My first elk
10/20/12 11:23pm
I have been hunting elk for 3 years and finally got a cow on the 3rd day of Colorado's 1st rifle season. At first light I hiked up with a friend through steep timber to a clearing a mile up and we started hearing bugling near the top. There were about 20 elk up high on the open hill including two nice bulls who are alive today because we had cow tags. We carefully got into position and I got down on the ground near a tree and was able to get a heart shot from about 250 yards away on a fat cow. She took off running with the herd and then fell down the hill. She got up again and took 3 steps and then fell for the last time. My friend dropped another cow a few moments later (his first as well). We spent the rest of the day and a good part of the next day getting both elk off the mountain. It is a great feeling to finally have some success and meat for the winter.
Nice to see a dusting of snow up there. I'll be headed up on my own cow hunt in a few weeks and the unit I'll be in, it will really help if there is some snow on the ground.