My 07 Muzzy buck
10/1/07 4:43pm
Well, here it is. I lucked out on opening day. Not the biggest one out there, but since I had only one day to hunt, I thought he would be worth going after..... " alt="" />
I was by myself when I got him, so I went and got my brother and sister-in-law to help get him out. Without thier help, I would have been a couple of days packing meat. I was able to get home by 1am and make it in to work the next day. Thanks Bro.... " alt="" />
He had some interesting extra points down near the bases. Here is some closer looks... " alt="" /> " alt="" />
Good luck to everyone still out there hunting.

I was by myself when I got him, so I went and got my brother and sister-in-law to help get him out. Without thier help, I would have been a couple of days packing meat. I was able to get home by 1am and make it in to work the next day. Thanks Bro....

He had some interesting extra points down near the bases. Here is some closer looks...

Good luck to everyone still out there hunting.
Those bases are simply flat out COOL! :thumb :thumb
CONGRATS on what I would consider a great buck!
he sure is close thats a great buck. i love the big 3 points
Way to go dude! Nice buck! I hope I can find one as nice as that one.
Wooo Hooo!
Dad, you would have made it fine. We were just in a hurry because it was getting dark on us.
I got a PM from muley madness member 'Huntin For Life'. He was able to get some pics of the buck from earlier in the summer. He was gracious enough to let me have some and here they are.....pretty cool.
A big thankyou to Huntin for Life for letting me have the pics. It is nice to have them to go along with the hunt.
COOL buck and pics! :thumb
You do pretty good yourself on nice bucks. I'm going to give it heck over there. Never hunted there before so I hope I can find one. I have been lucky here the last couple of years. It can't last forever. We'll see what happens. It was kind of neat to have my article come out in Muley Crazy, then luck out on another decent buck in the same month.
good luck out there,
No, I am just having a buddy do a european mount for me here locally in southern Utah. There was another nice Utah 3pt with trash down at the bases posted on MonsterMuleys, maybe it was that one.