muley tracks?

Hi everyone, Can you really tell if a track is a buck or doe?? I heard by size if so what size is ideal? if in the snow do bucks drag there hoofs?? :thumb
I never seen a doe leave a really big track but have seen some really big bucks with average hooves.
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From what I've seen a big buck will leave dew claw marks.
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Generally a buck will have the front of the hooves spread, as well as leave dew claw marks in the rear, and I've seen it even from smaller bucks. The bigger the buck, the further back his dew claws are and the more pronounced the mark from them. Does' hooves usually come more to a point in front.
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thank you gentleman i have seen most tracks in the area in hunting with the dew claws visible. i measured one hoof at a length of 4 inches and had drag marks in the snow and the ends were not pointy. so seems like a buck?
Yeh the dew claw marks are the big key, they are heavier so they imprint.
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Sounds like a buck track to me. The front hoof print of a buck will be slightly out side of the rear hoof track due to bucks having wider shoulders than hips, and vice versa for the does because their hips are wider than the shoulders.