mule deer hunting for a non resident questions
Dee ferguson
8/7/11 12:57pm
first i'd like to start by saying hello to all you folks. i live in mississippi and have been wanting to hunt a mule deer for several years. problem is i know nothing about how the system of getting a tag works for yalls state. another question i have is public land hunting? is there a such thing as it in montana. i would prefer to hunt it if it's worth it and not overrun with hunters. i'm not interested in paying alot of money to have someone point one out for me. i'd rather hunt, enjoy the seenery, and come home with a tag than that. killing is a bonus. but any information to help get me pointed in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. i can even offer swap hunts from whitetail in ms or ks,hogs in swamps,turkey, ducks, best dove hunts,handgrabbin anyone that might be interested. also, before i get bashed to bad, i apologize for joining this forum and asking for something on the first visit, but i figured it might be my best alternative. thanks dee ferguson
Dee Ferguson
Dee Ferguson
Montana has plenty of public hunting areas. Including walk in areas to get away from the crowds.
WY deer hunting is by regions and special permit areas. Some of which are 100% or near draw for NR's.
Applications are also due by March 15. WY also has plenty of public hunting land. Varies from region to region. Some homework is required.