Muzzleloader Advice
3/14/06 8:55am
I'm going to finally take up Muzzleloader hunting this fall, to exstend my MN deer hunting.
Never shot one before and haven't been around them.
You guys that have hunted with them for a while. If you were going to go out and buy a new one right now what would it be? I don't want to spend a lot of money. I'd like something easy, accurate, and with some range.
Any suggestions?
Never shot one before and haven't been around them.
You guys that have hunted with them for a while. If you were going to go out and buy a new one right now what would it be? I don't want to spend a lot of money. I'd like something easy, accurate, and with some range.
Any suggestions?
We just moved here to Utah 7 months ago and we LOVE IT!!. We bought three .50 cal muzzle-loaders that my boys and I are going to use for Elk and Mule deer this year. I have a Traditions Pursuit Pro , my youngest son Cody has a CVA Optima and My oldest son Jason has a T.C. Omega. All three seem to be great guns. My Tradition shoots the best groups of the three .
I use a 300 grn xtp with 100 grns of ffg and Rem. Klean bore primers.
I keep the barrel spotless between every shot with two wet and one dry patch.
This was the first 4 shots from my Tradition pro. I lucked out and I did not even have to adjust the sights or my powder loads. This is the most accurate gun I have ever owned. This group was shot at 70 yrds with open sight and a steady rest.
Take Care-
Welcome, very informative and helpful post. Thanks and nice to have you aboard.
Utah is a great state.
I have always loved Utah and I am so glad to be here.
It is so cool to be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery and open spaces here. :thumb
Cody my youngest son with his muzzleloader
A sunset over Cache Valley.
A nice buck and a few does above our home in Hyde Park.
A young moose standing in the Logan River.
Thanks Again -
Welcome, this is a fun site, helps with the off season.
Wonderfull photos, keep them coming.
Thank you for the kind words!!!!!
Photography Is also a passion of mine.
The sunsets in the fall are beautiful here in Cache Valley .
Great pics, nice to see another great photographer out there also.
I made your "avatar" image below your name a bit bigger. Hope you don't mind.
love those sunsets and color!
Thanks for sharing.
Photography is a passion of mine since high school.
A 35mm was my first thing that I bought as a teenager.
Here are a few Photo that I took in the Sacramento Calif. Area.
Traditional Archery/Bowhunting is also a passion .
Its always fun to combine hobbies .Here are a few photos I took of my son Cody while hiking down from Thunder Mountain ( near Lake Tahoe) at sunset.
Thanks Again and God Bless-
Thanks again for sharin those: Truly are a work of art;