8/5/06 9:43pm
Hey im new to muliey hunting, and i got a tag in Gramby ,CO i have only hunted whitetails? is hunting them the same way? out of a tree satnd with calls? any thing helps!!
To start, there are the basic similarities: Ya gotta do your scouting and find out where the bucks are 'cause if ya don't your just rolling the dice that MAYBE there is a shooter in the area.
For Mulies, it's almost all "spot-and-stalk". We'll sit a ridgeline and glass for hours but once we get one in view, the stalk is on. This is mainly due to the fact that most of the Mulie country I hunt in is rather open land with very little trees/thick cover. It's either that or we bird-dog the buckbrush with one guy walkin' the draws and the other(s) on the ridgelines or at the bottom/top of the draw waiting for the deer to move.
As for the whitetail, I do it pretty much just as you described. Find my spot through scouting, lay my scent, rattle/call, and wait for the bucks to come in.
Of course, and this may throw the proverbial "wrench" in the works, but the general Mulie season out here is pre-rut while the Whitetail hunting I do is during the rut. Either way, I haven't heard of too many stories of Mulie bucks being called in. Even during the rut most of the folks I talk to just look for the does and bucks won't be far behind.
I see you posted that you have a doe tag. If that is the case then you shouldn't have too much of a problem putting yourself on one. If the area you are hunting is anything like the areas I hunt, I see plenty of does all the's the bucks that seem to disappear...LOL
When we go to Colorado we hunt private land. Therefore we do not have a lot of room to spot and stalk. I want to do that. We do most of our hunting with blinds and tree stands. Scout find the honey holes and hunt them. It will work our group consistantly gets a muley every year granted not many big bucks but... We do the same for elk. We do rely on people pushing deer/elk on this land from the other private land around us. If they get moving and we stay still the animals feel safe with us.
Thought about call but not used them.
we are leaving for Colorado Aug 23 can not wait. bow is ready :thumb