Muskies on pineview

well fishing has been good goodlately hope they open this back up to keepers!
I'm home for a week in about a week, I've been looking for some good fishing trips to take while I'm home.. I'm thinking Otter Creek one day, Strawberry one day, Weber River, then I'm not sure for the other 3 or 4 days. so uh, if you're headed to pineview and feel like draggin' a punk kid along to teach him the ropes on muskies I'd definitely be game. I've fished pineview 3 times, all ice fishing, skunked every time. haha. Never hooked into a musky anywhere, that would be pretty cool.

If nothing else lets hear some reports, maybe I'll try my luck on my own up there.
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I have been up to pineview a few times with my boat, and for me the muskie fishing has been spotty, we have only hooked 4 of them. Maybe next time I go, I will PM you.
dreaming big
Yea let me know caught 3, 2 weeks ago on crank bait