My Buck Ugly Muzzy Buck!!

Talk about one exciting season! I don't think I've had this much fun in a long time. One thing I won't ever do is go hunting with a new rifle and not feel comfortable with it. It cost me a 26' and a 23' 4x4. I would've liked the 23' he was way tall and had tons on mass. It was also the first time I had taken my daughter with me and I really wanted to put him down. It was a special time nonetheless. This area that I went too, I had never hunted before. The genetics in the area are terrible and their was a ton of small bucks and hunters. The locals where trying to pattern a 96 B&C 3x3 that they were excited about. I had the feeling I was in trouble. Since I was committed to making it work. The second day of scouting put me on some decent bucks. I knew I wasn't going to get a 180, but the 165 4x4 was going to work for me. I had even turned down the buck I got 4 times. The deeper I got into my hunt, the better that buck started to look. Almost like being in a bar at 2 am. Everything starts to look good. He was the 3rd largest deer I had seen in my inventory. Two day later I closed the deal. I'm proud of him and I worked my hind end off for him. He won't score anything, but he is an old mature Muley. I bet he weighed 270 lbs or more. I'm looking forward to aging him. He came out to feed with 12 other bucks and he by far was the largest bodied deer. I even think he was in his regression years. Anyway, enjoy the pictures." alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />

To show you the bad genetics, here is a 2x1 that I thought was pretty cool." alt="" />
C'mon, now, he's not ugly. He's kinda cute in his own way. lol

Congrats on closing the deer and kudos for bringing your daughter with you. This'll be something that she'll remember for the rest of her life, and of course, that will be a MONSTER buck when she tells the story to your grandkids!
Very cool...and CONGRATS. I am glad to hear that the hunt went well and that you enjoyed yourself in the process.

I love the configuration on the rack too.
ugly.... Wait im lost, were you talking about the shooter or the buck :-k


Great looking bucks!
"FrontierGander" wrote:ugly.... Wait im lost, were you talking about the shooter or the buck :-k


Great looking bucks!
That's an easy question, "Both" lol I've never really shot a non-typicalish buck. He had a big 3x3 but not the mass of mine and a Dink 3 also. He made it easy to choose. Sometimes things just come together so well, you feel you need to take advantage of the moment.
my buck this year was basically a twin to yours! [only alot smaller, not near the amout of points, far less mass, lots younger in age, all in all a TON smaller. ] but other than that they were twin.......................................

COOL POST! thanks for sharing :thumb
"killerbee" wrote:my buck this year was basically a twin to yours! [only alot smaller, not near the amout of points, far less mass, lots younger in age, all in all a TON smaller. ] but other than that they were twin.......................................

COOL POST! thanks for sharing :thumb
lol Well heck Killer, I want to see a picture. I think most of us feel the pressure over here to post only big bucks. I posted mine for that reason. He is a good buck, but not huge. People go to the field each year in hopes of a Monster/Respectable buck. The REALITY of it, most won't. Most of the areas we hunt don't produce the good deer of the past. Truth is, most deer don't ever get over the 170 to 180 mark. I know you know all of this, but sometimes we all need to be reminded. Most of us have ego's when it comes to big deer. We want to prove to everyone that we are "Curt Gowdy's" of the world. I'll take the spirit, adventure, and the memories of the hunt. Sometimes, those are just as good as a wall hanger.
Good buck, hes got some character points.
I don't know why we refer to character bucks as Ugly. I love the unique bucks. That will be great rack to have in your collection. Congratulations on your harvest.
I also like the 'odd' bucks, congrats! :thumb
Cool looking buck. :thumb
Good job! Looks like a fat one alright. :thumb
Great buck :thumb
I dig it to....Good job man!
very nice =D>