OK i never apreciated the big boys till the Colorado DOW taught me the virtue of patience by limmiting the number of deer licences years ago.
every year a2 -4 point buck was no problem, Till the draw was implamented. then even a tag was hard to come by (I've always hunted unit 44) . asthe first 2 years passed and no tag i got anxiousthen a tag the third year and i thaught a buck was gauranteed but that was a hot dry fall and no buck then 6 years later finaly me and my friend drew a 3rd season tag and oh ya nothin but huge after waitin that long. oh yes 06 showed us some REAL nice deer but gettin the right shot was tough. I'd set my sights on a huge 4x4 with nice brow tines and got on him several times but private property and lots of elk kept me empty handed. on the second to last day i sky lined him in the dark and then he was gone . not being able to see what side of the ridge he went down I sat almost not breathing till daylight. when I couldnt spot him any where islowley worked around the ridge and glassed till i was blind poof he was gone. being frusrated i headed way lower.and saw lots of deer along the way. i stopped and glassed several bucks but nothin that excited me. so i headed lower to what we called the pic nic tree to sit and watch a well used trail and think. before i got there deer took of all around me about 4 nice bucks inthick cedars. all the horns got me excited and i headed for a sage brush flat they should be heading across. when igot there it was empty. i was quiet and heard nothing.when i went to sneak back into the cedars something about 30 yards away took off. i saw a nice rack and instictivly pulled up and shot before he was gone. BUCK down. i couldnt believe what i had done i was supposed to be holding out for a monster.
when i got to him i was pleasantly suprised and happy to have filled a tag.
the next morning i went back to the top to see if the big black horned buck would be ther teasing me but, nope I had thankfuly made the right decision. now I'm waiting till early dec. till i can hang my first respectable mount on the wall.
here is the buck that was try'n to whoop up on mine when he was already dead. run'n off after he thaught I i was close enough.
look to the bottom right my deer is down ther and when i got back from picking up my pack this one was stompin and scraping all around mine
Thanks for the story and photos of your hunt. :thumb Nice buck. I think that going with a 100% draw for deer and doing away with Over-the-counter deer permits was the best thing CDOW ever did for our deer, especially the quality of bucks.
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nice buck indeed! :thumb
Both those bucks are pretty darned nice! CONGRATS!
Which one is yours? They look like brothers for sure, one older BRUTE!!

Awesome bucks! Thanks for the pictures and story! LOVE IT!
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mine is the big one ..... of course.
As an aside the taxi said his nose was 5/8" longer than the longest form he can get. strange huh?
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has any one else seen another buck try to beat up a dead one?
I think I saw something about it a few years back on a hunting show (unsure which one it was). It was pretty interesting. The same thing happened but they had a video camera and the live deer was thrashing the dead deer around. Actually hitting him with his antlers and hooves trying to mess with him.
Got sidetracked and forgot to say NICE BUCK!!. Congrats, that is a great deer.
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some more
Great bucks and story! Thanks for posting it up. :thumb