My Brothers First Muzzy buck
10/3/08 1:36am
My bro. has never shot a muzzleloader in his life. He told me he wanted to go out this year and hunt so i told him he could shoot my gun.
When we hiked to the ridge that we sit and glass from we started seeing deer not to far from where we were at. since it was the last night of the hunt and it was going to be dark alittle over an hour i really didnt want to get to deep into the hills. But sure enough i spotted a 4 point about 1.5 miles away. I thought to myself, "well ill give my brother the option to go after him but there is know way he will be there when we get to him." of course he said he wanted to go after him. so after about 20min. of hiking we arrive about 150 yard from were the buck should be and as a peaked over a tree, he had not moved even a step and to add to that there was an even bigging buck about 50 yards to the south of the the 4 point. So first we tried to get in possition the shoot at the bigger buck but when we found a good spot to shoot from he had moved into some thick trees and most likely wouldnt come back out, so we turn back to the 4 point and by then he started to run up the hill. at the last range i made he was at 202 yards. which is my max range that ill shoot. so i told him to set the dot 2inchs over the top of his back and when he stops shoot. well, the first shoot fired off and drilled him. he jumped 3 feet in the air and took about 4 steeps up the hill and fell over backwards. his first muzzy buck and his first 4 point.
When we hiked to the ridge that we sit and glass from we started seeing deer not to far from where we were at. since it was the last night of the hunt and it was going to be dark alittle over an hour i really didnt want to get to deep into the hills. But sure enough i spotted a 4 point about 1.5 miles away. I thought to myself, "well ill give my brother the option to go after him but there is know way he will be there when we get to him." of course he said he wanted to go after him. so after about 20min. of hiking we arrive about 150 yard from were the buck should be and as a peaked over a tree, he had not moved even a step and to add to that there was an even bigging buck about 50 yards to the south of the the 4 point. So first we tried to get in possition the shoot at the bigger buck but when we found a good spot to shoot from he had moved into some thick trees and most likely wouldnt come back out, so we turn back to the 4 point and by then he started to run up the hill. at the last range i made he was at 202 yards. which is my max range that ill shoot. so i told him to set the dot 2inchs over the top of his back and when he stops shoot. well, the first shoot fired off and drilled him. he jumped 3 feet in the air and took about 4 steeps up the hill and fell over backwards. his first muzzy buck and his first 4 point.
Congrats to your brother on a great lookin' buck!