My 07 Utah Buck
10/24/07 3:57pm
Well, I got lucky and dropped the hammer on a good buck this year in Utah. He is just under 29" wide with great mass and character. I have been eating tag soup in Utah for the past couple of years, so it was fun to put one on the ground again! Enjoy.
What a pretty buck!! Love the MASS and he has TONS of character and I love the 'knobs' all over the bases! :thumb :thumb
big time congrats, thats a heck of a buck!!!!
what region were ya hunting?
Nice looking buck! Congrats! 10sign:
It will probably be a while before I get a chance to write the story down though. I have a lot of catching up to do for work and I will be heading to Colorado to chase muleys again in a week. After I get back from Colorado, I will going down on the Henry Mountains to try and get my dad a buffalo. It's been a busy fall.