My Dad's Buck
10/25/08 11:02am
Hey all,
Just wanted to show my Dad's buck that he got on the Utah general season rifle hunt. This was an older deer for sure. As you can see very big bodied, white faced, starting to get roman nosed. My Dad's 7mag shell could fit in the track. Dad has been having a bit of tuff luck in recent years, in fact we started calling him 'sh!t magnet', all in fun of course. But he sure turned his luck around this year and made an awesome 338 yard shot on this buck. " alt="" /> " alt="" />
Thanks for looking,
Just wanted to show my Dad's buck that he got on the Utah general season rifle hunt. This was an older deer for sure. As you can see very big bodied, white faced, starting to get roman nosed. My Dad's 7mag shell could fit in the track. Dad has been having a bit of tuff luck in recent years, in fact we started calling him 'sh!t magnet', all in fun of course. But he sure turned his luck around this year and made an awesome 338 yard shot on this buck.

Thanks for looking,
Congrats to the end of tough luck for your dad!
what mkes you think he was an old deer/, just curious?
I am not saying old like 10 plus or anything like that. What I mean is it was mature. This was in a Utah general season area and if a buck can make it to 5 1/2 years old, it has eluded alot of hunters. I don't think this buck had the genetics to grow the huge rack, but was very smart and chose his hiding spot well.