my dads buck!
1/23/07 10:19am
This is my dads little spike he shot. Im in the very back being retarded. " alt="" />

J/K bud, you're just probably having a blast with the FAM is all. :)
My uncle Pat passed on one story that I thought was SO COOL I went to school the next week and told everyone about it. No wonder everyone looked at me funny!
Here is the short version: My Uncle Pat was bow hunting all day outside of where we lived (Orofino Idaho) and hadn't seen a thing. More than a little frustrated by the lack of game and itching to bring something home a large grouse appeared just up the game trail from him. He decided that "A large grouse on the table is better than nothing at all" so he drew back and let an arrow fly. Well, would you know it? The grouse bent over to pick up a pine seed at the exact same time the arrow reached it. Because it bent over, the arrow entered JUST UNDER THE SKIN above its backside and lodged in the back of grouse with the broadhead sticking out above the head and in front of the grouse. Well as you can imagine, the grouse was spooked pretty bad and took off in a desperate flight to escape. Because the arrow was protruding through the skin above its head it couldn't look up to see where it was flying. Well as luck would have it a monster whitetail stepped out from behind a deadfall right as the grouse flew by. BAM! The grouse flew right into the side of the buck, forcing the arrow right into the old boiler room of big buck. The buck jumped, ran about 100 yards, and keeled over with the arrow still sticking out of it's side and grouse still attached. My Uncle was able to take them both home and enjoyed a nice grouse and backstrap dinner that evening.
As a 7 year old I thought that was the most awesome thing I had ever heard. It wasn't until I was older that I started to think "This story can't be real!!!". I'm slow, but I ain't dumb!
Of course, I HAVE passed at least some of this on to my boys...LOL
Great story! :))