My dads 10pt muzzy buck
11/12/10 8:10am
The ol' man strikes again with a solid ten pointer. He took this deer the second saturday of Virginias blackpowder season and this is his first ten point buck ever. The rut here in VA has been very sporadic this year and with a massive crop of acorns the hunting has been hard. This is deer is very representative of what to expect out here in VA and it was definitely a great day for dad!

11/12/10 8:20am
congrats to your dad on a very nice buck. would love to hear the story behind it. :thumb

11/14/10 9:03am
I wish I had a really exciting story to go with this hunt but a successful hunt is a good story by itself. My dad and I were hunting one of our favorite spots which is an 18 acre ridge owned by my dads friend. This area has produced some fine bucks for us over the years even though its not a very big tract of land. This place has it all though and the deer love it. We have pretty much got them patterned and with the huge acorn crop this year in VA this spot is prime. The area is covered with large oak trees and they all seem to be raining acorn which the deer and turkey are devouring. We got to our stands about an hour before daylight and it wasn't long before we could hear movement in the predawn woods. I saw a few does stroll by as the sun was begining to ease up and I was in high hopes that a shooter would be along shortly. Little did I know that my dad was seeing a lot of activity as well only a couple hundred yards down the ridge. He saw a small buck just as it was light enough to shoot and holding out for something larger he didn't have to wait long. As the small buck wandered by he heard movement coming up from behind him and saw a doe that looked to be stressed out a little. He thought that a this doe might have been chased up the hill by something and he was right because only a minute or two after seeing her he caught movement farther down the hill and saw the glint of antler that he was hoping for. As the buck eased through the trees with his nose to the ground dad took the oportunity to raise his muzzleloader and get this guy in his sights. As he waited for the shot the buck suddenly took off at a trot straight towards him at which time he made his fatal mistake of stopping only about 40 yds from dad in the open. As the shot rang out across the ridge I knew that dad had something down and little to my surprise the .50 cal powerbelts did their job dropping the buck where he stood which made for an easy tracking job.

11/14/10 9:04am
Congrats to your dad and thanks for sharing. :thumb

11/14/10 11:52am
A good day of hunting with the family and getting a fine buck also. Could life get any better? I think not. Congrats. =D>

11/16/10 10:11am
Nice buck. One of these days I hope to do a little whitetail hunting.