My buddys dad got lucky at the expo

My buddys dad drew out for the Dutton tag last year through the regular draw. Shot a nice bull. Well this year he drew the very same tag through the expo. He is 65. Can't wait to see what is instore for him this year.
WOW! Congrats to the lucky guy! Sure wish I would have a little luck one of these days!
Congrats to the lucky guy!
DANG that's lucky! Hopefully I can experience that kind of luck some day! Goll I'm going to feel good enough when I can finally put in for actual tags again and not just Bonus Points! But 2 Dutton tags in a row, dang. My cousin and his friend both drew archery Dutton tags 2 years ago, saw some nice bulls just got too picky. Well keep us posted. Hey, lets see his bull from last year! Get some pics up
Funny thing is I have not even seen pics of there bulls from last year. ](*,)
Both my buddy and his dad had tags last year.

Ill see if I can get him to send me some pics.
6x6 bull
DeadI with your luck with the Expo, I thought you were going to say that you drew a tag again this year. Good Luck to your buddys dad. I guess he should have that unit dialed in after getting to hunt it for the second year in a row.
Luck! I only drew it once. But next year you can go to betting Im drawing it again. [-o<
Lucky for sure, yea lets see some pics if you can get em DeadI :thumb