Mulies and bird seed

:?: Has any one heard of Mule Deers eating bird seed? We have a small group of bucks and does that come into our backyard and munch out on bird seed. Thay have totally demolished one bird feeder and have worked on destroying a second one. Any thoughts or comments.Thanks :? :) :!:
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I have heard of deer eating bird feed. Getting them not to eat it could be a fun task! I have also heard of "deer feaders" where they put some kind of seed during the winter for deer. Good Luck.

Take a picture of them and send it in!
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They were doing it in my yard as I left for work this A.M. Really seem to be liking it!!
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If i were you i would just pile it up on the ground under one of your flood lights. So then they wont tear you bird feeders down. Before the woods were cut down behind my house in alabama I used to have a corn feeder under a flood light. Every night i enjoyed watching raccoons, whitetail deer, fox ( grey & red ), and every once in a while i'd get a glimpse at a coyote. I used to hunt in those woods, but its now developed. It only took 1 year for 30 acres of woods to be turned into a nieghborhood. The region i live in right now is one of the fastest developing areas in the country. I'll be glad to move back to wyo later this summer.

later, MM
thats what deer do to my deer feeder
Used to just put bird seed in an old red wagon in the yard because the deer would tear down the bird feeders, and piles on the lawn would sprout when spring came..... Careful what you start though because soon enough you'll have more deer than wagons. fun during the rutt though for sure!