My first Bull Elk.. success!
Muley Shed Freak
11/3/09 10:22am
After not drawing any elk tags, I was left with the filling there would be no elk in the freezer this year. There was however an OTC tag in my unit that was open for a few days for spike only. I figured we would give it a go and see what happens. I hadn't seen a spike in my unit for around 7 years. Either I was only looking for cow elk and not antlers or there werent any to be seen.
Opening morning I hiked up a nasty steep ridge to get a better look of the mountains and canyons surrounding me. About 2 miles away in my rifle scope I see 8 elk on a ridge. They are heading to bead down in the timber. I decide to let them settle in before my long hike to where they are at. My first obstical is a deep long creek full of willows. Its like a corn maze. I finally get across and head to a ridge to get a better look. I underestimated the steepness and it takes me and hour to get up it. I finally settle in and start glassing the timber. I see a calf bedded down and a cow above him. No longer than 10 minutes pass and they get up and start to feed. No sign of the spike I thought I had seen earlier. I range my distance and I'm at 275 yards.. perfect! Cant ask to get any closer than that. As they start to feed a few wander out into the open. Not too far behind is the spike! I get my scope on him as he is walking away. He finally stops for a moment... BOOM!! He hits the dirt... tries to get up...BOOM!! Down.... but he isnt done.... he starts to tumble down the mountain. Ah no! I watch as the goes head over rear over and over again. Finally he hits a pine tree and stops. Thank goodness. I get to him and no breakage on his antlers. Lucky!
We clean him out and start to drag him down the mountain. Its getting dark now. I decide to skin him out and cut him in half to help cool. I straddle both quarters over two large rocks to keep him elevated. I'll be back in the morning to get him.. I hope the coyotes and wolves dont get him. Then it hits me... why not...'mark' the area around the quarters. It worked. Nothing feed on him that night. It takes the intire rest of the next day to get him drug out. A total of a day and a half. Now about that creek I had to cross... the elk has to cross it too. So we went for a little swim.. burrr! Thank goodness the truck was only 200 yards away from the creek.
What a hunt! My first spike elk opening day, the hard work afterwards, and the incredible scenery made for my most enjoyable hunt yet! I couldn't be happier! 10sign:
Opening morning I hiked up a nasty steep ridge to get a better look of the mountains and canyons surrounding me. About 2 miles away in my rifle scope I see 8 elk on a ridge. They are heading to bead down in the timber. I decide to let them settle in before my long hike to where they are at. My first obstical is a deep long creek full of willows. Its like a corn maze. I finally get across and head to a ridge to get a better look. I underestimated the steepness and it takes me and hour to get up it. I finally settle in and start glassing the timber. I see a calf bedded down and a cow above him. No longer than 10 minutes pass and they get up and start to feed. No sign of the spike I thought I had seen earlier. I range my distance and I'm at 275 yards.. perfect! Cant ask to get any closer than that. As they start to feed a few wander out into the open. Not too far behind is the spike! I get my scope on him as he is walking away. He finally stops for a moment... BOOM!! He hits the dirt... tries to get up...BOOM!! Down.... but he isnt done.... he starts to tumble down the mountain. Ah no! I watch as the goes head over rear over and over again. Finally he hits a pine tree and stops. Thank goodness. I get to him and no breakage on his antlers. Lucky!
We clean him out and start to drag him down the mountain. Its getting dark now. I decide to skin him out and cut him in half to help cool. I straddle both quarters over two large rocks to keep him elevated. I'll be back in the morning to get him.. I hope the coyotes and wolves dont get him. Then it hits me... why not...'mark' the area around the quarters. It worked. Nothing feed on him that night. It takes the intire rest of the next day to get him drug out. A total of a day and a half. Now about that creek I had to cross... the elk has to cross it too. So we went for a little swim.. burrr! Thank goodness the truck was only 200 yards away from the creek.
What a hunt! My first spike elk opening day, the hard work afterwards, and the incredible scenery made for my most enjoyable hunt yet! I couldn't be happier! 10sign:

11/3/09 11:10am
Nice! Congrats.

11/3/09 1:44pm
Excellent work, what a blast. :thumb

11/3/09 4:23pm
:thumb Congrats on your elk! With that kill you have no doubt been addicted to the sport, now that you got your first one out of the way, do yourself and the rest of us a favor and let em grow. If nobody shot bulls with less then 5 points to a side then there would be bulls everywhere and big ones!

11/3/09 4:38pm
Well done thats good eats right there! :thumb

11/3/09 5:21pm
Congrats on a great trophy!! Thanks for the story. :thumb

Muley Shed Freak
11/8/09 3:30pm
I'd love to leave you guys some spikes to grow up to be big bulls, but if all I can get is an OTC Spike only tag cause I can't draw a cow tag to save my life... I just can't pass up the meat that cuts like 'butta'. He's the tastest elk I've ever had. Sea Salt, garlic, and ground sage rubbed into the steaks cooked in butter. Who's hungry? :thumb

11/10/09 7:56pm
Congrats on filling probably the toughest elk tag of all. Great eating to last you for a while!

11/10/09 8:35pm
great job! thanks for posting up your story :thumb

11/11/09 9:56pm
Nice Spike. I bet those backstraps will almost melt in your mouth.