My 08 LE Wasatch Bull

I thought I would put my hunt all into one post for you guys.

My hunt has been quit frustrating and difficult it has been the hardest hunt that I have ever been on. I had such high hopes and thought that with the elk that I had been seeing the two weeks prior to the hunt that I would be taged out on sat. morning. This was not the case though, the terrain was alot steeper and rugged that I had imagined it would be. We were seeing bulls and nice ones at that right off the bat but geting in closed enough for a shot was a nother thing. Sure I could have launched wings and prayers at them but that is not me, in fact out side of 400-450 yards I am just not comfortable shooting, and these bulls were all hanging out there at about 600 yards, with no way of closing the distance on them.

Sunday it finaly came to gether and gave me a shot at an awsome looking 7x6 that we had named coat hanger. Well I think that he had a sixth sence and he new just when I was going to pull the trigger, he took a step downhill, lowering his vitals and back almost 18", and the bullet flew right over his back. It was a small opening in the trees so there was no other chance for another shot. Oh well, on to the next ridge and bull right.

Monday and Tuesday was spent in a different area, and the bulls were pletntifull, but so was the under brush, water, heat, wind (in the wrong direction) and the full moon, I just could not get a break, we have tried everything, going in silent to a bugeling bull, going in making cow calls, spot and stalk, sitting on a wallow, and bugeling, and nothing is really working well, the area we have been in holds some awsome 370 class bulls, but I have not been able to get a shot off.

My body is tired, my feet are killing me I think I have hiked dang near 50 miles in the last week. And over all it has be an awsome experience, but as of right now my tag has not been punched. I had to come home today and take a day to rest up and recoop, but I will be back out tomarrow and tuesday if needed. I am praying that something can come to gether tomarrow. I have had a great time and wouldn't trade it for anything, but it has honestly been the hardest most frustrating hunt I have ever been on. I hope others with a LE Elk tag in there pocket are haveing better luck than I have. I will let you all know what happens with my last two days of the season probably when the season is over. Till then Good luck to you. Especially those with Muzz, big bull tags that start Wed.

I took the day off on sunday for some rest and to regain a little bit of strength. We were up at 3:30am and on our way to what hoped would be a honey hole. We arrived to were we wanted to be to be greeted by a partly cloudy, windy, cold sky. We could hear a few bulls way off in the distance. When it got light we could see one bull, not realy big but he was quite a ways away. We worked our (my dad has been with me the whole hunt) way up the ridge to were he was at and was greeted by 3 different bulls bugeling, however once again the terrain was very steep and even thicker than it was steep. I tried everything I knew how to do to try and get one of them to come up to were I could get a look. However when I cow called they decided they did not like me and they went the other direction in a quick hurry. Needless to say pretty soon all was quite and nothing came into view.
On to the next area were we saw a very small 3pt and a very small 4pt. I was with in range (300 yards) but there was no way that I was going to work that hard to get one of them animals out when they were that small.

That was all we saw, and we were not reall impressed with the area so we decided to mover to a completly different area. We hike another 5 miles Monday morning, and then again another 3 miles monday afternoon. We figured we put on right around 65 miles during this last week (8 total days of hunting). When we got to our new destination we were greeted by a few hundred sheep. That ruined that area for the night, so we decided to take it easy for the rest of the evening and stayed close to camp.

As we were coming around this ridge there he was just standing there at about 200 yards, I thru the scope up and right there dicided that my hunt was over, my 7mm roared and the bullet smacked him on the back edge of the front shoulder, it broke throught that shoulder and completly destroyed the liver, part of a lung, and completly severed his windpipe, ( wich is were we found the main part of the bullet). He went about 20 yards and piled up.

He is not the biggest bull that I saw, but I could not be happier to have been able to harvest this great animal man did I ever work my arse off for him. I just could not get the stars alighend right for me to be able to sill the deal on one of them, but last night things finaly worked out Here is a pic for you to enjoy.

I shot him at 7:30 pm last night and we did not get back bed last night till 1pm. We got home today at 12 pm, and imeditaly started cutting up the meat (we process our own). Till 10pm, so as you could imagain I am dead tired.

The best thing about this bull is that he is going to tast alot better than "Tag Soup".

Enjoy the pic everyone.
Do you have any more pics of that beast?
Congrats... 10sign: Thanks for sharing your story, sounds like you had a hunt that will stay with you for many years.
Way to stick with it, I know you worked hard and glad you tagged out. :thumb

Is it just the pic or angle?...or is that body big?
That body is big :thumb
Again DeadI...CONGRATS!

Glad to see/hear that you were successful and had a great hunt!
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Hey, great elk!!! Good job; that looks like a very happy hunter! And I bet it feels that much better after you truly worked your butt off to get it. Way to go and you'll be on cloud 9 for a while. You deserve it, good job!
10sign: 10sign: 10sign: :thumb
Congrats on that big boy DEADI!!! Your smile tells the story! 10sign:
The Ox
congrats! be proud of that one! i hunted moose up there, and just getting one was an accomplishment it wa a rough hunt everything was against us so just finding a nice bull to shoot must have meant you were working your tail off i know i was and i struggled finding moose but i just kept with it until i did
Thanks guys. His body was quite big, I have not Idea how much he weight but it was alot. Not as big as my dads 06 bull but he wasn't far off.

It took us 3 nights to cut up all the meat, but it is finaly done. I don't know how much we got but it took a pretty good chunk of the space up in the freezer. He should be real good eating.

Already I am dreaming of the next time I can try to hunt these elusive critters. Hopefully the next time I can put on on the ground that is just a tich bigger.

At least this year there was no need for one of them red and white helicopters.
Well done Deadi! It's been a tough year for elk hunters in Utah this year. We hunted for 10 days and my brother shot a bull on the second to the last day of his hunt and so I know where you are coming from. Congrats on tagging a nice bull and enjoy those steaks! :thumb
Great read and congratulations on finally sealing the deal. I don't think you could smile any bigger in that photo! =D>
Deadi, I am so happy for you. Congrats on the great bull. I havent been around much lately because of my own hunts. I would still like to hook up with you sometime to go shed hunting. Let me know when you are ready.
