MuleyMadness Roll Call
3/5/07 8:31pm
I've been around this board basically since it's inception. There were a few "regulars" that did most of the posting back then, as it was a new board. With the site beginning to pick up a bit more, we've benefitted with some new members posting.....WELCOME ABOARD and glad to have you.
With all this in mind, how about a roll-call? Young or old, post up and let us know you're still here and where you're from. How about some of the older members letting us know they're still around as well? (WYMULEYMAN, akw270, shedhunter, DBARCHER, Muley_Magician, AZBuckSnort, AGCHAWK, longbeard, DeadI, elkhuntr, BCBOY)
I'll start:
I'm a die hard bowhunter from crazy Southern California ( =; )
With all this in mind, how about a roll-call? Young or old, post up and let us know you're still here and where you're from. How about some of the older members letting us know they're still around as well? (WYMULEYMAN, akw270, shedhunter, DBARCHER, Muley_Magician, AZBuckSnort, AGCHAWK, longbeard, DeadI, elkhuntr, BCBOY)
I'll start:
I'm a die hard bowhunter from crazy Southern California ( =; )
Avid hunter and outdoorsman. Lived in Alaska, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, and Washington before joining the military 18 years ago. I have adopted Clarkston Washington as my hometown and currently reside there.
You guys/gals know me pretty well. Southern Utah is where I reside (St. GEORGE), just a few minutes from the border of Arizona and Nevada in the heart of Mule Deer Country!
And yea I guess I've been around for a while!
Great Idea BOHNTR lets get everyone on board here.
Forgive this old man!
Owner of Wild Antler Creations and Wild Antler Magic. (The All New Antler Refurbishing Kit) I live in Spanish Fork, UT soon to be in Santaquin, UT. I am a avid Elk, Mule Deer and Shed hunter. I have enjoyed this site, do not talk or post much but love reading all posts. I thank all of you for sharing your pictures and storys and especially for this site. I take part in other site forums and this is up on my top when it comes to huntin forums.
Thank you all and I will try to post more post.
:-k Favorite area for big game is in the 4-corners area. Favorite place for waterfowl is near the Bear River Bird Refuge. Varmints and predators rule the west desert. Been hunting more waterfowl and varmints than big game lately.
Maybe one of these days...
Obviously I am still around. :thumb An avid outdoorsman: hunting, fishing, horseback riding, camping ...........
Born and raised in Utah County, Utah.
Born and raised on a Dairy Farm in West Jordan.
Doing it archery only, do not even own a Rifle, (plenty of hand guns)and the majority of my time hunting is right here on our Wasatch Front.It is nice to take a trip and go out of State, but nothing like the Wasatch, get a early day off and you can be hunting in minutes! or hit it in the morn and work late, just cant beat it!
Good luck this year!!!!
I was born and raised in Heber City, Utah and I've been hunting ever scince I was old enough to tromp up and down the hills with my dad. I stick mainly with archery now but from time to time we find a few birds to shoot at or a coyote that isn't running fast enough so we give it some motovation.
Thanks for inviting me over Brett. :thumb
I live in Rural MN, up North. I do all kinds of hunting and put in a lot of time at it. I love getting off the beaten track and remote camping. My first Mule Deer hunt was in 67. The only years I missed was 70 and 71 [got drafted] but I've more than made up for it. Mule Deer hunting is #1, I love hiking and hunting the prairies, breaks, badlands and mountains for Mulies.
But as i became more in to hunting i picked up bow hunting one year when i didnt draw a rifle tag. I Have been a die hard bow hunter ever since.
I grew up on the east coast hunting whitetail with a shotgun/slugs and a bow. After spending 20 years in the Air Force, my family and I moved to the Fort Collins, CO area in 2002. I use to primarily fly fish, but I took up archery hunting again 3 years ago and I'm hoping to get my first elk with a bow this coming season. [-o< My claim to fame is I hit the first deer and elk that I shot at with a bow - I got the spike whitetail deer, but unfortunately lost the bull. Luckily, he wasn't hit bad. I shoot a Mathews Switchback bow and a Thompson Center Encore and Ruger M77 rifles.
No kids... no wife... Im an artist/sculptor/photographer.
I hunted pa. when I was a kid. I've hunted Sitka deer on Kodiak, and waterfowl in Sas.
I've fished out of Kodiak, Homer ,and seward AK.
This June I'm going back for a 2nd time to fish the east cape of the Baha Mexico.
With that said I've never spent over $2,000 on any trip and thats why I will help anyone to due a DIY hunting trip in Wyo. or tell ya how you can fish in Ak the same way.
you work too hard for your money to waste it.
Nice to see you still around..........and welcome to the bowhunting world. Glad you decided to veture from the "dark side". :) I think you'll have a lot of fun with it.
I grew up in Salt Lake but moved to Idaho Falls about two years ago. I've actually only been an Idaho resident now for about 6 months. My first love is bowhunting, and flyfishing, but I'm not opposed to hunting with a gun. Since being in Idaho I've learned quite a few things about hunting and fishing. First, it's possible to harvest an elk every year that's bigger than a spike. Second, bears are the most frustrating animal to hunt with a bow. (You know they're there, but you never see them during the day.) Third, the Provo and the Weber are tiny rivers.
I had made a few elk hunting trips (bowhunts) to CO over the last six years and had an incredible desire to make the mountains my home. I never really thought I would get up the nerve to actually do it. After watching the job boards and never really getting serious about it, I happend to see a job posting for an Engineering position with the Town of Avon. It happend at the right time and place and before I new it, we as a family decided to make the move. We haven't regretted it yet. Would be nice to sell the house in IL though.
I have never hunted Mule Deer or half the Big Game out here for that matter, but I'm exited about the upcoming season. This will be my first Mule Deer hunt. I'm applying for an archery tag here in CO near the Avon/Eagle area. I can't wait for this fall.
Great group of guys here as you may already know after lookin' through the posts. If ya have any questions or concerns please ASK! We'll see what we can do about pointing you in the right direction.
I live in Colorado and enjoy hunting all of the Big Game species of the Rocky Mountains. I both archery and rifle hunt and in the future plan on giving the muzzleloader a try. But to be honest, my true passion is Trapping. I love to outwit furbearers and the look of a full fur shed is a beautiful sight but unfortunately trapping was outlawed in Colorado in 1992. I have a lovely wife and 4 children who also love the outdoors and enjoy hiking, hunting and fishing. MuleyMadness is a great site and I really enjoy the people on this forum. =D>
My friends got me addicted to sheds 8 years ago. They would take me to their secret places and get mad when I would come off the hill with a arm load and they wouldnt find anything. Needless to say they quit taking me so I went on my own.
I spend my time picking up sheds, hunting elk, mulies, chasing bear and lion.
I joined this forum not too long ago and am addicted.
Keep sending pictures. Love to see em.
Take care and enjoy MuleyMadness!
Good Hunting,
Nice to see someone from Hurricane.....neat little town. I drive through it on my way to the Bab' whenever I'm hunting there. I can give some good advice to others though......the food there is great, but don't drive through the town 2 mph over the limit.....especially with out-of-state plates. :)
I am also a fan a big caliber my .338 WM.
I live in denver and may have a new problem as my father-in-law is just finishing a .54 hawkens for me.
Just fount the site late last summer, before I went to Wyoming on a Mule Deer hunt. I dont check in every day, but every once in awhile. Very polite forum with some real knowledgable guys. Love all the pictures that get posted here. Brett comes up with some great "find the deer" pic's that are fun. He can be quite the tease too. Making us all wait for the best and final pic of some monster that leaves us drooling!!
Keep up the good work, hope finacially it's working for you!
been hunting and fishing for 25+ years. i am an avid waterfowl and upland hunter. just started chasing desert mule deer in D12 4 years ago.
still looking forward to my 1st kill.
big shout out to BOHNTR, i remember talking to with you and enjoyed your photos on another forum.
socal duckie:
Great to see you over here...... :thumb
Welcome to every one new and old.
Anyway welcome to all the new members! :thumb
I am a young 40 year old that eat's drinks and sleeps hunting (especially elk hunting). I have hunted all over the Western United States and even a few Eastern states for the better part of 25 years. My first passion is bowhunting but I've been known to sling a little lead now and then. I have a wife and 4 daughters that love to hunt right along side their old man. I have had the opportunity to meet a few of you guys on here (DeadI, Torch, MuleyMadness, etc.) and I have to say you are all a classy bunch. Thanks for putting up with me!
42 married 4 kids. Live in Indiana
Wanting to start hunting the western states more.
Hunt whitetail,turkey and coyotes here in Indiana
Love the site, and hope to post for a long time to come.
I love to bowhunt and get as close as I can.
Utah is my home state.
Enjoy, my friend!
I grew up in Richfield UT and lived in St. George for a while and I am now back in Sevier County living in Monroe, UT. Have hunted deer and elk all my life. I have finally drawn a UT Elk tag this year and I am really looking forward to killing a nice bull this year.
WELCOME TO THE SITE!!! Glad to have you aboard and I look forward to your future posts!
But I bear,elk,mule deer,antelope,turkey,ducks,pheasants,coyotes,geese.
I also love to hunt birds and guide for some of the local birds farms.
Still waiting for Brett to send me over my decal as he promised when I first posted :) :)
Crap dude are you serious, did I miss ya? Which one do you want and I'll send it to you. PM me your address etc.
I'll send you over my info brett via pm and you can send me whatever. I was more busting your chops than looking for a free hand out.
:arrow Jason
Take care my friend and I look forward to your future posts.
Even some of us locals got sick of the UDWR's forum and have quit posting also. They never got after me to much but anymore it's not worth trying to wade through all the crap to get the good info anymore. I still go there and read from time to time but I like this sandbox much better.
Hey Brett, I just realized that on your post to DR_DEATH that you ACTUALLY used the word "crap"!!! Man, I think that's the first "strong" word I've seen ya use. Are ya gettin' salty in your old age?!?! LOLOL
Killer, I JUST noticed that 7mmgilbert told us in his post exactly what part of Idaho he's from...Idaho Falls...LOL
Man, I just had corrective eye surgery done 9 months ago too...I might have to get my money back! Killer, what's your excuse?!?!
A Bow Nut wrote
Even some of us locals got sick of the UDWR's forum and have quit posting also. They never got after me to much but anymore it's not worth trying to wade through all the crap to get the good info anymore. I still go there and read from time to time but I like this sandbox much better.
Live to hunt, hunt to live.
Hey Bow nut I remember you from the DWR forums, what happened to that Larry The Cable Guy look a like pic you had under your name?
I was setting up my trail camera and had just finised up when I had to sneeze. Of course when I went and pulled it out it was the first time that my wife and her friends show any interest in seeing whats on the camera and that was the first picture to show up. #-o
Everybody keeps asking me what kind of crazy animal that is that I got the picture. Now I just tell then that it's a dorkfish. Baited it in with a corndog.
Have learned to pay more attention to when the camera is armed and ready to take pictures.
I hunt all big game but, my passion is with the muleys!!
I have been aboard MuleyMadness now for about 3 weeks. I have really enjoyed this site so far. It seems there are some great people here. Thanks guys.
I love to hunt, fish and camping, pretty much anything outdoors! I have been hunting since I can remember! I hunt with a rifle, but want to learn the art of shooting with a bow!
I manage a law firm for a living, and do some free-lance outdoor writing and photography at times. I've only been on the forum a few weeks, but already find myself spending more time here than the other two I frequent, combined! Brett is doing a great job here, and I'm happy to have found a site with so many friendly people. It must be the huge number of Utah folks?! I've known Roy (Bohntr) for several years, but he had been holding out on me! Glad to be here.
"Viva La Vegas"......welcome to the Madness. A good bunch of folks here so pull up a chair and stay a while.
A Hearty ::wel !!
I look forward to your future posts.
I have lived in Utah my whole life, but I have hunted/guided in other states as well as traveled to many states doing hunting shows. I think hunting out west is as good as it gets, atleast for me.
Welcome to Muleymadness! To be quite honest, I just noticed that you were two different members! Your screen names were so similar I didn't even pay it much mind.
Anyway, welcome to the site. Nice to see some more folks from the PACNORWEST on here.
This is a great site. The forums are very entertaining! Keep it up!
I have lived in Colorado my whole life. I like to hunt big bucks(deer&speedgoats). I have 3 kids and they love to go hiking for sheds.
My oldest son(6) and I are always talking about hunting and the outdoors.
Is it huntn season yet?
I really would like to find someone that hunts the high country and would not mind a low lander learning from them. It has been a dream of mine to hunt elk in the mountains during the rut. Since none of my buddies hunt my wife has nixed the idea of a solo hunt. She is affraid I might end up on some critters menu.
Anyway I really enjoy this site.
Still lurking, just haven't posted in awhile!
How did the draws treat you this year. As for me the big "0"! I drew a 53 desert maggot tag but other than that I was unsuccessful. However, there was a group of four of us that all applied for the same areas but not in a party application and luckily some of the boys were successful. One buddy drew a 101 deer tag. Another buddy drew a 75 late migration bull tag. The other buddy and i were only successful on the antelope.
Should be a busy season guiding my buddies. Fortunately or unfortunately however you want to look at it I will have my plate full but not for myself, the two that drew the tags are relatively new to the hunting game. To be perfectly honest I would rather help first timers than fill any tag for myself so it worked out good this season.
By the way..... anyone hear from wyomingtrophyhunter? Haven't heard from him in quite some time.
Long time no hear.....we're all glad to see you still around. Yup, sometimes helping someone else fill a tag is just as exciting as filling one yourself. Sounds like you'll have fun either way.
I actually got drawn for two really good deer tags. I was drawn for the same unit as last year in CO. So, I'll be back above timberline come August chasing velvet muleys. Can't wait for that backpacking adventure.
The second tag was the Goodale unit here in CA. An AWESOME unit with only 25 tags issued. It will be tough though, as I'll probably be the only one chasing the bucks with a bow, as most will use a rifle (either weapon is allowed). That hunt takes place the first two weeks of December during the rut. I still can't believe I drew that tag.
I'm leaving for a 5 day scouting trip the the Kaibab in the morning. I can't hunt there this year, as I already filled my archery tag in January. I just want to check some of my old hunting areas and see what's there......might be up there next season, depending on the draw in CO of 08.
Good to hear from you again.....don't be a stranger....stop on by more often. It gives me hope I can survive this job and state so I can make it to Wyoming for retirement. :)
love chaseing em with my bow and i am 15 yrs old.
::wel and nice age BTW, will be there in 1 week myself. :)
Like it a lot.
Pueblo, CO, USA
I love making Turkey and predator calls.
This is a super forum here. Looking forward to getting enough points for that Colorado Muley hunt!
I am 26. I live in the Boise area in SW Idaho. Native (not many of us left).
My family (including grandmother/aunts/mother/sisters) all hunt big game. We do well for the freezers, but we are trying to do a little better for the trophy room as time goes on. I love sagebrush muley hunting and I timber elk hunting.
I do a TON of upland bird hunting. I am married with one son who is 18 months. I have a chessy and a shorthair and a dumb black cat who thinks she's a dog.
I drew the unit 40 deer tag in Idaho and found this site while I was searching for pictures of trophy's from that unit.
Good stuff here on the forum and I have enjoyed my first week or two here. Look forward to posting some success pics this fall as well as some scouting pics this summer.
For me, nothing beats a day hunting for deer or elk, or a nice day on the river with a fly rod.
I'm still trying to get info on some places to hunt in this area and this forum is a great resource for that.
You been up to your California area doing any scouting yet? Look forward to reading about your success again this year.
Going down to the south country next weekend to check out some information I have been able to acquire about 101 for mulies. Talked with a warden a half dozen or so times over the past two weeks, he had pointed us in a couple directions to begin our search. Looking forward to breaking out the video camera for the 2007 season.
And congrats on those Strip tags Catfish!!! Keep us posted.
Hunting and fishing in the U.S. different states (Arkansas, Oklahoma)
Hunting and fishing in South America Countries (Bolivia, Chile, Brasil)
Sea fishing
Can you let me know how Mule Deer hunting takes place? I mean, do you have a specific area to search ?
Anyhow- love to talk about hunting, starting to play the points game in all states - looking to spread out to Utah and WY. (Hoping I draw 033 antelope (6 points) in NV and 62 in WY (1 point))- Fingers crossed.
Good luck in all the draws..
I'm in Utah and I hunt deer and elk with my trusty .270win.
Later Roger :
Still kicking and lurking behind the scenes. I can't believe how big this site has grown in such a short time. It is great!
Haven't forgot about those videos I told you about of this past winter and some of the wintering deer we captured. Just haven't been able to get around to dubbing all the tapes together. Did you apply for Wyoming this year? I had to change things up this year as the areas I usually apply for had a bad winter kill...... I guess! Should be an interesting drawing! Been up in the moutains scouting yet? We have been hanging out in the desert country so far this spring seeing what we can find for desert mulies and varmint hunting.
Can't wait to see the video amigo........I only put in for a deer point this year in the Cowboy state. I'm also waiting to see if I get drawn again in CO and the new archery hunt on the Arizona Strip (max points). I'm hoping I can draw one of them......won"t be long now.
Glad to see you on here again.....let us know how the herd is doing when you start getting out there and see some velvet.
62 yrs old and retired.
Something I would like to mention. This is one of a very few sites I'd let my grandchildren look at. Wonderful people here.
My new joy is watching my son take a deer as last year he took his first. Spending time with your kids hunting is the most valuable time a man has.
I also live in Dove Creek Colorado-small world Sneaky. =D>
Have to say chasing mule deer is top on my favorite "to do" list followed by elk, either with bow or muzzleloader. Close behind these, and tops durring the winter, is coyotes. Got started on them a few years ago and quickly became addicted.
::wel to the Madness!
Good luck to all this Fall !
Moose :)
In a few years "when my oldest girl is out of high school" the wife and I are thinking about heading west to Colorado, Wyoming or Montana to live...We both love it out west and being close to the Rockies.
I live in the middle of Arizona, love to bowhunt and use a rifle too, I love old guns and new guns, use them whenever I get a chance!
I Got an archery Kaibab and Archery Bull Elk tag this year, I am so completely STOKED!
Hopefully I can post up some pictures and a story or two in the next few months!
This buck is 26 7/8in wide 4x5 from Western Nebraska(might as well be WY) so darn close to the border. My Best To Date!
This buck was my first of the year. Tall 3x4 about 22in wide
Completely a joke, WELCOME though. :thumb
How are things going in S Texas about now? You folks hunkering down ahead of Hurricane Ike?
Enterprise, Utah. This will be my first rifle deer hunt in 10 years, I prefer muzzleloader hunting, I don't like the crowds on the rifle hunt. I'm probably one of the newest members if not the newest. This is a good site.
thanks for everything on here you guys..hah you guy know so much
I enjoy coyote hunting, rock hounding, sand dunes, camping, fishing, and hope to pick up shed hunting this year. I think this is a great site, thanks for hosting it. :thumb
This site rocks! The information, and obvious comraderie of all of us hunters abounds here! It's good to have a place to go to at the end of the day, and see what other hunters have been up to. There have been some great stories/pics this year, and I look forward to some day (hopefully) posting a picture of some monster bull that committed suicide on my behalf in the Wasatch!
Thanks for a great site!
AKA canyonhunter
Appleman, what's the story behind that monster buck in your avatar?!?! That thing looks like a real BEAST! I'd love to see some more pics of him.
The Madness seems like a nice friendly place.
I'm 55 and live in So.Cal.I've hunted all my life.I hunt exclusively with a rifle.( I'm constantly being abused by my bowhunting buddies) I've thought about picking up a longbow or recurve the last few years,but haven't made a move.I joined in Oct of 2008 just looking for others to talk hunting with and exchange information.I didn't go wrong,great group of people here. :thumb
A Columbian Whitetail with a bow, ay? VERY impressive!
I hunt with all weapons and will likely use a muzz this year in Colorado and my bow here at home. If I can draw the Henry's, I'll use a rifle there, but not a likely deal this year.
Good hunting and a successful season to all.
You have a PM.
Hunting and fishing is what i grew up doing and its what i basically live for! :)
I’m a native to Utah just outside the SLC area. I’ve been hunting since about 14 years of age (about 18 years of hunting). Mule deer are by far my favorite big game to hunt and watch. I’ve hunted deer and elk with bow, rifle, camera and musket. I haven’t always brought home a trophy, but I’ve always had a great time trying. I hike, camp and fish with my kids as much as possible. I’m really looking forward to getting to know everyone here.
Thanks for the great forum.
CONGRATS on your successful draws. Hopefully there are folks here that can help ya out and maybe improve your odds of bringing home that trophy.
Also, if you are successful...PLEASE don't forget to let us know. We LOVE seeing the results of our efforts posted on the boards.
Take care and I look forward to your future posts/pics.
I live in Folsom, CA (Sacramento CO) and bowhunt just about everything I can draw a tag for...A passion for Turkey's (I'm a lil behind this year!) and love the Spring and the Fall months, ok Summer to when I draw the tag [-o< ...I grew up in the Eastern Sierra's (Mammoth Lakes) and never lived in a city until joining the AirForce after high school...
After the Air Force I settled here as this is where I started my career (Now retired!)...Ducks and Pheasants are another passion (Ok, I chase pretty much everything!) and being in the Pacific FlyWay is a kick...
I've hunted AZ, CA, NV, OR, WY, MT, CO, SD, OK, TX at one time or another...Down to CA, NV, OR in the draws this year, so we'll see... [-o< Glad I found this place, as Roy is my mentor...Just doens't know it yet! lol
Per the request... MHG is from Montana. I am more than happy to help anyone who has drawn a tag in Montana, it's what MHG is all about. I truly believe I live in the best state for hunting, I absolutely love it here. The site is great and I look forward to hanging around a little.
Hope you all stick around and enjoy MuleyMadness!
Hooper welcome, And good luck with the 200 incher, take a TON of pics.
MHG welcome to the MADNESS! :thumb If Montana isn't the best state for the outdoors I would sure like to experience the best. 10sign:
New to the site. Love to fling arrows the most and a little lead when needed. Been livin here in Boise Idaho for the past 26 years. Hunted in northern nevada, eastern oregon and southwest Idaho. If you need any info I can help in these areas the most.
This is an Oregon buck I killed in the steens in 08. Goes 210 gross. My biggest to date.
Good grief that buck is HUGE!! 10sign:
I've been a long time lurker and finally decided to join. I grew up on a turkey farm in Central Utah and love hunting, fishing, and just about anything else in the great outdoors. I love chasing deer and elk, and also chase birds when I can find a few. I'm excited for this coming Fall as my Dad drew a late season Manti Elk tag. Yeehaw! This is a great website and if anyone has any questions about the middle part of Utah I'd be more that happy to help out any way I can.
Brett gave me the approval to introduce myself and my business and invite you all to AntlerFest '09 at Cabelas in Lehi, Utah on June 6th.
My name is Chris Snell... I am an authorized dealer of Vortex Optics and other sporting goods that can be viewed on my website...
I know that a lot of you are interested in seeing the latest Vortex Razor Spotting Scope and Kaibab 15X56 binoculars. We will have them at AntlerFest '09 along with other Vortex spotters and binos to demo and hopefully purchase :-) .
I thought it would be interesting for me to share why I picked the name Cowslayer. I chose it for a few reasons... for the longest time I was only successful in drawing cowtags and had never killed a bull elk... until I was lucky enough to draw my bull tag on the Late Nebo tag. Here is the bull that I took on that hunt. What a blast... he scored 340.
Here is my biggest buck so far:
Here are some other pics and animals that we took last year.
Look forward to chating with you on here and at AntlerFest 09.
Just joined the board on May 16th.
l live in Henderson, but spent time in St. George, UT and Cedar City, UT going to school. l am primarily a archery hunter.
l have taken up a different outlook on hunting. Previously, hunting in my family has been more of a family outing (which l have no problem with) where we drove the roads and looked for deer standing within range. My Dad has a bad back and legs, so walking has always been out of the question. Therefore, l really never learned the "art" of hunting. l have killed a handful of deer, forkies and small 3 pointers, but nothing worth showing. Now, l want to learn to hunt the right way. l am excited to learn from the site and understand more about the science of hunting.
l look forward to the knowledge available on the board. Thanks :thumb
My name is Greg.
I grew up in Southern Indiana and started hunting small game with my father in 1964 at the age of 10.
In 1984 I took a job with XI Archery as a technician and worked there until Jan. 1996.
In 1996 I took a job with an aerospace manufacturer ( Lucky for me, because XI folded within a couple of years) and continued to hunt until I was transferred to the Indianapolis plant in 2004.
Hunting in Central Indiana is next to impossible unless you want to hunt with a couple of thousand others so I quit.
I know this thread is getting long for an introduction so here's the deal:
I have wanted to hunt Elk and Mule Deer in the Rockies for a long time but know absolutely nothing about it.
I have lurked on a few hunting forums and this seems like the place to get the info I need.
I know I'm not getting any younger so I will start a thread titled 2010- a hunt odyssey so I won't clog up the pages and those who are willing can help me with my goals.
Thanks for your time.
Just joined April 28th there is a lot of information that Ive been reading on the boards and decided to join. Im Cody -29 from Salt Lake been here all my life, I have hunted small game until a couple years ago when I decided to go for bigger animals and LOVED IT from the start! I really wish I would have started sooner. I just bought a bow (Mathews DXT) to start hunting with that too… It looks awesome and everyone I know says its way better than with a rifle. I generally hunt the General Deer Northeastern Unit but Im going to start applying for all other species and the LE and Premium areas.
Anyway, looking forward to this community and the info we can all share.
...oh yeah, name's Austin!
Bob Jr.
I have really enjoyed this site this and look forward to contributing.
This is by far the best group of folks in the online hunting community, hands down :thumb
I just a every day guy who has a family to suport while trying to hunt
live to hunt,
You guys that live out west dont know how good you have it. I cant walk 1/2 mile in my neck of the woods without hitting blacktop. I would love to live out there, but family keeps me in PA. Maybe someday I will head out west.
I live in Colorado and I live to bow hunt,shed hunt and fish. Feel free to ask if you have other questions! I am looking forward to learning from you guys and with the exception of the specific areas I hunt I am willing to share anything I can that may help someone else.
Best of luck to all in the up coming hunts.
I'm in the AF stationed in Okinawa right now. I am supposed to be gettin stationed at Peterson in the next month. I was raised in Oklahoma. My dad and i are die hard hunters. Have not really hunted too much since i joined the AF in '06, but thats all gonna change when i come back to the states. Love hunting whitetails and duck hunting. I don't know much about muleys so i fugrued i better find some info... :)
It has been a while but I am here and glad to touch base with you guys/gals. I live in Star Valley, Wy and posted a couple videos of a few big bucks 2 years ago. I was never able to tag one but last year my wife and I filled our first Mule deer tag together at 9,5000 ft! It was a great experience.....and let me tell you there is nothing like having morning coffee with a mule deer hanging on the wall! I look forward to being more active this year!
I live in Southeast Kansas where the humidity is unbearable in the summer. I like to travel west during the summer to get away from it all. I lived in colorado most of my life until 15 years of age when I moved to kansas and now I am 28. I mainly hunt Whitetails in kansas. I have shot numerous whitetails in the 160" mark. Now I am looking for a good mule deer. I am an avid archery hunter but I will break out the rifle if need be...haha. Glad to be part of the muleymadness group. Feel free to say hey anytime...
I am an "avid" 39yr old big game hunter residing in Reno, Nv. I have been a short-time lurker of the Muley Madness Forum and now am a member. Nothing like gettin' excited for the upcoming fall hunting season and talkin' shop. I just found out in the last two wks. that I'll be hunting Mule Deer in Nv. and elk in NM. this fall. Needless to say, I will also be checking out how everyone else did too!
To me it is very impressive how much info and help a person learns from these forums. All of the different opinions and views on the many topics is great. I only hope I can help someone out as much.
Carry on!!!
I'm a newbie here. I have lived in central utah all my life but hunt in every state that is willing to give me a tag.
I really enjoy archery but will hunt with anything from a slingshot to a rifle. I also love shed hunting and photography, i will work on getting some photos on here soon.
I have been lucky enough to draw an archery antelope tag in utah and a archery deer tag in new mexico so far this year. I am still crossing my fingers for wyoming and arizona to throw me a tag (you can never have too many tags!)
Looking forward to getting to know a few crazy people who share the same passion
My name is Fred Blevins, my buddies call me SPIKE, I'm 58 yrs young, I live in Brentwood, Ca. and have been hunting & fishing for about 30 yrs. Wyoming, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Nevada,Montana, Idaho,Oregon, New Mexico, Mexic0, Canada, and Africa. It has cost me a few starter wives but I finally kissed the right frog and she turned into a princess. Looking forward to swapping stories, sharing ideas, and the general comraderie. Any X3B tagholders out there,I drew by myself and am in heavy research mode as we speak.
Please stick around, share your stories and photos, and help the other members make this site even better.
I am 30 yrs old, born and raised in Las Vegas. I have been hunting mule deer since I was 12 (when I can draw). Also will put in for Antelope and Elk. Right now I only hunt rifle, but look forward to trying archery in the future.
Also, if others are interested, I hunt quail and chukar each year, and have been successful in Southern Nevada.
Glad to be aboard!
I am from Pittsburgh, PA and am 34 years old. I am an avid outdoors man and enjoy both hunting and fishing. I have made multiple elk trips to Colorado in the past and hunt whitetail every year. As far as fishing is concerned I am a trout fisherman. I like the swift mountain waters the best!
Thanks for having me around :thumb
Nice to meet you and always good to hear from someone with roots in the valley. I have lived here for 5 years and really love it! I would love to see pics or hear about any of your SV hunting stories..... this area has so many big bucks its unbelievable.... of course you have to get up on top to see them! I filmed a nice big buck in 07' but he gave me the slip..... I was a cherry until last .... he looks really good on the wall!
Talk again soon....
I like to do backpack hunts in our wilderness areas (Alps and Emigrant) and typically one to two out of state trips a year (depending on the draws).
I prefer the stick and string, but I'm not opposed to putting in for a good rifle or muzzleloader hunt.
I am from Northern Indiana, I love to hunt, especially in states out west and canada.
I shoot competition archery
I love to fish in the off season.
looks like a great place to hang out :thumb
My name is Scott Spencer and I'm from Birmingham, AL. No, you won't find mule deer in Alabama but I have always had a fascination with them! I've only hunted out west once and that was last year where I took my first elk (6x6).
I wasn't successful with the antelope draw in WY this year but I managed to get a general muley tag.
I doubt I can contribute anything to the board but I'll sure be an avid reader and most likely ask some questions. :)
Humbolt county Hu??? Welcome aboard. Nice to have you.
To many places hunt to not enough time!
I'm a flatlander from Mobile, AL who pines for the West 24-7. I've been bowhunting Elk & Muleys in NM, ID, & CO since 91' and recently Desert Muleys in SW Texas. I have learned evrything I know (Very Little) the hard way, on my own, and have still managed to luck up on some great animals over the years. I hope I can contribute in some way to this great forum as I have taken quite a bit from it as a reader.
Thanks for providing such a great platform for hunters.
I had to join this site after reading how people interact with eachother. The term "online community" is usually a farce but here you really get the sense people are there for you if they can help. Thanks to all that have already assisted me and I hope some day I can return the favor.
Keep up the great work Brett and all other moderators and please keep posting all the great pics with the stories people. Makes me wanna jump in the truck when I see all the game on this site!
Lets see i just moved to Utah a couple of months ago. I lived in Idaho, Texas, Arizona, Utah, S. Korea. I have a 5 yr old daughter. I have never shot an elk, but i have been hunting for them once with my dad when i was 10 and of course we got a nice cow. Im pretty much 26yrs old. As of now i am in the Air Force stationed at Hill AFB. I have hunted deer in Texas and loved it.
I am and have always been a diehard hunter and outdoorsman. I originally grew up in the great state of Oregon and moved to Utah 2 years ago for my work. I grew up hunting blacktails and muleys in Oregon and recently drew my first ever antelope tag this year for Wyoming. I was always a rifle hunter up until last year when I made the leap to bowhunting. Bowhunting is the most rewarding form of hunting I've ever done and I was successful in my first year taking a P&Y muley that grossed 165 and change. This year I drew a Fillmore Oak Creek archery elk tag and am looking forward to the challenge that the unit will bring. I'm more than willing to share info with good people and you just never know what that guy you're sharing info with will know about your current/future tags as well. Well that's a short intro about myself and I'm glad to be a member of the site. Sounds like a great site and I look forward to contributing.
As usual I am after a good one. Here is a photo of my best mulie to date and can you believe that when I first saw him I passed him up but I went back abiout an hour later after thinking about it. I am glad that I did .He weighed about 400 pounds live.He is lacking in the front forks but it's a keeper.
Hopefully this year will be as good
My name is Dave. I live in Wisconsin. I'm an avid bowhunter, and everything that goes with bowhunting.( Trail cameras, tree stands, scouting, and glassing) I live in southwest Wisconsin, along the might Mississippi River. I also enjoy rabbit hunting with beagles,Turkey hunting, rifle/muzzelloader huntng for deer, and the occasional raccon hunt with hounds. I pretty much just enjoy hunting in general. I've worked in a factor in Prairie du Chien WI for the past 7 years, and have a wonderful fiance and two kids. Who also enjoy the outdoors. I'm going on my first mule deer hunt this September in South Dakota and would like to get input on mule deer hunting and would love to give advise to anyone on whitetail hunting or anything. Thanks Dave
Can't wait to start trading news/opinions on this site
I am starting to really fall in love with hunting the mule deer. It is quickly taking over all my hunting attention. Thanks to your site for giving the photos to inspire all new desires of hunting the greatest animal out there. I will try to kill a bull elk early in the season this year for archery and then spend as much time finding a trophy muley. Unfortunately a large mule deer has eluded me in the past, but I really feel it is my time. I have been getting into shape and am ready to spend a lot of time in the high alpine areas, even though my wife is not so thrilled. The word obsession doesn't even come close; every time I look at the bare walls in my house after 16yrs of hunting and several small kills I can only hope it is time for the big one!!!
Thanks To all for the info I have already gotten just from reading misc. posts.
Thanks Ryan
I live in Utah and enjoy big and small game hunting. I joined after reading several posts and found the info to be useful. With the limited time I have to hunt anymore its nice to hear what has worked and has not worked for others so I can make my hunts high quality. Thanks.
Aside from hunting I also enjoy snowshoeing, hiking, archery tournaments, shed hunting, and most any other outdoor activity I can find time to do.
Born and raised in Heber City, now live in Provo. Love to hunt. Been using a muzzleloader for about the past 15 years. Have a Book Cliffs deer tag for September. Just got back from there this last weekend. What an Awesome place. Just stumbled on this forum by accident. Glad I did. Thanks!
I have seen a lot of Utah from the air, and I have to say we have some amazing country in this great state! To bad I don't get many oppurtunities to scout for animals while flying, but I have got to see some great deer, and elk.
I will try to help fellow hunters as much as I possibly can!!! Also Great sight!
I have been browsing this site for a year or so now, so I guess it's time to check in. I live just outside of Burns, Oregon. I have lived in southeast Oregon for most of my life. I love hunting mule deer most of all, but I don't think that there is anything that I wouldn't like to hunt.
I am off to Wyoming this fall for my first out of state hunt. I am hoping to connect with one of those big, region D bucks.
I look forward to sharing info and pics whenever I can. Here is the address to my blog, I have a couple of stories, and some pictures on there.
I am an avid hunter, now living in Southern California. I've been hunting for 25+ years now, and really enjoy pig and mule deer hunting. I regularly hunt California and Idaho on self guided hunts where I have been fairly sucessfull throughout the years. I recently found this site while searching for information on zones I drew this year. This year I lucked out and drew Utah Book Cliffs Mule Deer Muzzleloader, New Mexico Unit 16A Bull Elk Rifle and Colorado Unit 70 Mule Deer 3rd Season Rifle. I can't wait to pick through the Archives on this site to gain any type of information that might help me on this years hunts and lend any of my knowledge gained from these areas or previously hunted areas to other forum members. Any type of information would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Just wanted to say thank you to all the administrators and fellow hunters on this site. I have been on other Mule Deer sites but this one is the best by far. Thanks again and I look forward to sharing info and just talkin hunting....
I am form AZ. I have been hunting the desert for my whole life, and love it out there. i dont have the patience to wait for strip tag so i hunt in diffrent areas every year and love it. I have a rifle tag this year in 18A if anyone wants to help me out with a starting point that would be amazing. I am spending more time this year hunting/scouting because it will be my last hunt in some time. I will be going active duty USMC the week after the hunt and moving far away from the desert.
Just started hunting after being bugged by my brother for years. I live in the Northern suburbs of Denver. I have always been a shooter and fisherman but am new to hunting.
Going Muzzleloader season in area 51. I have a cow elk tag and the bro a Muley buck tag (he got a buck there last year and saw a bunch more). Going to camp in the Rampart Range/Jackson Creek area and work opening weekend really hard.
Got a CVA Wolf blackpowder rifle that I am comfortable shooting at a variety of distances.
Going 2nd season rifle in area 38 for a Muley doe. Picked this tag up in the leftover license draw. Going to check out Golden Gate State Park and the Mount Evans State Wildlife area that I have already started scouting.
Using a Remington 30-06 for this trip.
Looking for Grouse along the way too.
Happy hunting.
Each year I return to the Rockies for the annual non-guided fair chase Elk and Muley hunting trip in Colorado.
I typically hunt unit 28 (Kelly Creek), OTC bull and special draw Muley buck for third season rifle.
Mons Montis Vir.
My stepson, his dad and I put in for elk, turkey, and deer. Last year: Bull Elk. --skunked--
This year Kaibab horney first rifle !!!
I probably don't have much to input but I'll try to participate as much as possible.
I'm 35 years old. I'm married, with 2 really cool kids. I was born and raised on a Pennsylvania dairy farm. The farm is no longer in operation, but my wife and I, now own the property,and have built our home here. I'm self employed, and will hunt anything that moves. I'm a bowhunter, but not above breaking out the rifle or muzzleloader for an occational hunt. I've hunted the Routt national Forest in Colorado on and off for 12 years now. I absolutely love the mountians and thin air. I've been lucky enough to have taken 3 decent bulls, but never a buck. Hopefully I'll draw a tag in 2010. I probably don't have a lot to offer the regulars of this site, but maybe in the future. All advice is appreciated.
I'm a brand new member and have enjoyed looking through some of the old posts. I moved from far northern California where I grew up killing 2 blacktails a year and mule deer when I could get drawn, to Springville Utah where I work as a telecom tech for the UP railroad. The only thing that comes close to killing an animal is helping someone else kill one so I think I will fit in well here. I posted my recent antelope hunt and would be more than glad to help any of those who have one more weekend to bag their own Utah speedgoat. I look forward to chatting with you all. Springville Shooter.
You all are ::wel at my campfire anytime....
Good huntin to ya.
I am an active-duty Soldier in the US Army. I gained a love for the mountains Skiing as a kid and serving in Afghanistan and Kosovo. I love to bowhunt whitetails and Elk, and do quite a bit of Pheasant and Waterfowl hunting as well. I just shot my first turkey spring of 09.
I am looking forward to expanding my hunting experiences by getting into Mule Deer hunting, and spot and stalk spring bear hunting. I am sure I will be addicted by the end of this season.
Lokk forward to talking with you guys
My name is matt and I am 26 years old, I was born and raised in Clarion Pennsylvania. Needless to say I don't know much about western hunting but watch a lot of it on the outdoor channel. I was introduced to this site from sneekeepete from Utah, Pete and I have a couple of things in common we both love to hunt and we both hate living in Jacksonville NC. Bow hunting, Whitetails, and turkey are my obsession but I am looking foward to hunting the west one of these days. From what I can see this is a really cool site and I am sure I will learn a lot from it.
Love to hunt, Love the mountains, hiking, the get the point. Starting going with my dad when I was 8........been hooked ever since....and I'm 34.
Hunt Elk, deer, bear and cougar once in awhile. Muley is my favorite. I have a passion for muley.
The bad part is I'm in NorthEastern Washington....which means high, thick timber Muleys. And they def. know their own back yard. No glassing across the ridges here........patience is really the only option.
So yeah...........hoping to get tips and hear great stories and see awesome pics....
I'm all about everything Muley.....
i am 31 i live in southern arizona i am a jorneyman lineman i usually hhunt coues deer rifle and then rut hunt mullies during archery i love to hunt my wife doesnt really like but shes got a rifle hunt this year. i have been a looker on this site for a long time and just looking to learn anything and everything i can alot of good info. here thanx.
great site
Didn't get one but had some stalks and now I'm addited, I be back next year. Married with two kids so I try to include them in my trips when possible.
This website is awesome and this will be a huge part of my learning to hunt this beautiful country. You who have been fortunate enough to grow up here in the mountains and hunt these big game animals are very lucky and now I consider myself lucky!
I love to bowhunt elk and mulies here on the east side of our state. I love to take my son along with me while I'm out chasing animals.
I also have gotten into horn huntin alot now also in the last couple of years. I have a one year old wirehaired pointer that I have been working with to help me out along the way.
I have 13 points saved up now that should give me a 24% chance at the premier archery tag for a rut hunt in my home unit, so I am crossing my fingers. I have been scouting this unit heavily every November for the last 4 years.
I have lurked here for a little bit, and it seems like a great site so hopefully I will be able to contribute to it.
Name's Kevin I'm 30y/0 and live near Redmond, Wa. The family has been deer hunting near Conconully for about 40 years, believe it or not we've been lucky enough to camp at the same spot every time. I couldn't afford a rifle so I dogged for everyone else starting at the age of 12 and carried a shotgun for camp meat. Awesome grouse country up there. Got a Model 700 .30-06 for my 19th B-day and only got to hunt with it once before I joned the army. I still got birds though, always carry a few tracers with me because the won't blow the bird up.
Returned just in time for the 2004 season and got my first deer this year. I also hunt elk south of CleElum in the Gnat flats/Buck Meadows area out of "The Order of the Wild Turkey" camp. Missed a shot at my first spike the last day of the season last year, but I was able to bring home the branch that deflected my bullet :thumb . Can't get any more time off this year so I'll only be up there for the opening weekend this season, but hey, I gotta try for a double. Might have to buy a new freezer if I pull it off though.
If you find yourself at the south end of the Sinlahekan valley (north end of Fish Lake) stop by the camp with the American Flag and say hi, same goes for the Wild Turkey Camp. Believe it or not our deer camp is world famous. Shortly after I got to Iraq I transfered companies to become a team leader and ran into a guy who not only grew up in that area but also knew our deer camp (small world). We used to hook a couple of old army tents together for a chow-hall and card room. Well with the flag being up and green tents with "U.S." on the side we were frequently mistaken for rangers/game wardens. White tents now but still got the flag.
Happy hunting
Hope to learn more as the sage and tough stalks got in my blood. Let the adventure begin..
Otherwise, I just like getting out, fresh air, lack of people, God's Country
I thought I might post on Muley Madness as-well.
I mainly hunt areas 39 and 43 here in Idaho. Looking to get into shed hunting this year also.
that said,i`m from the Verde valley in central AZ
i`ve killed a few muleys in my time :thumb
Thats a link to my first mule deer.
I am new to this forum, I just found it, but i belong to several others.
my name is Kevin Buckmaster, i live in Vicksburg, Michigan, i am 57 years old, married, and own a small Pest Control Company.
being from Mi, i have been a whitetail hunter all my life, but for the most part i don't hunt them anymore.
i made the mistake of going Elk hunting about 6 years ago, and now i am addicted to it, it is all i think about. as soon as i get home from one trip i start planning next years trip. i do DIY rifle hunts, every year now i go out west for 2 weeks. it has been a big learning curve from deer hunting, but i got my first Bull this year in Montana, no monster by any means, but a decent 4 x 6 on public land. i enjoy mule deer hunting to, but elk is my main focus.
from what i have seen so far this looks like a nice site, i am looking forward to talking with everyone here.
My name is Sergio and I am from Southern California. I have been hunting for about 10 years now. I mainly hunt for Muleys in the Angeles and Los Padres National Forest. In those ten years, I have only harvested 2 deer (hence the name). I hunt with a rifle mainly and as of last year, I started using a bow.
I mainly hunt solo cause not a lot of my friends share the same passion. My cousin and uncle do share the same passion but they have to work a lot.
I'll post up some pics when I get home cause right now I am using my comp at work.
I hope to learn a few things and at the same time share some of my experiences with you all.
I lived in Elma Washington for a year. I hunted blacktail while I was there and those salmon runs were amazing on the Chehalis and Satsop rivers! I have to say I grew tired of all the rain though...
I look forward to seeing your reports from the rainy country, try to keep the moss off of those sheds.
A few of us are just starting up a hunting/filming business. Should be fun! Look forward to meeting you all. Thanks
Monte Miles
Woo Hoo another Washingtonian. Welcome, when I was a kid Deer season was 2 weeks long and started about when it ends now. Thanks to the Democrats it's really gone down hill. I really hope that someday they'll bump deer and elk season back a week or 2 where the used to be.
Hunted mulies the past two years in the AZ desert and hope to get back as often as I can. Also apply in every western state for as much as I can each year. Look forward to the discussions.
I have one favorite hunting partner and that's my father. We try to hunt as much as our schedules allow. We spend majority of that time tag teaming big eastern gobblers here in PA. Dad and I enjoy watching the other have success just as much as we enjoy our own success.
Speaking of success, I'm a very humble person but I will say turkey hunting is something we are very, very good at. To this date we have harvested may excellent Tom's with our biggest being a triple beard, 1 3/8" spur monster. Needless to say we hunted that bird almost every day of the season and finnaly got him into range on the last tuesday. I guess that's why I love turkey hunting so much, it's a giant chess match. You make a move, that big boss gobbler makes a counter move, and then you need to try and counter him. Sometimes you win, sometimes he wins, it's skill and stratigy at it's finest. I guess like you elk hunters during the rut!!!
Anyway something we have bad luck in, Elk. We are 0-2 on elk hunts to date. Our first hunt was 3 years ago in British Columbia. Hunted 9 days and saw no shooters. Only one small bull and two cows the first day, after that nothing. The weather killed us, it was in the mid 80's all week. Our 2nd hunt was this past fall in Montana. We hunted 7 days and never saw an elk. We were in some of the roughest, rugid, country you can imagine. We saw, sheep, goats, mule deer (does) and heard wolves. But never saw even a flash of elk. So two "guided" elk hunts and haven't even seen something to get excited about.
So we are on here to learn more about elk hunting and to meet new people. We are thinking about going on another hunt in 2011, this time to Utah. We'll see. All I know is I want nothing more then to take Dad's photo standing next to a bull. We are not talking a 330 class bull like most people are after, heck after the struggles of our last two hunts, any legal bull would be a trophy of a life time.
Well enough rambling for now. I hope to learn a lot and meet a lot of good people here. If anyone has any questions about turkey hunting, hit me up, I'm more than happy to help.
This may not be the right forum for it, but where did you hunt elk in MT? 7 days in elk country without seeing any seems odd. Western PA? Go Stillers?
We hunted near Plains, MT. First rate outfit, we just have rotten luck.
Yes, go Steelers!!! We bleed back & gold
Blue & White..... "We are... PENN STATE"
go steelers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
or should i say pittsburgh sixers???? HOW MANY RINGS YOU GOT?!?!?!?!?!
looking forward to reading posts.
Anyway, look forward to reading your posts and hopefully adding my two cents here and there. Being back in Utah and once again able to tread the paths chiseled by hoof and claw in the great Rocky Mountains has seemed to add a bit more go to my giddyup... =D>
I've been an avid whitetail hunter for 20 years. Love archery hunting and recently began scouting and bivy hunting in new mexico. Never seen a site with such friendly folk that love the sport and all it has to offer. Thanks for the opportunity to read your stories and love the pics.
Good Luck
Robby King
I was born and raised in Orofino Idaho, the home of the Maniacs and have always been an avid whitetail hunter. Life may take me south to boise where recently i have been finding out is awesome Muley country. I want so badly to hunt these great deer this year and have been trying to research areas to hunt. Thinking i need to go and make friends with some large land owning farmers. Any info would be great if you have some. I took and made my longest shot at a whitetail last year. just over 400 yards, one shot kill with my Ruger M77 .300 win mag. gotta love those Federal Fusions, they shoot great out of my rifle. need to invest in a new optics set bino, scope and spotter. also need to get a range finder. anyways its late and im rambling please except my apologies. hope to talk some new friends soon :thumb
I am new to the site and aready got some help and good info for hunting this year thank you. I grew up hunting everything in Northern Cal. I have moved to Idaho and have started hunting all over the state to fine an area that I realy like. I bow hunt and gun hunt and mostly hunt in the fall for anything with 4 legs. I do make it back to Cal for the Abalone diving and spearfishing oh and see the family too.
Yes, I joined your forum to ask for some help as most do. My father(67) and I drew archery deer tags in Utah's Book Cliffs and are very exited about hunting mule deer. I understand lots of people are kind of a "one and done", after they get there info from you all. I have been reading old post for a while now and enjoy all the info and chat I have read. I plan on sticking around and hope I can help someone out and get too know you all. :))
its that time of the year when I troll boards looking for information :) so I've signed up here. I live in Colorado and enjoy hunting deer and elk each year (and whatever else I get lucky enough to draw).
I look forward the interaction on the board.
After a few years of trying got my first tage for area 101 in NV. Pulled it with my Father-in-law, who is more experience, but has never hunted this area.
Thanks in advance and good luck to all others.
I have lived in Alaska since 1996 to present,,Before that Alamosa, Co. I'm a die hard bow hunter which gives the critters a huge advantage,, I own and fly PA-18 super cub, We live in a awesome place, We white water raft, Catch king,red salmon and also have a fish wheel on the Copper River, I drew a very cool tag in New Mexico unit 2B for Jan 2011, Looking forward to a adventure!!
I am a mulie and elk beginner, hunted TX whitetails for a long time, now living in N.E. NM and have caught the bug for mulies since my son's first hunt last year. I started to poke around here late last year when my 10 yo son got a OTC youth tag for deer in unit 30 in southern NM. I ended up kind of winging the trip since it was a last minute deal, but it turned out for the best. His first hunt ended with taking a nice 3x4 buck on day 3 of his hunt. (I don't know who was more excited!!) I decided to join the forum this year since my son and I both ended up drawing deer in unit 30 and elk in unit 16e. There is alot of great info on this site and the people seem great as well. Since last fall was my first attempt at mulies and this will be the first for elk, I have alot to learn, and not much to offer yet, but hopefully down the road I can lend some help to the others here.
I've been following around my dad for 10 years and been carrying around my gun for 4 I think. My dad has brainwashed me not to shoot small bucks, and I'm glad he has. Smaller bucks just don't do it for me, I have yet to kill my first buck but have been scouting hard this year and have found some decent bucks and have became more addicted to the sport.
Always up for some good goose hunting. :thumb
36 years old, married with a five year old. Live and work in Fort Collins, CO...originally from Michigan. Relatively new to Mule Deer and Elk in CO but hunted in Michigan on and off over the years. Have hunted the last two years in the high country and am still on the uphill side of a steep learning curve. My interest/obsession is primarily hunting with leverguns...specifically all things Marlin. I also can be found hanging out on the MarlinOwners forums and MonsterMuleys under the same username. Great site...looking forward to contributing where possible.
thank you brian
I'm a disabled Vet and my VA comp is the only household income. Supports the family fine, but we're hoping hunting for food will help cut the monthly food costs. I'm not really into the idea of trophy hunting myself so much as just enjoying a hunt. I'm a decent shot with my rem 770 (I know, I should have bought the 700 instead) 270. I bought an OTC spike bull/any legal weapon tag for this fall and am probably going to use it in the Book Cliffs since I live right against them. I also have a northern region buck tag that was bought OTC for me so I'll try to put it to use too. I did put in for antlerless as well, but if I don't get a draw, I'll be watching for any leftovers.
Anyways, I look forward to getting to meet other hunters, and hope eventually I'll learn enough to be able to contribute to helping other new hunters too.
I am an avid and obsessed fly fisherman but have never hunted. Most of my outdoor experience is in mountaineering, backpacking, rock climbing and hiking.
I have been really wanting to hunt Mule Deer for about five years now and I'm finally starting to take the steps to learn how. I'm really looking forward to the challenge!
I can't contribute much here with relation to hunting but I have worked with multiple land management agencies and have a fair deal of wilderness and fly fishing experience that I hope to share in these boards.
Anyway, that's a little bit about me. Hi!
South Texas born and raised..Grew up hunting and fishing in the South, guided two years in Montana hunting elk, muley, goat, sheep, black bear, an an occasional moose hunter.. Really didn't get the muley fever until my first desert muley hunt in Sonora, Mexico three years ago. Have points through the public draw system in Montana for a goat tag but looking to get more "in" on the western drawing systems. Like I said, grew up in south texas hunting on leases, private ranches, etc...guided in the absarokas in montana...friends with numerous PH's in SA...but way GREEN on the drawing, public hunting, best spots..etc tips of the trade in the west. Looking forward to learning from yall. And really looking forward to a big muley.
I'm Dan from Arizona. I started hunting when I was about 12 years old in Oregon for deer with Archery. Moved to Southern California, then Alaska, back to California and now Phoenix area.
I took my first elk two years ago and am now hooked for life. My 19 year old son shares the same passion for the outdoors and hunting and I look forward to hunting muleys with him in Oct.
I prefer archery but hunt with a rifle as well when the opportunity presents itself.I'll be 40 this year and wish I hadn't missed the last 25 years of hunting. Grwing up in Oregon with a great father who loved the outdoors planted a seed in me that is at full blossom now. Although he didn't hunt, we were always hiking and camping and thus grew my love for nature. I guess I can thank my Uncle for taking me on my first bow hunt at age 12. It was an experience I will never forget.
I'm a northwest native and reside in NW Washington now. My father taught me how to fish but never carried on the hunting tradition my Grandfather laid down. It's been a desire of mine to hunt and a few years back I got my chance. An acquaintance of mine lost his partner and he invited me along to have him "show me the ropes" and let me provide some comic relief too I'm sure.
3 days in the field and I took a healthy 3x3 @ 150 yards. Missed an opportunity last year and I'm looking forward to getting out again this year. I'm always learning and will gladly lend a hand when I've got something worth while to share. :)
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."
I live in Star Valley Wy and have been a member for the last few years. It is good to see such a great turn out/ membership/ head count. Good luck to everyone this season.
I am new to this site and am gonna tell you a bit about me.
I live in Reno, Nevada, right next to some of the best muleys in the world. I have hunted since i was 11and have loved the outdoors for as long as i can remember. My favorite units in Nevada are Mt. Rose, Sheldon NWR, and 161-164. This year I drew the Sheldon NWR and cant wait till the start of muzzleloader season. Good luck to everyone and have a great day! :))
I live in the Salt Lake area and dig the outdoors. When I'm not in the woods I am usually working on being a better marksman. I've been involved in service match and tactical competitions for awhile.
You guys have a great board here.
I have a wife and two sons. We are a hunting and fishing family. When we're not chasing specks and reds along the Louisiana coast, we are preparing for or actually hunting.
I work a full time job with AT&T--I don't run the company, I just work there.
When not at work, I am Fire Chief of our community Volunteer Fire Department:
In 2006, I was invited on my first ever hunting trip out west. I had the pleasure of hunting in Garfield County, Colorado for Elk. That hunt has changed my life forever. I have been fortunate to have tagged a bull on both hunts I have made so far. (2006 & 2008) You can check out my videos on YouTube. Search for BADrury1.
I will be returning this October to once again experience the beauty of the Rockies. We hunt on Public Land and are DIY hunters. I have blown some good opportunities, but happy to have had them. I only know what I have read on these forums and what little I have observed while walking around the mountains.
I am a member of the RMEF. I believe we must all do our part to preserve our land and our rights to hunt. As a Veteran of the US Navy, I feel it is our duty to maintain the rights and freedoms that have been earned by those before us--Never Forget.
Someday, when I'm feeling adventurous, I plan to head out for archery season. I know the thrill of taking a whitetail with a bow. I can't imagine taking an Elk or a Muley with my bow. One day, after I learn more about what the heck I'm doing, I'll give it a try.
I look forward to reading everyones posts. Good Luck
Got a minute right now to put my feet up and introduce myself to you while taking a break from ridge running.
My name is Chris and I'm from TX, Originally born and raised in northern IL, moved to FL for most of my years and now call TX my home state. I love it all outdoors and am willing to try a new adventure at a drop of the hat(like now hunting Muleys in SW CO). I am happily married with 2 wonderful children and enjoy ebery aspect of life. I look forward to continuing this addiction and learning lots and making friends over time, maybe one day we will share spike camp looking for the floppy eared hammer horned monster of the back bowl. Good luck to all this season and foremost be safe. :thumb :thumb
Thanks for creating just a great site everyone.
I live on the Texas gulf coast and I have hunted whitetails all my life but I have never been on a mule deer hunt. Yesterday I found out that I was drawn for a mule deer hunt at Matador WMA in the Texas panhandle. YEE HA! I was hoping to get a few pointers from you good folks before heading out in December.
Good hunting!
I'm a Utah man, living in Northern Utah up near the Uintah Mountains.
I generally hunt the general rifle hunt in Southern Utah, until the draw became so tight, now it's every 2-3 years I draw for Southern and the other years whatever area I end up with. :)
I've done a few years of the Muzzleloader here in UT with little luck. I'm here primarily to see what advice everyone has to offer on the Central Region for the general rifle this year, but would be more than willing to provide feedback where I can that will hopefully help some of you all out as well.
If you happen to know a thing or two about the Central Region please find my post in the MuleyMadness forum and help me out.
Any info that you want to share about this late hunt will be appreciated so much! Thanks in advance...It should make for a fun story, if nothing else.
I'm a lawyer and father of 5 awesome kids (2 boys and 3 girls). Frankly, I thought big game would be a good route to create father/son time with my boys. Right now they're 7 and 9, so I have a little time to get to learn this sport better before I take them out. That's why I'm here - there's a wealth of knowledge here, and I really appreciate being able to read your opinions, etc. It's been a lot of help.
So, that's me...
Chris - live about 35 miles out outside of Philly, but man do you guys have some landscape and game out your way!!!!! I have always wanted to take a muley and/or elk!
Married - 2 kids, 3rd on the way. Just started taping my own hunting adventures - posted in the Muley General forum - username = C_Carr316
Thanks for having me!
My name is Chad - I'm 40, and got hooked on hunting just 3 years ago. I'm half Utahn, half Californian (lived half my life in each) - but until recently, have been a city boy. I've recently fallen in love w/the outdoors. Fishing & hunting mainly - but in general I just love to be up in the mountains.
Unlike most people I know here in Utah, I don't have relatives or friends who hunt. Seems that every acquaintance I know who hunts has a big group of family they hunt with, and usually a secret spot or connections to private land etc. It has been extremely difficult for me, despite the vast resources on the internet, to break into this hobby and successfully fill tags.
Haven't yet even had an opportunity to shoot my gun. In my 3 years, I've seen 1 elk - that's it. That's with many days in the field each year, hiking into some very remote areas (trying to avoid the crowds on public land), using ATVs to get deep into areas, using my spotting scope, getting up at 3 or 4 am & going all day till dark, etc.
While I love being outdoors in the mountains, I am getting frustrated that I never seem to see animals. I've never filled any of these tags - never even shot my gun (or my bow, which I carried around w/me last fall chasing elusive bucks not too far from Kamas ... very fun, almost got to shoot at one .... ).
I'm sort of handicapped as a hunter due to being color blind. I love & respect deer and elk in large part due to their amazing ability to stay hidden & out of range etc. But for me, it is much harder to spot them than for most people. In the off season, a fishing buddy is constantly spotting them in the hills near pk city, and even with him pointing at them & telling me where to look, I have a hard time seeing them due to my red-green color blindness. Frustrating to have that defect & now fall in love w/this sport ](*,) .
This year, I plan to take my 9 year old son up with me to hunt spike elk. If you know of any specific places that allow atvs (we have rented a side-by side) & where I can be away from the crowds & have a good chance at a spike, please let me know. I really want him to see animals and have a great experience so that he'll want to go again w/me & so that it will develop into a tradition. I'm already too late w/my 15 yr old - he simply has no interest in coming w/me & I'm not going to force him.
I'm slowly beginning to build up my points to someday draw out a LE tag for elk ... when I do, I hope to take a nice bull w/my bow, but will switch to rifle if I can't.
Any help you can give me would be appreciated big time. I'd find a way to return the favor or even pay w/cash if someone tips me off to a specific place to hunt that produces. I've learned that there are certain LE units that are more desireable than others ... monroe, pahvant, dutton, book cliffs, - but I have no idea where in those areas to hunt. They all cover huge parts of Utah that I know nothing about, so anyone who can get specific with me would be a huge help. I'm also open to finding a hunting buddy or group & would pay for the Rhino/Razor rental etc. I'm also open to paying a trespass fee for the right access if that will get me away from the crowds & into more animals.
Thanks a ton for keeping up this forum & posting such awesome pics of great animals.
I have also spent several years learning the "ins and outs" of the Utah big game drawing system and have been compiling data since 2006. Several of my friends have suggested that I make my spreadsheets available for a reasonable price. They can be found on
I look forward to sharing my success and continue reading yours. I'll also help out in any way that I can with info.
A little about me....I am originally from Washington, where I hunted Mule Deer and Elk, as well as upland and waterfowl. I joined the AF ten years ago, and have been on the move since. Currently I reside in South Carolina about 25 miles w/nw of Charleston. These days most of my hunting in SC is focused on Whitetails. I have traveled to TN and AL to hunt ducks, but that is about it. I have also gone back to WA to hunt mulies with my buddies, and am supposed to be there right now but instead I got hooked for a deployment to the middle east.
I have cruised the site for some time now, just not as a member. This is a great site, and I hope to contribute in any way I can! :thumb
New to forum but not hunting. Been hunting for nearly 33 yrs - Grew up in Nevada City, Calif and have hunted exclusively in the D3-5 and X7 zones most of my life. Have taken my share of meat bucks and a couple nice ones. 4 years ago I scored a nice 500lbs black bear that now rests at teh foot of our bed as a rug. I've been elk hunting seriously twice with an outifitter in Wyoming - love that area! - haven't scored my wallhanger yet as both times over 3 years its been warm & dry. I've also hunt regularly in Idaho near Salmon (seems to be an every other year event for me and my brother) and have hunted twice in Colorado for deer.
I think that's about it...just posted my 2010 5x5 Bull in the Elk thread...look forward to chatting with everyone in the near future!
Good hunting to all!
Mark AKA Mighty3
Avid whitetail bowhunter from Michigan.
Love to bowhunt Elk when I draw an out of state tag.
Hunt between 2 and 4 states every year, Illinois, Iowa, and so on.
I'm a Brit now living in Colorado Springs. Happiest in the mountains, hiking, climbing, fishing or hunting. Been here for a few years and started hunting last year with my Marlin Model 60 and Remington 870 Express. Learned a lot small game hunting, even though I came home empty handed in all but the last trip of the season. This year I've been out 5 times and not come home empty handed yet.
I was invited mule deer and elk hunting by a couple of mates who work for the DOW so jumped at the chance. Picked up a Marlin XL7 in 30-06 and a Nikon Buckmaster scope. I'll be heading out for 3rd rifle season (Nov 6th-14th) near Kremmling (28,37,18,371).
I have a PSE bow too but am no archer (yet). Hope to progress to it, possibly muzzle-loading too.
BAAAAHAAAAAA! Chewier than you would expect, but not bad! LOL
It was late...
Favorite things I love to hate, :>/ "hot buttons" include "land locked public land," and the USFS barring access to perfectly good, seldom maintained roads as if they don't know the average age of the population is getting older with more physical inabilites! Last is the high cost of hunting licenses while too many fish and game departments are turning into primarily paper pushers who do little worthwhile to conserve or manage wildlife. In todays climate with cost of living climbing, wages not keeping pace, and economic problems wrecking homes, etc--the last thing we need is higher priced tags, added stamps, etc etc Wyoming F&G listen up!
Other hot buttons, or kudos 10sign: are the use of physical indicators to age Mule Deer similar to what has been going on with Whitetails for along time now. Another set of interests are ballistics, bullets and low recoil weapons and loads. I love stalking and tracking deer with still hunting a close third and as my name suggests I've a bit of German heritage with family names including the Jaegers as well as another hunter of sorts, Rommel. I hunt with an 06 carbine and look forward to this site and the members here. I'll read through this string ten to twenty at a time till I meet you all as best can on the net.
My name is Ken and I live in Bozeman Montana. I am looking to meet people with the same interests as well as expanding my knowledge of all things hunting. I have 3 sucessful years of hunting so far to be proud of. I enjoy the outdoors for all that Montana offers, great fishing, hunting, clean air and the peacefulness of being away from people. I am more than willing to help any of the forum members for what they may need. I will do my best to give accurate info as well as not try to ask the same question repeadiatly. I am greatful for forums like this since my father has helped me a few years of hunting and my friends don't seem to have the income nor interest in hunting with me much. Thanks for taking the second to see who I am I look forward to meeting you all.
Thanks in advance for all of your help
Ken Dillon from Bozeman MT
There are few problems that cant be solved with the proper application of high explosives.
I have still to put down my first deer. Hopefully I will be able to get it done on the extended.
Went "Out West" for my 1st time in 2008... SD Antelope hunt. Had a blast. Hunted SD again in 2009, didn't get a tag this year.
We are looking to expand our horizons this year. We are kicking around either Elk or Mule Deer. Just starting to get our info together... what State, deadlines, draw numbers, success rates, all that good stuff.
You'll be hearing a lot from me in the next few months. I'll help in return whenever I can.
I would appreciate any advice and help you can give me on finding a unit and applying for the tags out here. I am fairly overwhelmed by it as in NY we simply purchased a license and hunted the available dates, wherever we wanted. I'd even like to chat by phone on the finer points if you are adventurous enough!
Good luck out there for those of you who still have hunting this year!
We all live in Elko, NV
Im new to the site and just wanted to give everyone some information on me. I'm from southern Iowa and cut my teeth hunting big midwestern whitetail. My father brother and I are looking to do some Mule Deer hunting in Colorado this fall and could use all the help that we can get. We do have family in the Colorado Springs area, and have been making trips to Colorado for the past 20 years, so we are somewhat familiar with some areas of the state. Any tips about good areas to hunt will be welcome. We're not looking to shoot the new state record, but I definitely would like to get one that is larger than the whitetails that we already have on the wall LOL.
going to take my sons up to the meeker area this fall to try our luck.
I'm from Central Wisconsin where I've lived all my life. I spend as much time as I can out hunting and fishing. My major interest has been on whitetails and trout, but I do enjoy hunting and fishing for many species. If all goes well I'll graduate from college in December. I've never been out west, but I've always wanted to dream about it. If things fall in place the way I invision, I'll be working for the U.S. Forest Service somewhere in the panhandle of Idaho. Or at least that's what I think I want. I can't see myself not liking it though. Elk have always intrigued me and I hope to be able to bowhunt them and other western big game as well. Anyways, that is a little about me.
Ive been a "lurker" on here for a while I finally decided to start contributing what I can. I live in central California. I am a diehard bowhunter and waterfowler. I mainly hunt mulies in the central sierras and northern California. There is nothing better than the back country chasing big old mulies, Its defintly my passion. Im looking to start going out of state but due to the awsome econemy its been tough. Hopefully Ill get to meet some new people on here that have the passion(sickness as my wife says) that I do. This seems to be an awsome site....thanks
I'm glad to see another tree person. If you have any advice to share it is greatly welcomed as I appreciate learning things about those that have a similar background in forestry.
In the past I've mainly hunted during firearm seasons but lately I have fallen in with the stick and string crowd.
New member from southern AZ here. The last time I hunted southern AZ was in 1988. Much has changed over the years, and it's nice to be back. I drive daily from Tucson to Sierra Vista and in my drive I see areas that once used to be open to hunting now closed. I also see areas that I'd like to try hunting and I'm exploring them.
In my time here I notice that coues deer have really seemed to take over areas that were once Mule Deer habitat. Good or bad, I have no idea. I do know that I prefer hunting mulies. I look forward to my time here and participating in the threads.
I've got a little time before I have to put in the the lottery drawing that AZ uses, so I'm trying to make the most of it by going out and scouting, talking with some folks at Game and Fish, Border Patrol, and other people be they hunters, hikers, or ranchers.
I really hope to make more trips out west in the future and hope to find some help on here.
I'm glad I found this forum. Hunting Muley's is my passion. I'm 68 and have been hunting for 60 years. I'll hunt as long as I can walk. I hunt alone, and i've had to give up hunting elk. Just too much animal for me to handle at my age. It's ok though. It gives me more time to concentrate on Muley's.
I live in a small town in Colorado. I'm at 8500 ft, so i'm only ten minutes from good hunting areas. I spend all my time hiking, scouting, and hunting. I also do some fly fishing in the summer.
I only shoot muzzleloaders, but I shoot the rifle season so I can use a scope. Eyes are too bad for iron sights anymore.
Anyway, that's me. An old guy who loves hunting. I'm looking forward to talking to you guys.
I'm Michael living in Colorado Springs. Been in Colorado since 1981. Looking to make some net friends and get some pointers for deer and elk hunting. I look forward to meeting everyone.
I started hunting at 12/13 years old and started bow hunting in the mid-70's. In the late 70s I had to chose fishing or hunting. Since I could make money fishing that is wait I did. I fished tournaments until 5 or 6 years ago when it finally quit being fun. At one time I had a dozen or so sponsors from Skeeter Boats, Mercury Outboards, All Star rods, etc. adn averaged 18 to 24 tournaments a year. I started hunting again 8 or 9 years ago, mostly with my son who had developed the interest in bow hunting. I hunt about 85% with a bow. We deer lease in Red River county (northeast) Texas.
I made my first vacation trip to Colorado in the mid 90's and fell in love with the mountains. Went on my first elk hunt in 2005 and have not missed many seasons. Not killed one yet but i sometimes get picky on what I want I kill. I am not one that has to kill to enjoy the hunt.
Hopefully I can contribute a bit and lean a lot. I hunt with a flintlock or a percussion lock BP rifle, and patched balls in the "mountain man" tradition, as I'm very interested in the history of that era. I've been hunting in ernest for the past 3 seasons, and so far I've managed to blunder into two Wyoming antelope and a local San Diego Mule deer, but look foreward to getting a few more notches on the old belt.
I hunt local San Diego mountains each fall...and although I'm a newbie, I would be pleased to help out in any way I can.
Jim Anderson
As you can guess I am a new member on here. I wanted to start by posting on here as was requested.
I was born in Montana but only lived there for a few years. Didn't hunt much as a kid but got very serious about hunting maybe 15 years ago.
I started hunting with a longbow and still do when I can. I also hunt with modern firepower! My go to rifle is either a 300 wsm or my tikka .270 win. Both shoot great and are a lot of fun.
I am a Soldier in the Army and have been for just over 19 years. At the current time I am sitting in sunny Afghanistan. Figured I would use what time I have, when not playing Army, to plan an awesome Mule deer hunt.
I am still in the infancy stages there as I want to narrow down the state and will work from there out. I have been buying points for Wyoming and will have 4 by the time I go am ready for this hunt. Planning on 2013.
I currently live in the great state of Alaska and spend every free moment hunting and fishing up there.
Usually start off with spring bear, last year I killed my first longbow black bear. I hunted griz on the north slope and was within 35 yards of one boar and 50 yards of a boar and sow breading pair. They all won though!! Maybe next time.
After that the fishing starts and then it is on to caribou and Dall Sheep( my favorite). I will have a great sheep hunt planned for next fall!
I am very interested in hunting tactics and tips for mule deer. Equipment that you experienced hunters use.
Most of all just chating with great people on the subject and meeting new friends!
Thanks for reading and I look forward to talking and learning about all of you.
I am obviously a Michigan boy, raise here in the Great Lake State, and spent many an hour on the big lakes and tributaries fishing Kings and Steelies. The other big play in our state is bow and rifle hunting whitetails. Great fun, but with 700K hunters, few real trophy oppt.
Join the site as myself, my bro, and a good bud I grew up with fising and hunting finally drew Mule tags for Montana. Orginally we were planning to hunt the Jordan / Circle area, however, now that we have tags, we find out that the winter kill was pretty bad, so we are searching for a location advise. We wil be in Mt from Nov. 5 to the 13/14 depending on success. We are looking for good bucks, not world class, but good solid 4 x 4 with either tall or wide or both head gear. We expect to do some walking to earn our deer, and do not play the road hunt game. Most of the hunts in Michigan are farmland, however in our younger days we went as far as crossing a good size lake to access state ground that was not available via drive in, this effort paid off with several good bucks and little pressure.
Right now for better or worse, we are thinking the southeast corner, say the Broadus - Ashland area. However we are really looking for advise on where we might consider. The game biologist we have talked to suggested region 4 and 5, however we know nothing about these area's. Any pointers or suggestions on how to narrow down and area that will offer good amount of open ground and choice on were to hunt. We plan to bring 1 quad to help bring game out, but will not use it for riding around to scout and disturb game. Any comments appreciated,
I have been around the forum off and on reading various topics. I enjoy the knowlegde everyone gives out. I thought I may be able to help so I joined the clan.
I am 27 from Utah born and rasied. I have been hunting since Ive been able to hold a tag. Im just getting into archery this year.(hopefully that works out for me) Im mostly familar with the northern Utah area if anyone needs any help or advice.
I'm from Utah, and I'm 27 years old. I've been married for 6 years, and my wife and I have 1 (2) year old son. Like many of you, I have grown up Hunting and Fishing my entire life. My Dad taught us well to be good ethical hunters, to love and respect the outdoors, and some of the greatest memories and experiences in my life come from the hunting seasons and fishing experiences I've had with my Father and brothers. I'm simply just addicted! Ha! I love to be in the beautiful outdoors as much as I can, whether it's hunting or fishing or simply camping with my family. I mostly hunt, Muley's, Elk, and I like to Duck hunt. I put in every year for Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming. I focus a lot on the "smoke pole" season but I like to rifle hunt as well, my favorite caliber of choice is probably my 7mm Rem Mag. I guess that's me in a quick hunting nutshell. I'm excited to finally have registered and posted, and I plan to continue posting as much as I can. Thanks for letting me be a part of this great forum!
I was born and raised in rural Utah and have been fishing my whole life. Caught my first trout (a German brown) when I was 5 and i have been hooked ever since. lol
I love spending time chasing muleys and elk through the mountains of Southern Utah (I live in a little town called Leeds) with my dad and my brother. I hunt rifle and archery, but haven't been able to get a buck or bull yet, but I'm hopeful :))
I spend the majority of my time managing and chasing low fence whitetails here in Tx, with rifle, bow, ML, etc (I'd chunk rocks at 'em if there was a season). Also have the task of eliminating hogs from hay fields.
I am the Vice Prez at the UWC (United Wildlife Cooperative) and recently appointed to the Central RAC in Utah. My RAC term officially starts on July 1st.
I live in the Cedar Fort area, I've got 4 kids, the oldest being 13. The oldest, a daughter, is doing her first archery muley hunt this year and I am so excited I can hardly contain myself. At any rate nice to meet you all!
Welcome, congrats on the RAC appointment, I did not know this. SWEET!
Nice to meet you also. I registered for UWC also.
Anyway, the grey ghosts have always intrigued me, I understand that they are just as hard as BT to hunt, but it takes a totally different skill set. that is what I hope to gain. I hope to share my knowledge when I can. I saw an honest to goodness 200" 5X5 two years ago speed goat hunting in Oregon, he was with 6 other bucks, that all were in the 160+ class. I drew that tag this year, so I have a mission. Please forgive me if I suck in more than I give out, I am not a Mule deer hunting expert with 40 hunts under my belt. I do appreciate what everyone else does offer, thank you in advance.
I grew up hunting and took a break while getting through collage. I am making my come back this year and will be deer hunting this year in the Cody WY area.
I love God and my country and think the wold would have less problems if everybody owned a 7MM.
Mostly I'm looking for and to share information on first time hunts and youth hunts, not looking for trophies, just a full freezer.
John P.
We're still VERY green but are trying to learn the ropes and become competent hunters despite getting a late start and going it alone. We wish we would have started sooner!
I've been a small-scale miner for years and never thought anything could match the excitement of digging a gold nugget. Harvesting my first mule deer in 2009 was right up there. It was a small 3x3 but was truly a trophy to me. It took me a lot of years and hard work to get good at mining so I assume with enough effort and patience our muley skills will improve.
Hoping to glean some knowledge from the more experienced forum members. My wife drew into a decent unit this year (Idaho Unit 44) and is hoping to harvest her first muley. Despite not knowing the unit at all and having all the experience of one Muley between us we're hoping this season's a successful one.
So a little background on me, I'm 41 years old from MN married with three kids. Absolutley fell in love with hunting the West about 24 years ago through an uncle and cousins who had been taking some hunts and invited me along. Ever since we've been trying to take at least one, sometimes lucky enough to take two, trips a year somewhere West weather it be Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, etc. and have hunted for elk, deer and antelope. I Haven't been succesful in harvesting an animal on each trip but for us it's more about the memories, the experience, the planning, the scenery and the people your with that makes a trip a success or not. Looking forward to being part of this forum, thanks for providing it.
I'm new, both to the forum and big game hunting. I live in Boise, Id.
I'm 19, a hunters safety grad, a full time college student, and a falconer. I'm really trying to make this my first deer season, and hopefully I'll have a decent shot at a buck. I am also interested in any other big game hunting too, like Elk, Moose, Pronghorn, etc. I'm glad I found this forum!
I'm exploring the possibility of hunting in Idaho Unit 39 this year. If anybody knows anything about this unit, I'd really appreciate any insite you'd be willing to give!
Good luck to everyone this fall.
I hope you share some of those southern hunting stories with us.
Problem was, the trip was to Wyoming, and my buddies and I decided that these kinds of hunts would be much better driving than flying. So I'm looking for the best muley hunting we can drive to in a reaonable amount of time. I'm hoping to find the kind of hunt that we can sneak in at the end of the year, or beginning of new year and make a tradition of it.
Any good information about bowhunting muleys within 12 hours of Austin, TX would be greatly appreciated! The thing that has me excited is realizing that I-10 gets me into Arizona fairly quickly and easily, which expands my options beyond the New Mexico draw.
If anyone needs help for Arizona Unit 27 let me know.
Arrow 4
I am looking for info on bow hunting for mulies in the Alta, Snowbird area of Utah. I was there at Bow Cast at the Bird, and heard and saw some great things about the area. I only bow hunt any more, and have heard I can buy a license and tag OTC. Has any one hunted this area, and if so does any one have any information you would be willing to share?
My name is Jim, Im 48 yrs old live in Oregon city, Or. Been married for 27 yrs to my wonderfull wife, have 3 awesome daughters ages 21, 17, 15, have been hunting since I was 12 years old and have been lucky enough to take a few nice mule deer in my life ,while I all kinds of hunting ,I would have to say without a doubt MULE DEER hunting is my favorite ,so I hope I will meet some new people who will hopefully share My interests as well 10sign:
My name is Tyler. I am from Spanish Fork Ut. I have enjoyed mule deer, elk, and predator hunting my whole life. I prefer muzzle loader. (I cant hit a damn thing with a bow) I spend most my time hunting the west deserts of utah. Loking forward to learnig new things on this forumand sharing a few things I know.
I came across your site while researching areas to hunt whitetails in Northern Idaho. Strange lol, being this is "". Anyway, I have to say that this is an excellent source of information and it covers much more than just mulies.
Right now I live in Boise, Idaho, but am moving to Moscow, Idaho and looking forward to it. My goal is to get a whitetail next year, because I've never hunted them before. Only ever hunted elk and mulies. Usually I bowhunt, but I hunted with a muzzleloader this year for the first time. While elk hunting I saw a bear and couldn't pass it up. The smokepole dropped that bear in it's tracks.
Thanks for the excellent information and good luck hunting! :thumb
Good luck hunting.
Actually, I hope school goes well for you, and that you have lots of fun and some time chasing white tails.
Moving to montana has been a dream come true to me. There is never a weekend that i spend at home, even after hunting season. In the summer i go out scouting, and enjoying hiking, photography, and shooting prarie dogs. In the dead winter all i do is Coyote hunt. I love Coyote hunting, and especially in the snow. I don't let the frigid temps of NE montana get me down! Once fall comes around it's all about bow season!!
This year was a year of firsts for me. I shot my first Bull Elk, antelope, and mule deer, and believe me i'm not done yet. I still have a north Dakota whitetail only bow tag that i need to fill. Each of my hunts this year were very intersting and make for great stories.
I plan on sharing my mule deer story here on the site in the next few weeks!!
I have been putting in alot of scouting/driving and hunting time in Eastern MT, so if anyone needs advice or wants to join me next season just give me a shout! I look forward to sharing my advice and hunting stories with everyone here!!
Heading west in the next few years to Colorado and Wyoming to hunt elk, muleys, and antelope.
I am bow and bird nut from central cal. Giant blacktail freak.
Look forward to start hunting these awesome muleys. Thanks
My names Chad, I've lived in CO, WY and now back home here in the Dakotas.
Love to bowhunt and fish, try to get up to Canada when I can and have max elk points that I plan on using in WY this year. Also have 12 in UT. Love bowhunting whitetails, muleys and pronghorns!
I just read the post for 'Newbies". Here's my BIO. Love the mountains and the outdoors. Favorites are hiking, backpacking, hunting (bow, rifle, n Muzz), and fishing. I shoot my bow almost every day. Would like to try some backpack hunting as a new venture. Will hunt anything, anytime, anywhere, but I mostly love looking for big deer. Married 3 years to a great woman who lets me hunt and such all the time and have one two year old daughter and a 12 year old Black Lab that are awesome! I live near Fresno Ca and am 46 years old.
I just discovered this forum surfing the net this afternoon, and I must say it is totally awesome. Still checking everything out, and since I am new, I got a lot to catch up on.
Some info about myself:
I am 30 years old, and I am a woman. I enjoy bow hunting elk, but have yet to take one in the 5 years I have been bow hunting. Matter of fact, I have killed a lot of targets, ha! I have helped others take elk and bear with a bow while out hunting. I think I am becoming some what decent at elk speak, as I primarily end up being the caller all the time, and I am very useful at tracking as well, and have earned the nickname redbone. I am also great at spotting somewhat too. I find no shame in this as my experiences of just getting close and talking to elk is so rewarding and educating. Most skills I have learned through trial and error, reading, watching videos, or nice ol guys that are willing to give me some tips. I have often been asked where I have learned my skills, who taught them to me, or why I like to hunt and fish, as no one in my immediate family really did. Most people would assume that I had a father, or grandfather that taught me this, but that is not the case as I do not even know them. Their loss huh!
I also love fishing and have often set a few friends and family up on nice sturgeon and bass. The biggest sturgeon I have caught and released was between 8-9ft long. Couldn't get tape on her because of the location that I caught her. My friend that was taking pictures re-exposed the film so I have no proof, gah the luck! The largest small mouth bass I have caught was 19 1/2 inches long. The largest black crappie was 14 inches.
Hope to hear many stories and see plenty of pictures to go along with these adventures.
I hope to chat with everyone soon
The guys on this site may not remember which one but they have seen the picture of you and your bull last year.
I'm an Air Force major station in Nevada who just drew his first ever mule deer tag in Nevada Unit 161-164 for the any legal weapon early season hunt. I'm excited and nervous as hell all at once, so I've come here to seek the sage advice of those who have been there-done that. I've got experience hunting whitetails in my last station (Nebraska), but never mule deer. Hopefully, this turns into a hunt to remember as it will likely be the only chance I get to try for a mule deer any time soon. I can't wait toread all of the great stories on this board and hopefully learn a thing or two along the way. Great to be here!
I am new to the site and to mule deer hunting. I whitetail hunt in KS and OK and since moving to CO (2010) I have drawn a Muzzleloader tag for the 2012 season.
im josh from cleveland ut i like anything related to outdoors fishing hunting and shed hunting i live for the outdoors ive been on here for awhile and forgot to do this so here it is catch yall later
I am a fairly new Mulie persuer... I got my first Mulie in 2010 in the sacramento mountains of southern New mexico. I am in the Air Force and have been stationed in Nevada for just under a year. I was lucky enough to draw a tag my first year. I have bowhunted my whole life and have hunted when I have been given the opertunity to when the 13 years I have served has allowed me. I love the backcountry and all it has to offer. I take my daughters out when I can as well but they live in Oregon. I have never joined a forum like this but figured since I have a strange situation this year I would try to be more active in reaching out to other hunters to share some of my ideas and advice in hopes of getting some advice in return.
Thanks Jeremy.
Your fellow mule deer hunter.
My name is Ryan, Im 24 years old and am from southern california. Though I just moved to Las Vegas with my company. That being said I am looking forward to hunting here. I grew up hunting white tail in western PA. I just got a new bow and am getting back into the sport. Any questions just ask.
New to the site. I have been on monster muleys for a while, but looking for more. My name is Erik. I live in California, but not by choice.
I am 43 years old and have been hunting since 12. I love to hunt big game, birds, predators etc. I look forard to chatting with you guys
about my favorite activity why hunting of course.
Can't wait for all of the hunting adventures to start rolling in this hunting season.
I am new to this name is Scott but folks call me Hillbilly. I am fairly new to the desert hunting would be better if NV would ever draw my name. Live in Las Vegas and predator hunt mostly. Look forward to talking to everyone on here.
I hope to contribute any of my own valuable info on this forum to those in need. This year I would like to say I'm lucky but truth is I had max bonus points for the elk tag I put in for, so I guess you could say I earned. After 16 years and 16 points I have finally drawn the early rifle tag for the Plateau Boulder limited entry bull elk unit. I am fairly familiar with this area as I have hunted mule deer there for the last 10 years, and am happy to also say I have drawn my 3 year dedicated hunter mule deer tag for the same area again this year. But all though I have seen several big bulls in the area of Boulder I hunt deer, I know it is not the Elk Mecca of the Unit. I would be very appreciative of any extra info, as I will be putting in some massive scouting work this summer. Hopefully the fires down there don't burn the whole mountain down.
I have traveled for work so I hunt solo due to never building up a hunter partner relationship. Now that I am able to spend time learning from the members here I look forward to the insight.
My hunting ranges from Alaska to Ungava Bay and as far south as New Mexico. I have hunted elk from Montana to New Mexico and have layed in binds for geese on the Canadian plains.
Now I am looking to finally securing a sheep and mt goat tag along with a moose, monster mule and a nice respectable pronghorn with the hunts I have left in this old body.
Got a pronghorn tag for wyoming when I get home this fall so looking forward to that. I started looking at your site a few months ago I have a couple of prefrence points and was thinking about unit 44 with muzzle loader so will be picking your brains between now and season 2013 for some pointers.
I have good turkey hunting in missouri and know a nice ranch in wyoming if anyone needs a name and some pointers it is in region B.
Can't wait to hit the woods this fall a year is a long time in the desert.
My name is Jacob, a native of WV. I'm 29 years old and I work for the NRCS and the WV Division of Forestry. I have a wife and one son. I grew up with a fishing pole in my hand and I would have to say that trout fishing is my passion but a close second is hunting. I went on my first Big Game hunt in 2009 with my father in law in Colorado's Unit 27 (Mussleloader deer Hunt). Although I was unsuccessful my father in law killed his biggest mule deer to date. I have watched my philosophy on my outdoor persuits change over the years. When I was younger I remember counting every fish and trying to make sure our out did my buddies when hunting or fishing as every young person does. My how foolish that was. In the most recent decade of my life I have tried to live by the philosophy of my favorite hunter and sportsman, Dan Fitzgerald. Dan once said, when speaking to a group of young kids, "you should never worry about competing with your friend when you are in the woods because when you do the kill becomes everything. Instead you should be in competition with the animal because the animal is all the competition you need and by doing this you will focus on all aspects of the hunt." With this being said, I told my father in law that even though we did not have elk tags in 2009 it would make my entire trip to see an elk in the wild. The second night of camping on the NF during our pre-scouting we woke up at 2am to elk bugling all around us. And of course on the first day of the hunt, at 10am, I filmed a beautiful 5x5 at about 1000yds away as he walked across a high altitude meadow with his 3 cows and one calf. Day one of the hunt . . . . . expectations met. But this certainly gave me an appreciation of how smart Elk are when I never saw another elk for the remainder of the hunt eventhough there was sign everywhere and you could hear a solitary bugle in the distance from time to time. Also on the way out I told my father in law that if I saw a big horn sheep that I would just be extatic. Go figure we were on our way to unit 27, just left denver, and heading into the rocky mountains for the first time in my life, and sure enough there were 3 bighorn sheep (one beautiful male in the group) standing 20 yards off the road feeding. WOW was I pumped. Anyway i have been visiting this site for about 2 years now learning from other people's experiences and reading about some awesome hunts but I will ashamedly admit that I have joined the sight 3 months before my first elk hunt in order to try to gather information. Although I know that people are not quick to give out specific information, especially to a newbie to the site so I dont expect much. And furthermore I know that many people dont travel east very much to hunt but I have alot of informaiton reguarding the eastern united states. As I said earlier I love to trout fish and two of my favorite areas to fish for trophy trout are the tributaries in Pennsylvania that feed Lake Erie and also some select tributaries that feed Lake Ontario. I am an avid fly fisherman and the only thing that will cause me to miss our annual trophy trout fishing trip to the New York tributaries in late October is a 2nd season combo rifle hunt for deer and elk. Although I am saddened to miss our annual trip for world class brown trout this fall I wont loose any sleep over it because I will be camped out on the Uncompahgre Plateau dreaming about my first muley or elk. Cant wait til October! So anyway there's my story guys. I know it is expected of new members to do this so there you go. Also if anyone is planning a hunting trip to the east I am limited on what infromation I can give your but I will try. But if your are planning to go to Erie county or Western Lake Ontario sometime for some Steelhead or World Class brown trout fishing I have more information that you care to hear about. By the way please check out these two videos of our last two years fishing in NY. My fishing buddy who produces these videos will be thrilled to see that they are getting some views and leave a comment if possible. 1)
Jacob (2 Tim. 2:15)
Some information about myself. I have lived in California (don’t judge me because of that. There are good people there too) my whole life except for my time serving in the Marine Corps ( Semper Fi to you Devil Dogs). I grew up fishing not hunting. I have always felt a draw to start hunting so a few years ago (with some help from my buddy who is a hunter) I went on my first deer hunt in Utah archery season. I had a blast. I was able to harvest a deer that year. Although it was only a 2x2 I was very proud of it and needless to say I was hooked big time. My focus the last two years has been to help me son harvest his first deer. The 2012 year will be the third year we will go out and camp and hunt together in an attempt to harvest his first buck. It’s the best quality time that we get together. Since starting to hunt I have hunted deer, turkey, pheasant and dove. I don’t have a lot of experience hunting but I am willing to share any info I have.
Be safe,
i'm a alcoholic with a archery problem.
My name is Jason, I am from North Ogden, UT. and still living there. I love the outdoors, hunting, fishing, camping, etc, so living in Utah is great for the outdoor activities. I am a lousy deer hunter, I haven't deer hunted for 13 years, however I am an avid elk hunter. Our family hunts the Uinta's and we have finally found a pretty good location to camp and hunt. Before then we would try a new area every few years from the North Slope to the South Slope and everywhere in between. I used to post a lot on the utah dwr elk hunting forum until it was shut down a few years ago. I am glad to be back talking elk!
My name is Nate. I am an 4th generation Arizona native and love the mountains our state has to offer. I am a father of 4 and love to take my kids hiking and hunting. I have been hunting for about 10 years and my first big game animal I took was a Muley. I hunt everything my state has to offer and will be going to Texas this december to hunt Whitetails and wild pigs. I also am an endurance athlete and use trail running as my main work out. I am looking forward to building some relationships and increasing my knowledge base.
Thanks for reading
Mainly a bowhunter, but kinda getting into smoke poles. My son took his first buck this year with a smoke pole and we had a blast. I love to hunt elk in the rut (my favorite) but just something about a majestic mule deer buck that makes me smile. Spent all my life hunting and guiding my friends and family, butI also guide professionally on the eastern plains of Colorado from October till the end of the year. Love to talk hunting and gear.
Hope that everyone is having a great hunting season so far.
We have a small cabin in Southfork Co. Been hunting units 79 and 80 (elk). With little success. I have predator hunted that area the past two summers and had a blast.
Looking for any advice on a mule deer hunt in unit 79.
My name is Lance (see username). 41 years old from Glendale, AZ. I have been hunting since I was 6 years old. My Dad introduced me to the outdoor lifestyle at a young age, and I was hooked.
I have only hunted in AZ, so some of my experience is limited due to the AZ draw process. Hunted elk twice, and taken a couple nice archery bulls. Hunted Javelina numerous times, always archery and taken a few. Hunted deer, both archery and rifle, and taken numerous mule deer, never a Coues Whitetail...yet. Tried bear, no luck. Can't seem to get drawn for antelope, even with 20 bonus points. Maybe next year. Lots of dove and quail hunting. Been varmint hunting a few times, and it gets more addictive each time. Taken quite a few turkeys too, both shotgun and archery. Even been bowfishing a couple times.
I was with my Dad a few years ago, and since we have been hunting deer together for about 30 years, I was able to help him take his first muley ever. I have also taken my oldest daughter hunting and helped her with her first deer, elk, and archery sheep! My younger daughter starts hunting next year for big game, and I cannot wait!
In the 9 years I was away from UT, I was only able to hunt the one year I lived in Ohio. It was a different experience hunting Whitetails but I loved every minute of it. Since moving back to UT 5 years ago I have been able to begin hunting again. However, due to my occupation as an athletic administrator at a NCAA Division 1 institution, I am not able to get out as much as I would like as the Fall time is one of my busiest seasons. Due to my lack of free time I don't know that I can provide much assistance in answering other hunters questions but I will say this. I feel that harvesting an animal is a lot like having kids. None of them are perfect but they have perfect qualities. You love them because of the perfect qualities you see in them and because of the story behind them. Each of them have a story and it is the story that makes them special.
Started hunting 4 years ago and haven't looked back since. I've hunted in South Dakota and Wisconsin as well. Mainly bow hunt but enjoy gun hunting .
I've started to plan my 2013 season and looking for a DIY mule deer hunt. Leaning toward South Dakota again. Only going on my own, and farther west. Recently finding this website, I've read a lot of posts and look forward to learning and someday hopefully being able to pass on what I've learned as much as possible.
Right now I'm just looking to get started, what gear I can't leave home without, is S.D. the best option, should I consider elk, etc? Any pointers will be more than appreciated.
Thank you and look forward to talking with everyone.
I am hoping to find some one to hunt with in 2013. I've never actually hunted so I'd like to have some who knows what they are doing and where I/we can hunt.
I live in Oregon, I would like to hunt with a gun but a bow would fine as well but I'm not as good a shot with a bow :\
I want to go for:
Elk (driving by Elliott state forest by Reedsport and OR-38 will drive any Elk hunter crazy haha)
Deer, preferably mule deer in Eastern Oregon.
Now I know I can't go for all of these in one year (without serious help anyway) and I also have no idea how the tag system works.
I've heard many say they drew a tag. So do you have to raffle for all tags or just some and most are first come first serve?
Please let me know thoughts and if anyone can help.
Feel free to PM me.
Thank You.
Can't wait to hear those huntin stories and maybe see a picture or two.
I have been lurking out there too . figured it was time to join. My name is Dale i am 51years old. WOOOW that hurts :))
I live in Washington state I love to Hunt and Fish. My Passion is elk hunting with a bow. Just recently kinda got going towards the muleys. I drew in Washington state for a buck tag, and took a decent buck (witch in Washington is not that big). But what a blast putting the stock on a buck in the wide open and taken him with a bow.
Hunting is a huge passion and I love sharing it with my kids as they are avid hunters as well. we have hunted Idaho Montana Alaska Washington Arizona Canada. Hunting Black Bear Deer Elk Brown Bear Antelope Yotes Moose Caribou Wolves.
Look forward chating it up with ya all.
Glad to be a new member of "Muley Madness." I've never hunted mule deer before but started my quest a few years ago by putting in to the Colorado drawing system to hunt mule deer. I hope to harvest my first muley next year. I was lucky enough to travel to Wyoming last year and harvest a good Pronghorn about 20 miles south-southwest of Kaycee. I'm 29 years old and live on the gulf coast of Texas. I'm married and have 2 little girls (3yrs and 10mos). I LOVE TO HUNT. I did a little hunting as a kid and was fortunate enough to have friends of the family that invited us hunting fairly regularly. As a young man I routinely hunt dove, deer, hogs, geese, and occassionally duck. If given the chance, I'd probably hunt anything and everything. I've killed plenty of whitetails since I was a kid but was finally able to take a good buck about 3 years ago near my home. He wasn't a "trophy" but he was certainly a good buck for my standards. I'm on a budget so I can't afford to fork over several thousands to bag a trophy of any species. I'm proud to say that all of my harvested game has been the result of good, hard hunting. I've never been real fond of hunting animals in a pen; though I don't begrudge those who do. The main reason I joined this forum was to attempt to gain more knowledge and information about mule deer hunting before my trip next year (2014). By looking over the threads, I can tell there are some really good people posting here. I look forward to conversing with all of you. Take it easy!
Im new to the forums of Muley Madness. I have hunted my whole life in the state of utah. I only have hunted rifle deer & elk. Until three years ago when i changed over to hunting Archery, absolutely just love hunting with a bow. I have yet to be successful though, but just being out door with my family is what counts in making memories. I recently have just found out that i drew a fish lake plateau-archery elk tag this year 2013. A good friend told me to become a member and meet some great people and i hope to help out others with knowledge and mistakes i have made rifle and archery hunting that will help others in needs. I have never been apart of aforum before. so this is new to me. But so far this is pretty cool to become part of. already have learned a few things by reading other posts.
i am new to the site. I have been hunting all my life and i am always looking to pass on the tradition. I was born and raised in the great state of wyoming but have recently relocated to loveland colorado. I have found that hunting in colorado is very different. I am an avid bow hunter and love to shoot. I have recently drawn a unit 20 mulley tag and am stoked about it. I have been doing some research about the area and found that access is very limited but big bulls and mulley's do live around. I am excited to get to know the sportsman and women that belong to muley madness. If you need anything just ask and i will do my best to get you all information.
Fling it, fire it, smoke pole it - the last could be my favorite.....
I have always been partial to archery and muzzle loader hunts, but I enjoy rifle hunts also.
Recent knee replacement surgery and an eye desease has left me faced with this year (2013) most likely my last hunting year . I drew the paunsagant management tag) However I will always be happy to share info on hunting areas I have grown up on. So feel free to email anytime.
Hunt CO for mulies/elk and NE for whitetails. Lots of treestands and ground blinds. Love scents/decoys/Nugent. Many hours observing reactions, sunrises, sunsets. Willing to toss ideas around!
I am an avid bird hunter and spend a lot of my winter putting boots on the ground to chase quail, grouse, doves and chukar across NM, AZ and NV. I also love to fly fish and spend a lot of my summer on various rivers across the southwest.
Long time lurker first time poster...As an Eastern Whitetail hunter I am really digging these western states. I don't like gadgets and gimmicks but I do have a soft spot for good technology, GPS Chips, Maps, and getting back off the trail head.
Me and my Dad and buddies have been hunting mule deer bucks since the 60's, and I mean HUNTING!
Nevada mainly, Idaho a few times, and alot of blacktail hunting here around home on the coast.
We have taken some incredible bucks over the years, especially in eastern Nevada. I have not hunted
there since 2000 and am getting the itch again.
If anybody on here has drawn a Nevada tag for this year and would like to pick my brain on where we killed
13 bucks over 30 inches over the years.....give me a shout out. I'm glad to help out.
The units we hunted hard were 113-115, White Pine County........I know that country pretty darn good!
Good Luck all............Mike
Looking forward to participating in these forums! Thanks for having me.
Billy, where you from?
Happy Hunting all!
I'm looking at branching out and doing some more hunting out west. I'd love to go for antelope, mule deer, blacktail, elk, etc. I'd also love to go after some merriam and rio grande turkeys.
My dad has always been the one to organize our hunts out west and I was just able to partake in the experiences. This time I want to do more footwork on finding a place to hunt mule deer. We are not trophy hunters, a legal buck would make us very happy. Its very disconcerning reading about the struggling populations of mule deer and it really makes me unsure of where to look. My dad has a friend who has hunted out in Eastern Montana in a Block Management region, but I hear eastern Montana mule deer are really hurting. I've been starting to read some books on Mule Deer Hunting from Eastman's, so I'm getting a better understanding of where to look and go after mule deer, but I still don't know what are some good options for an opportunity. I've heard Colorado is a good place and Western Montana around the Breaks. I've heard Wyoming is hurting and I don't hear much about South Dakota, though I know they are around there.
Besides going around and asking a bunch of people where are good places, checking the states websites for draw odds and success statistics, how do you go about finding a place you'd like to hunt? My dad's 71 with bad knees and hips and I'm disabled with a brace on my leg, so a high country hunt is probably out of the question due to the climb.
Thank you and I hope to learn a ton of information here and I want to try and help others out wherever I can.
mostly hunted with a rifle but have started bow hunting last year.
Relatively new to western hunting (2009). Mostly CO and ID. From north-central Indiana, fun fact - I have hunted in MA (yes it is legal ](*,) ).
Newby here as I just found this site tonight. I've been an avid hunter most of my life, however a career in the Army kinda put alot of hunts on hold, then getting wounded and spending two years in a medical hospital also kept me from the woods. However thanks to modern medicine and some great medical devices I am able to get out to the field and enjoy some hunts. Went on my first Western hunt this past fall in Idaho with two other wounded warrior buddies of mine and we all tagged out on elk, and only got one muley for the group. Now i've got mule deer on the top of my bucket list.
I am hoping to learn more about these deer as i've been chasing whitetails mainly here in GA where I live. I'm already planning a return trip this fall out west , most likely Idaho to chase a Muley! Hope I can learn some great strategy and do's and don'ts from the members here.
I love hunting just about anything especially deer. I've read through the site many times but never joined till this year. Beans I'm trying for. Colorado this year. Been trying for 7yrs now. And figured this would be the best place to look up some info.
I'm just recently getting back into archery and am excited for the coming fall. I have several trail cams out right now over some springs and wallows and can't wait to see what the September rut will bring. I have hunted Idaho, Montana, Wyoming the most but have also hunted a little in Utah and Colorado. I currently have many preference/bonus points in Utah, Colorado, and Arizona and I look forward to what the next 10 years will bring.
I'm 50 years old so I have a lot of hunting experience to share. I'm the type of guy that gets enjoyment out of helping other sportsmen. I like to see others have success in the field. If I have information about an area, state, equipment, or species of big game, I'm more than happy to share it with others (through a pm of course).
I look forward to meeting folks here on the forum and sharing information. Smokepoler63
I'm Jake Jensen from Kaysville, Utah. I've hunted the 801 my whole life, but the only big game locations I've been are out West in Grantsville and on Deseret Land, that and up above Camp Keisel. I am looking to branch out and hunt some more of Utah's World Famous country, but I have no idea where to start. So, I'll keep the rest of you updated with my mistake making progress as I go!
I missed the deadline to put in for any good tags in 2014, so my brother and I are thinking about heading out to Nine Mile Anthro West, where there are a few left over antlerless elk tags. From what I can find online, it can be a great spot if you have the brass to find the animals. Any experiences would be greatly appreciated! I'll post a thread about it in the Elk Forum.
I am also a competitive powerlifter at 110 Kilo, Single Ply, I blog about my powerlifting at
Nice to be on the site!
- Jake
New River AZ
Die Hard Archery hunter "nothing like having a Bull Elk buggeling 15 ft. away"
Always hunted couse deer in south AZ new to the mule deer seen got drawn for 12a west this year and hoping to close the deal on my first Muley
I love to hunt anything thats legal. I also love to fish. Trout is my favorite.
My name is Brian and I live on the Texas Gulf Coast about an hour and 20 minutes west-southwest of Houston. I've been a member for about a year and I've found the guys and gals of muleymadness to be, not only friendly and enjoyable to converse with, but a wealth of knowledge to aid in many more years of hunting. Many members have been especially helpful in planning my upcoming hunt in Colorado. As far as animals native to Texas, I hunt Whitetail Deer, Hogs, Dove, Geese, Duck<--(occasionally), and try to squeeze in some winter fishing when I can. When it comes to bigger game hunting, so far my hunts are limited to a Wyoming Antelope hunt and a muley hunt that'll be added to the list on Saturday.
I hope all of you have a great hunting season and I look forward to conversing with many more members!
Where at in Wyoming?
In 2013 I processed my own deer for the first time and made some great sausage and snack sticks. I don't plan on taking a deer to a processor again! My dad made a really good friend named Dan from Denver Colorado by meeting in the woods near Collbran Colorado back in the 1980's. They tried to meet there every year for several years. I hope to meet some new hunting buddies on this forum and wherever my hunting travels take me. I also have a 3-1/2 year old daughter and a 5 month old son I will be hunting with for many years in the future.
Welcome to the forum, and congrats on the 1st bow buck last year.
I am as my handle says. Been hunting for 50+ years, Nam Vet and retired. This year moved back to an area we learned to hunt in as kids and as luck would have it, 3 cow permits out of 4 guys. Given it has been 30+ years we are excited to say the least. Will be kind of different not being in our usual area we know so well after hunting in it for 30 years.
Originally from Sandy, Utah now in Draper. Just started hunting again about six years ago, bagged my first Muley last season (after several years on the elk). My son and I both drew out again for Muleys in the Wasatch West, looking forward to another year of back-country hunting!
I found this guy sitting in my yard next to my truck last night.
My family and I pretty much are hooked on elk mule deer and whitetail for meat. Off coarse we eat alot fish also.
Not gonna be a lot help on mule deer hunting cause I am learning my self. But if you ever come to northeast to fish I am sure I can give a few tips. Thanks for good info here Unclefish
I'm from central Texas "the hill country" Love to Hunt
Big Bucks Rock!
Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!,
Just joined today. I'm from Wisconsin and did my first hunting trip "Out West" on a Colorado do-it-yourself archery elk hunt in the Flattops nearly 25 years ago...told my bride it was a once in a lifetime hunt but got "hooked" and have hunted in the west one or more times every year since. I think she's on to me now :))
I've hunted Colorado, Wyoming, North Dakota and New Mexico with bow, rifle and muzzleloader for moose, elk, pronghorn, whitetail and mule deer. Loved every minute and can't get enough!!
Hey Everyone,
I am a brand new Muley Madness member and am stoked to share some info and soak up anything that I can! I am writing out of NW Colorado, from an area that is commonly referred to as the "Elk Hunting Capital of The World". Now, I don't know if that statement is entirely accurate, but we definitely have our fair share of elk, and hunters that follow them. I am a 23 year old young man with a SERIOUS passion for the outdoors! Unfortunately, I am a full time student and employee, which makes it tough to spend as much time in the field as I would like, but I make it a point to get out and explore as often as humanly possible.
I took up archery hunting a few years back for a number of reasons, I felt a desire to get up close and personal with these animals, rifle hunting in my are was becoming far to crowded, and I thought that it would be an opportunity to get my father back in to it; I don't think that I have ever made a better decision in my life. Since I made the decision to hunt with my bow, my dad has got back in to it (its always special to hunt with him) and my love for hunting has grown substantially. Hunting has always been a big part of my life, but now, I live_2hunt!
Spent most my life stomping around the northwoods of Michigan chasing whitetail deer, shooting grouse, and just enjoying the outdoor bounty Michigan has to offer. I'm also an avid ice fisherman. I moved to Colorado, about six years ago, and have been enjoying all the great outdoor opportunities available here; Elk and Mule deer hunting to name just a few.
Headed to Colorado for OTC elk, 2nd Rifle but mainly to tag along with a friend from Denver who has a 2nd Rifle Muley tag.
Looking forward to following along here on the forum and I'm always active on CWT, Rokslide and a few others.
I am new to the forum and have been an avid mule deer hunter for the past 20 years. I live in Oregon and hunt most of the western states. I have bonus points in 6 states at this time and just drew a very good hunt in Eastern Oregon after waiting 17 years to draw. Most of my hunting has been on solo backpacking hunts in very remote places. I am now 71 and a 100 percent disabled Vietnam Veteran. A little harder to get around these days, but will continue to hunt mule deer as long as I can stand on two feet. Appreciate all the good information on this site.
Just want to share with everyone some of the footage and photos we have gotten throughout all our trips.
I grew up in Oregon and began hunting as a child--mostly with my father. We hunted elk and deer, but rarely had much success. We were mostly enjoying the outdoors and if we ran into a legal animal we harvested it. After college I moved to San Francisco where...hunting is basically non-existent. Work kept me busy and I stopped hunting.
I've decided to get back into hunting this year for the first time in nearly 20-years. I was one of 17 lucky Californian's to pull a random muley tag for zone X2 (my first time ever applying in the state of California! I look forward to learning about the area I'll be hunting and mostly I'm excited about exploring the California outdoors.
Feel free to reach out as I'd like to build my network of outdoors enthusiasts.
Now am using my wife's phone.
Going to read a bunch of posts to catch up.
Glad to be back.