My dads 08 roadless book cliffs bull
12/11/09 10:27am
Here are some pics of my dads bull that he got last year on the roadless book cliffs tag. " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" />

Then next day we decided to go down into the steep stuff, We got out a little late. We started hiking around eight thirty, got into the trees a little ways and cow called, had some bulls respond so we got a little closer and called some more, we had one small bull come up to us and busted us and took the rest of them with him. We went over the top of the ridge and looked into the other canyon. Cow called a few times and had some bulls respond, one sounded really nice, so my dad wanted to try and get a look at him. We started working our way around the canyon, it was a really steep canyon. We got to a rock where we could see most of the canyon, we cow called a few times and had a bull in the next canyon bugle back, we had him come over the top of the ridge and down to the bull that we wanted to get a look at. The bull that came over the top was a decent 7x6, he went down and we herd some crashing in the trees below us. All of a sudden the canyon came alive, that 7x6 ran down to the bottom and busted up a heard of about ten cows and the bull we wanted to look at, the 7x6 took the cows back over the ridge and and was gone. About two minutes later the other bull came into view ( the one that was in the pictures) my dad only had a small window to decide if he was going to take it or not. After looking at him for a few seconds he decided to shoot him. His first shot hit the very tip of the bulls G2, luckily it just spun around and looked behind him, my dad shot him again and got him in the lungs. He shot one more time and hit him in the neck. We saw that he was down so we hustled down to get to him. When we got there he was still breathing so my dad shot him again. He flipped over and almost landed right on my dad, he was standing below him and it was pretty steep where he went down. After that the fun began lol. We cut him up and hung him up and headed back up the mountain to the horses. The next day we rode the long way around to the bottom to pack him out. It was a way fun trip but also a lot of work with the horses in there and not much food for them and so far away from the car. I will never forget going back into there with my dad and uncle.