My 2012 Trail Cam Pics - Last Batch (9-26-2012)
6/24/12 10:12pm
Here's my first batch of trail cam pics... cams were set up for 3 weeks.
Lots of young bucks and several different bulls... I can confirm at least 5 different bulls from all the pictures I got (which is very exciting to see for us since most of the previous elk herd up there was traded away for some turkeys 15 years ago). Lots of little bucks with a couple "better" ones mixed in.
This is "Camera #2" set up ~50 yards uphill from a spring:
Lots of young bucks and several different bulls... I can confirm at least 5 different bulls from all the pictures I got (which is very exciting to see for us since most of the previous elk herd up there was traded away for some turkeys 15 years ago). Lots of little bucks with a couple "better" ones mixed in.
This is "Camera #2" set up ~50 yards uphill from a spring:
My heart sank when I got to my second camera and it was facing a completely different direction & I thought maybe the same guy had found this one. But that wasn't the case... I had heard that elk were curious creatures, and sure enough on two separate occasions a cow took it upon herself to move my camera around. The last cow to mess with it actually licked it or touched her nose to it and got the camera lens dirty (I didn't know that it was dirty until I was off the mountain so my next batch of pics from that camera will be all blurry).
Anyway, NO DEER at all from this round. Perhaps it's just been so warm that it's hard for the IR sensor to detect since the ambient temperature is so close to body temp, or maybe the elk are in there so much that the deer have decided to stay away.
This was the first cow that moved the camera (she moved it a full 45 degrees)... I pulled my first batch of pictures June 23rd, notice the date.
This is a crazy looking spike... my wife says I should shoot this one because he looks silly (I wonder what she means by that?).
And here's where another (or maybe the same) cow decides to dirty my camera lens.
Plus here's a little buck that I bumped twice of the creek bottom when I crossed to head into the bowl after my cameras. I bumped him first on the way in & he startled me a bit, but as I climbed into the bowl I watched him circle back behind me and bed back down... so on the way out I got him again & was ready with my camera:
The Moultrie uses a big 6V battery & even with the flash turned off I only get 2 weeks on one battery, so I don't put that one out a whole lot anymore. Takes decent pics though.
I did notice one other thing when I was retrieving the first camera way up at the top of the bowl... I noticed some strange marks on the tree that my camera was on and also the tree in the center of the cam pics. Some look like claw marks (3 or 4 straight equally spaced marks), but others looked like rubs from antlers (kind of a back & forth, up & down pattern to them). I hadn't noticed them before & will try to take some close-ups when I take a camera back up there... but here's a pic from the trail cam so if anybody has any thoughts as to what is making these marks let's hear it (yeah, I forgot to set the date again, too).
Here's a new placement from my camera that malfunctioned the previous 2 times (which worked great this time... go figure). This camera got moved as well, a cow elk got friendly with it & turned it so the last 200 hundred pics were of a twig.
Then there's this one with the mystery creature... coyote, cougar, quadrepedal yeti?
I don't know... we didn't even know the elk were in there until last fall during the muzzleloader hunt when I saw a spike & cow. I would expect that they will scatter during the rut. I'm just hoping that they group back up and come back to the area to feed post-rut. Maybe somebody with more elk knowledge could help me out with what these bulls may or may not do.
Here's a picture of a rub that I found just a couple yards up the trail from one of my cameras... perhaps it's from last year.
Here's a small buck... after not seeing any bucks since the end of June ANY buck is a good buck! Incidentally, I think this camera was tinkered with, I only had 14 pictures on it and they were all within the last 18 hours. It seems a little fishy (my other camera had almost 600 pics on it) and perhaps I'm playing with fire and am lucky to not have it stolen. Anyway, I moved this camera up the hill a couple hundred yards and security boxes are #1 on my wish list.
Here's a little 4x4 bull elk we call "Fourplay". He shows up on the cameras once every couple days or so.
This has got to be the tallest spike I have ever seen.
Here's a couple different pics of a nice 5x6.
Then there came these... what a sight for sore eyes! I was planning on being in this area opening morning of the muzzleloader hunt but since the bucks seemed to be few & far between I was beginning to have my doubts. This first buck is a narrow tall 3x3. I'd shoot him in a heartbeat!
The second is a bruiser!!! He looks to be a heavy 4x4, but width is hard to distinguish. I'd be stupid to pass on this guy.
Now it's sit back and wait for Sept 26 & the muzzleloader opener.