My little 4 yr old future hunter!!!
11/9/08 9:08am

It was just a daddy daughter hunt this year and we had a blast!! She loved It
I took my four year old girl out this year for a morning of antelope archery hunting. She had a blast and didn't want to leave until we shot a buck. She didn't understand why her daddy couldn't just run and catch one :)) . Now everytime I come home empty handed she asks if they were to fast for me. The funniest part was after I shot my Utah bull I called and told her. She said with a really excited voice, "Daddy that's AMAZING you caught one.....are they to fast for Kobe (Ridgetop)?" All I could say is, "I guess so" :)) .
Now, If I could only figure out how to get my 17 yr old daughter to still be interested. She's more than happy to eat it but wants nothing to do with camping or shooting.