My History With a BIG Buck!
9/19/11 6:43pm
I'll post to this story over the next few days...(I did not harvest this deer, someone did though).
I found this buck back in 2009 and could tell he had the potential for something special. Here is one of my encounters that summer and my best picture of him. I had several encounters over the years and he turned out to be one of my favorite bucks I've ever had the privilege of watching.
A very distinct deer (can you tell the unique feature he has about him??)
He is a 4x5 this year, with his left side about to split up top into 6.
More to come...
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I found this buck back in 2009 and could tell he had the potential for something special. Here is one of my encounters that summer and my best picture of him. I had several encounters over the years and he turned out to be one of my favorite bucks I've ever had the privilege of watching.
A very distinct deer (can you tell the unique feature he has about him??)
He is a 4x5 this year, with his left side about to split up top into 6.
More to come...
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Any idea what happend to his ear?
I'm curious before we move on to 2010 what you think he scores in 2009? Any guesses?? Obviously I don't know but am curious as to what you think he scores...cause he kinda EXPLODES in size for 2010. :-k
Let's move on. Here is my first encounter with him in 2010. I DID NOT know it was the same buck initially, but you see later on that it's FOR SURE him.
He is on the far right, with his brothers on the left. :)
And yet another from 2010...
I guess he blew up. It looks like almost all of his top tines are getting ready to for again.
That's a nice buck.
these pics aren't the best (blurry). He was on the move and tough to get a good shot.
He wasn't in the mood to stick around for any photogenic pics. But not to worry, I eventually got some good stuff through persistence and a bit a luck I suppose.
(Click for bigger images.)
Okay how about some more score guesses now, this is about every angle of him.
With the bow hunt right around the corner, then muzzle, then rifle what are the odds this Bruiser can survive the 2010 season?? Only time will tell.
I wonder if his brother with all the mass will break out next year like he did?
If I read right, some lucky hunter harvested him this year? Are we gonna get a pic and story or am I jumping too far ahead?
Here is my only encounter with him in 2011, I was EXCITED to say the least that he had survived the season and was alive and well. I got a few still shots before he walked over the ridge. He definitely had the WOW factor and was the biggest buck I saw all summer.
And check out the frame on the 3-point, impressive as well. :)
Here he is with the lucky hunter in all his/her glory. 6x9 Buck that was about 33" wide and grossed 219"
I'll refrain from sharing the story I heard, because it's second hand. Would be REALLY cool if the hunter would come share some pics and tell us but that's up to them.
One of the coolest bucks I've watched over a 3 year period.
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Brett, you mentioned that there was a distinguishing feature about him... what was it? I saw a single eye-guard, but I'm likely wrong.
It's his right ear, it's have ripped off or almost burnt looking. :)
Great thread, thanks Brett.