My 2007 Utah Public land Mule Deer
3/30/08 2:10pm
Well to keep this short and sweet,Me and my Dad drew a Muzzleloader tag for southern Utah this year. This was my second Muzzleloader hunt and his 7th or 8th. We got there 3 days early to scout, we have hunted here before with success in both archery and Muzzleloader. Well after scouting 3 days we were seeing good numbers of bucks but nothing really big. My Dad being one who LOVES to fill his tag every year doesnt always hold out for the big one! If the first one that comes by is big or small most likely he's going down. I on the other like to try to hold out a little but it doesn't always work .So the first day of the hunt we see a few bucks and my dad passes on a little forky early in the morning and when moving spots around 10am he sees this nice buck at 167yards one shot and down for the count. After i drive around in the jeep to help pack out which we had to cut him in half to get out of this canyon and in the jeep(about an hour and half). I hunt the rest of the evening with nothing really exciting. The next moring Alot of hunters around so i go anther ridge out and while sneeking thru the quakies i walk on to a nice 22-24 inch wide buck. He has me busted so i try to get my rifle on him and he satrts to go and well i missed! So on the way out we see this guy pulling out a real nice buck on his fourtrax. He is camped next to us so we help with the skinning and caping of his deer.When we are done i decide to go check out where we saw him coming out with his deer. We park the jeep get our gear on and start in to the quakies. About 20 yards i look up and see two huge bucks looking at me at 25-30 yards!! They knew something was up but with the wind right they hesitated and i didn't this time. He went about 30 yards and that was it. He is right at 30" wide 6x7!We rough scored him right around 180. It was a exciting hunt and having my dad by my side when i shot this deer made it all the better
I like your dad , shot the first buck i saw last year , a VERY small 2x2 .
But boy did he taste good .