Mule Deer or Whitetails
#1DEER 1-I
12/3/07 5:23pm
I am just wondering would you like to have Whitetails or Mule Deer?
I think it's just becuase I have killed far more quality whitetail's than I have mule deer, the whitetail are much more plentiful in a lot more areas, and mule deer just have that special "something" that just captivates me.
With that being said, I have NOTHING against the whitetail!
Nothing against Whitetails either, they are deer also.
I'd love to get a muley, though. :thumb
White Tail hunting is a different story. White Tails are killed from stands, mostly. Sit wait, watch. Sure it's fun, you don't have to be in shape.
Oh Yeah I like being able to do both. =D>
But if I have a choice it's Muley hunting. :thumb
That's almost like asking which one of your kids do you love most though.