MY COYOTE!!!!!!!!

Caught this guy a few days ago and he is doing good plan on keeping him!!!!!!!!!" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />

TRUE KILLER :222 :222 :222 :222 :222 AMD HIS NAME IS LUG NUT!!!!!!!" alt="" />
o dude thats cute.haha. i know of a guy here in vernal who has one. he found somebody shot the pups mom so he took him home. i think he said there was 2 more pups but they were already dead
i wouldnt get to close to it i had a friend who had at pet deer and it just ran away i almost died cryin
Show_Me_Your_Rack; Below are the State of Utah regulations regarding capturing/holding live coyotes. The way I read it, it's illegal to do so. Not only is it illegal, you will be subject to normal fines and court costs PLUS boarding costs for the animal until your case has been reviewed. It also mentions that in most cases the animal is euthanized. Keeping that pup is a class B misdemeanor.
Of course, if you have a valid permit to hold the animal then this does not apply. Please read below:


Rule R58-14. Holding Live Raccoons or Coyotes in Captivity.
As in effect on June 1, 2007

Table of Contents
R58-14-1. Authority.
R58-14-2. Definitions.
R58-14-3. General.
R58-14-4. Penalty.
Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment
Notice of Continuation
Authorizing, Implemented, or Interpreted Law
R58-14-1. Authority.
A. Promulgated under authority of Subsection 4-2-2(1)(j) and Section 4-23-11.

B. Scope: It is the intent of this rule to protect the health and safety of individuals by prohibiting the holding of a raccoon or coyote in captivity except as provided by this rule.

R58-14-2. Definitions.
For the purpose of this rule the following definitions apply:

A. Division means the Division of Wildlife Resources.

B. Person means an individual, association, partnership, government agency, or corporation, or any agent of the foregoing.

C. Possession means actual and constructive possession.

D. Raccoon means a depredating animal.

E. Coyote means a predatory animal.

F. Animal means raccoon or coyote.

G. Captivity means possession.

H. Unpermitted animal means a raccoon or coyote possessed by a person without a valid permit issued by the Department of Agriculture and Food for each individual animal.

R58-14-3. General.
The Division of Wildlife Resources, with the cooperation of the Department of Agriculture and Food and the Department of Health shall enforce this rule.

A. The Agricultural and Wildlife Damage Prevention Board, by authority granted under 4-23, declares it unlawful to import, distribute, relocate or possess live raccoons or coyotes except as provided by this rule.

B. Upon filing an application for registration with the Department of Agriculture and Food, upon forms provided by the department, a permit may be issued by the department authorizing the applicant to hold in live captivity raccoons or coyotes for research, educational, zoos, circuses, or other purposes authorized by the Department of Agriculture and Food.

C. A separate permit must be obtained from the department for each individual raccoon and coyote possessed, and the permit is valid only for the individual raccoon or coyote for which the permit was originally issued.

D. A person issued a permit to possess a live raccoon or coyote may not lend, sell, lease, assign, give, or otherwise transfer the permit, or any rights granted by the permit, to an other person.

E. A person may not use or attempt to use the permit of an other person.

F. Nuisance raccoons and coyotes may not be relocated following capture, but may be captured and euthanized or otherwise destroyed on location where capture is unfeasible.

G. Unpermitted animals may be seized immediately by the Division of Wildlife Resources, the Department of Health, the Department of Agriculture and Food, animal control officers, or peace officers where the person possessing the animal cannot produce, for each raccoon or coyote a valid permit issued for that particular animal.

(1) At the time the citation is issued, the aggrieved party may sign and indicate on the citation intent to seek administrative review. Within fourteen days aggrieved party must make a written request to the Department of Agriculture and Food, pursuant to 4-1-3.5, to schedule an informal adjudicative proceeding to review the seizure of any unpermitted animal.

(2) Unpermitted animals seized by the Division of Wildlife Resources, the Department of Health, the Department of Agriculture and Food, an animal control officer, or a peace officer may be held and boarded by the state where the possessor verifies in writing at the time of seizure his or her intention to seek administrative review of the seizure under R58-14-3 G(1), and further agrees to compensate the state for all reasonable costs associated with boarding the subject animal during the pendency of the review process. In instances where the final adjudicative order finds possession of the subject animal lawful under these rules, all boarding expenses paid to the state under this section will be refunded.

(3) Unpermitted animals seized by the Division of Wildlife Resources, the Department of Health, or the Department of Agriculture and Food may be euthanized if the possessor does not verify at the time of seizure his or her intention to seek administrative reviews of the seizure under R58-14-3(1), or refuses to reimburse the state for the costs associated with boarding the animal.

(4) Unpermitted animals held or boarded by the state pursuant to R58-14-3 G(2) may be euthanized where the party fails to timely file a request provided under 4-1-3.5, or where remedies have been exhausted and the final order finds possession of the animal in violation of statute or this rule.

H. Any raccoon or coyote that bites or scratches a person or domestic animal shall be handled in accordance with R386-702-5.

R58-14-4. Penalty.
Any violation of this rule is a Class B Misdemeanor.

administrative procedure, enforcement

Date of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment
July 18, 2000

Notice of Continuation
August 29, 2006

Authorizing, Implemented, or Interpreted Law
4-2-2(1)(j); 4-23-11


Rule converted into HTML by the Division of Administrative Rules.

For questions regarding the content or application of rules under Title R58, please contact the promulgating agency (Agriculture and Food, Animal Industry). A list of agencies with links to their homepages is available at

For questions about the rulemaking process, please contact the Division of Administrative (801-538-3764). Please Note: The Division of Administrative Rules is not able to answer questions about the content or application of these rules.

show_me_your_rack, I wouldn't be answering your door or phone tomorrow or until that dog is long gone. Bytheway, what the hell are you thinking?
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Well, he's a cute little sucker, but if I were you, I'd let him go pretty quick here. Oh, and maybe get rid of these pictures, too.
It's probably too late to release it at this point. There's no way it would survive on its own at that age and now it views humans as a source of shelter and/or food. Sooner or later, if it survives long enough, it will wander into someone's yard lookin' for a hand-out. If mother nature doesn't kill it some farmer, rancher, or concerned citizen will.

Essencially you signed this pup's death warrant when you brought it home....whether directly or indirectly. You might as well finish the job now and put it down.
Yes i know the laws and contacted the state and yes his mom is dead did not know she had a den in my field found out after i disked it!!! Since it was on my property i have a year to get it all of its shot and a permit to keep it i just cant sell it or breed it!!!!!!!!! but i lould like to say thanks to everyone who was just trying to help me out and not wanting me to get in trouble thanks alot i love this site and what you guys do for me thanks my hats off to you guys =D> [-o<
Just makin' sure you were aware before you got that dreaded "knock on the door".
As well as the law thing. What are you thinking that this is a wild animal. Apples to oranges here, but my cousins has a couple of coons they had caught as babies, raised me, and everything was going good, then one day (when they were adults coons) he goes out to feed them, the thing attacked him and he almost didn't get away. Be carefull my friend, you are messing with something that belongs out in the hills. He is cute right now but things could turn and for the worse too.

Just be carefull.
I plan playing around with it till it gets to big and could get someone hurt it is already to late to let it go so i am not going to we have a pheasant pen that is over 3/4 of an acer that i am keeping it in and if it gets out of hand i will shoot it it is that easy!!!!!!!!!
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Sorry dude, I just think you're wierd. It's a coyote, not a pet. This is not dances with wolves or white fang, it's real life and they are dirty nasty dogs, not house pets or domesticated animals. Plus they keep me up at night howling behind the house. :nono:

It is calving season and I've always wanted a pet elk.....
show me your rack_
the little town i grew up in a couple of my friends had these as pets and they turned out to be pretty good dogs. Take care of the little guy, and if he turns me your right shoot his butt.