book deer, I,vve never deilt with the sizzilin S. but heard from a client of mine . they seam really good, enjoy it. its nice to be spoiled every once and awiel. Jim W
"Outhouse" wrote:Guys, I am new to this board. I am looking to finally chase a mule deer. Am getting to the age where if I don't do it soon, I will be too old to do it. Anyway, after some searching, I am strongly considering booking with Sizzlin S Outfitters who are based in Montana. Any news on these guys? I will consider other outfits but will need your input. :dumb
Hello Outhouse,

I haven't had any dealing with Sizzlin S Outfitters. But if I may suggest, Check to see if he has any references and if he does, call them and talk to them. That is the best way to check on any Outfitter.

If you are interested in a Wyoming mule deer hunt, I guide for Canyon Creek Outfitters. We do Antelope, Deer, Elk And Mountain Lion hunts check out the web site, contact the references and good luck.
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South Dakota got some really nice muleys.I have friends from all over that I take out.the trophy deer are few but we do have em.
if you want info on units I'll be glad to let you know.