my 2003 elk story(Long)
10/29/03 11:57am
well in my second year of elk hunting with a bow I went empty handed. I passed on many smaller bulls that I could have easily shot but was always looking for something bigger. Here is my story, I picked up a couple friends to go with me early that morning and we headed to my property in northeast oregon. when we arrived we drove to one of my favorite look-out spots. From there we saw 5 bulls, none of these bulls were that great so I let my friends chase after them. I was sittin there watching the elk when I decided to drive up the road a ways and see if I could get an anwser from a bull. after about a mile or two I spotted an elk about 3/4 of a mile a way so I set-up my spotting scope and procedded to view the large 6x6. I never knew for sure how big he was but I knew he was big enough. So I decide to get closer, upon closer inspection I knew exactly where the bull was and I plannd to get closer. I was about a 1/2 mile from where the bull was last seen and as soon as I turned my ATV off I heard bugling. Now the excitment mixed with the bad feeling of having knowone to call for you was weird. I procedded down the ridge toward the calling and upon closer inspection found 10-15 buglin bulls. My adrenaline immediatly startin flowin. I got within 200 yards of the biggest bull which would have gone about 340 when I started calling. he could have cared less. Soon a small rghorn started my way the big herd bull could not take it anymore. He started charging wright towards me and at 25 yards presented a shot. I MISSED I couldnt believe it. One of the largest elk I have ever seen in perfect bow range and I blew it. well I will spare you the rest of the story. But here are my Stats 13 bulls within 35 yards 4-6x6s 7-raghorns and 2-5x5s. even though I didnt kill one it was one of my most succesful seasons. As I Wright this My dad is up chasing them with a rifle I will let you know how he does. Sorry about spelling errors crunched on time.
First off, welcome aboard. Good to have you join us. Sorry to hear you missed the big one. At least that will keep you motivated to do it again next time, right? Sounds exciting though, calling in and seeing so many bulls. Good luck to your Father, hope he gets a good one.