MuleyMadness Family Picture Fun!
12/31/06 10:17am
Okay so I gave all of my family a MuleyMadness T-shirt for Chirstmas, they really seeme to like them. :)
So much so, that my mom suggested we get a picture with them for fun.
So I know this is getting a bit 'personal', but I felt it would be fun to share the pics with the MM family.
Here they are just for the heck of it. :)
So much so, that my mom suggested we get a picture with them for fun.
So I know this is getting a bit 'personal', but I felt it would be fun to share the pics with the MM family.
Here they are just for the heck of it. :)
MM I see tears in at least a couple little eyes.
Oh, I bet those little ones got something cool too. :thumb
Hope she knows what she's gettin' in to!
Hope you don't mind, I couldn't resist playing with your photo's settings a bit, and re-uploaded it.
What do you think? Doesn't the color look so much better?
You're a flippin COOL! :thumb
I stared and stared at the color settings trying to see a difference and was strugglin. They I noticed. :)
I LOVE IT! Great job and YES it's looks WAY better.
You have MAD skills, no pun intended. :)) :))
I looked at it again this morning and noticed that now even the little ones have MM shirts on! WAY COOL! I have no idea how you did it and made it look so real at the same time but that is AWESOME!
a bunch of skinny farts!
Thanks again Brett.