My 28" Utah Muley

I pretty much got my butt kicked and was very humbled after the archery hunt. I was psyched up for the muzzleloader though (I'll teach them to sit there and laugh at 80 yards!) My dad had a muzzleloader big bull tag and his friend did too. 5 days of nothing but hunting, baseball playoffs, and UFC at the cabin! I didn't have any luck the first night, but I got to watch Morgan, my dad's friend who owns the cabin, miss a good bull. The next day we didn't get anything either, seeing only small bucks. One guy there did get a small 3 point, and we spent the day packing out elk. Both guys got one; Morgans a 366 6x6 and my dad's a 350 (360 with broken points) 7x7. The next morning we got a late start and my friend killed a 2 pt. Then it snowed!! The morning after it snowed my friend (morgan's boy) and his uncle went out to our "honey hole" He hit a 160 3x4 in the leg and went out to get his dad to help recover it. His dad thought he saw brenon's buck and shot it, but it was a different deer (he did have a tag too) Then they found brenon's buck and finished it. We walked out a trail at the bottom of the area they were in to pick them up. I went on a short hike while we waited for them. When I came back, the deer across the canyon started to come out. We could tell one was a good buck in a grass clearing on the steep sage/quakie covered hill. We decided I would pop up at the edge just 80 yards from the deer without them ever knowing i was coming, because I'd be over the edge of the steep hill. We hiked over and popped up in the sage at the edge of the clearing. At first I didn't see the deer, because they'd moved. I found the buck and set up on my sniper styx for the shot. My CVA Eclipse Teflon roared, and the 245 powerbelt found its mark. I couldn't see the impact but I sure could hear it. When the smoke cleared the buck was wobbling towards the trees, then he stopped, side stepped, and was down! My dad had been able to see the whole thing in his binoculars from 1000 yards away, and it was awesome! The buck was far bigger than we thought. He was 28" wide and scored a hair over 150. Bigger than anything my dad killed!
Nice story..... Sweeeet pictures, Congrats on taking a trophy buck! 10sign:
Thanks for sharing, send some pics of them bulls :thumb
Great buck and story. :thumb

YES I wanna see those big ole bull pics also. [-o<
Congrats! thats a nice buck!
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I don't know if I can get pics of morgans bull since we deleted them off the camera but I'll get both stories and pics of my dad's for sure :thumb
Nice story and pics. Somebody has to have pics of the other bull. See if you can find them and post em up. We would love to see the pics.
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very nice !!!!! :thumb
Buck Fever
Congrats on a great deer!!
Nice buck, congrats

one hunting fool
great story thank you for sharing both the story and the pics. but like everyone i sure would like to big bulls lying in the snow also.. xcrossx
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Tomorrow I should get new pics of the bulls, and maybe post on them Sunday. I'm going to the guy who shot the other bull's house tommorrow I think, so I get one of it then.
jersey boy
nice buck and good stories!!! =D>
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Congrats on the nice buck