6/6/13 6:48am
Hello everyone this is how the quest usually starts when I start the process of trying to get ready for another long time dream to hunt a animal that I have only dreamed about hunting. If you look at my post on roll call you can see that I have been blessed to have saved enough to accomplish several hunts and believe me I am not rich I am just a maintenace man. But to the point I have never seen so much confusion at least confusing to me about one animal. ](*,) But I hope the more I learn the less confusing it will get. I would like to do a diy hunt (to keep cost down) some where that has over the counter tags if possible? My hope would be to get a chance at maybe a 160'' plus Muley again I am new at this and maybe you all just think I have bumbed my head? please help (???)
NV has there second draw and still has over 500 tags left for the Ruby's. Good chance you could pick one of those up as well
Much easier to get elk tags here.
I believe Idaho is a first come draw state??? Perhaps someone who has experience in their respective system can help. I've never hunted there, so I don't have a lot of info to share. Lastly, I only bowhunt, so my information is limited to just archery only type seasons and opportunities.
I'm a still hunter, and I need solitude for it to work.
Maybe the thing to do would be to put in for Colorado this year and get a point. Then put in again next year and likely get drawn. Maybe as a back up you can put in somewhere like New Mexico (that doesn't have a preference point) and see what your chances are of drawing a muley tag there.
It took me a long time to get the guts to start putting in for the draw in CO. A friend of ours had been trying to talk me into it for years and I never did it. $300+ bucks seems to be a lot of money to shell out to put in. Of course, it gets refunded to you if you're not drawn so it's really no different than just depositing it in the bank for a few months. Once I started putting in it all started making more sense. I could just accumulate points until I was able to go. Now it makes as much sense as depositing into my 401K. lol
Some have mentioned getting a leftover tag, which is a good option when all else fails. If you're planning to hunt 2015 and don't care what state, I would venture to say to find a state with a preference point system, find a unit you can draw with 1 preference point, and put into it this year and next year. As long as nothing drastic changes, you should get drawn next year. But if all else fails, look for a left-over tag.