my daughters funny story...
2/10/09 9:08pm
so i gotta share it. my daughter is 2 yrs and 6 months old. she's been talking since she was 1 1/2 yrs old, so she is very articulant[SP??] for her age
so i was at my perents tonight with my 2 kids. [ on a side note my parents have pastored a church for 25+ yrs] and my daughter was petting my moms cat. so i asked " is boots a he or a she?" my moms says" well " SHE"S AN IT" [ cause the female cat was spayed] my daughter danner turnes to her gamma and says " GRAMMA_ YOU DONT SAY SH IT" i bout died laughing. my mom was sqwirming trying to tell her thats not what she said.
get it? ----- SHES AN IT-----SH I T??
my moms got a lot of explaining to do................... lol
so i was at my perents tonight with my 2 kids. [ on a side note my parents have pastored a church for 25+ yrs] and my daughter was petting my moms cat. so i asked " is boots a he or a she?" my moms says" well " SHE"S AN IT" [ cause the female cat was spayed] my daughter danner turnes to her gamma and says " GRAMMA_ YOU DONT SAY SH IT" i bout died laughing. my mom was sqwirming trying to tell her thats not what she said.
get it? ----- SHES AN IT-----SH I T??
my moms got a lot of explaining to do................... lol
You see, I have been in your shoes before, and from what I'm hearing, the fact that she knows it's a bad word, means someone has said it before and then explained it to her! HaHa! LOL!
I'm laughing both at her and you!
My twins are now 2 and half as well and my little girl is picking up on the bad words and I'm having to really watch my mouth! :-$
Killer, when my 5 year old was 2 we were sitting outside on the 4th of July watching the various fireworks going off. About 10 minutes into it a rather large one exploded over our head. My son just stared into the sky and said matter-of-factly "DA%$! That is the biggest firework I ever saw Daddy!" I looked up quickly, started to say something...but couldn't contain my laughter! My wife had to pull the little man aside and explain to him that he shouldn't say that.
I still laugh just thinking about it!
I have a 7-year-old and a 4-year-old son that like to play down the street with some of the nieghborhood boys. They are all very coordinated and the play gets competitive at times. Apparently my 4-year-old has heard the older boys taunt one another with things like "I'll beat your brains in and I'll kick you in the nuts.
When he got home he innocently asked my wife "Mommy where are my brains and where are my nuts?" She about died laughing and then proceeded to explain the meaning.
When she later told me about the incident she said "what I wanted to explain, but didn't, was that your brains are up here and you nuts are part of your privates down there. When you get older like daddy, your brains are down there and you go nuts up here"
I had a good laugh at that one. :))
I have some good ones but the best is when my 2 year daughter calls m 18 year old daughter a jackass. She got that one from grandpa. ( it couldnt have been my fault.)
Notenough, your lucky my wife keeps mine in her purse. (???)