MuleyMadness visitors and members

Brett, I just wanted to pause for a second and say CONGRATS on achieving yet another milestone.

Last night I was browsing the site and noticed that there were 26 users on the site at that particular time. I thought it might be approaching the record so I took a peak. It was then that I noticed that the previous record was broken on 23JUN07 with 77 users on the site at one time!

You and your site have come a long way my friend! Heck, if I'm not mistaken, the record when I first joined over three years ago was 13 users online at one time!

The site is getting more popular every day! CONGRATS!
I second that Hawk.
This is a great site and it's exciting to watch it grow. Good job Brett and Mods and Thanks to everyone who is participating. =D> =D>
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Grow baby Grow!... Congrats
Thanks fellas, but go ahead and pat yourselves on the back. Without you guys, the site/forum wouldn't be jack squat. So thanks to all you contribute, share, and participate. Hope for MANY more in the future! :thumb
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Keep up the great work you guys, this is a great site.

Hoooah!I drop a link to this site to every dedicated muley hunter I know,keep it real,it will grow. :222
Looking forward to the stories and pics of every ones 07 hunts. =D> =D>
Great site and i really enjoy it here. :thumb :thumb
Yes thanks Brett!! You do a wonderful job here!!
YEP!! THANKS A LOT BRETT!!! :thumb :thumb :thumb
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its wonderful to have a place to talk hunting and share what we all love. the experiences that we have in the field that not everyone has. i had a yard sale last week, got to know a old timer who was around in the good ol days of hunting here in idaho. my wife was pissed cuz i spent the next 2 hours talking hunting. im going to his house tomorrow to see his heads and hear the stories behind them. we as outdoorsmen have that bond. i sure as heck dont know ya, but your the best friends i will ever have. ps. ask an old timer about his old hunting trips, it will make his day :))
Hey guys, this is the time of year where we need to start getting prepared for the best time of year. No it isn't Christmas... it is deer hunting season...

What I want to do is have as many people tell their stories of how they got their first deer. Just take some time and write them... or if you already have it written just copy and paste it into the forums here.

If you have a photo that would be a nice way to spice it up.

So if you have a story you can just reply to this right here and post it.

Looking forward to reading them...
Here's a link ....