My Minnesota Whitetail
1/4/10 9:54am
This was back in mid Nov. Hunting here is a lot different then my Muley hunting in MT and WY.
Here it's sitting in a heated stand, windows and all. Bringing it in and hanging with the Bobcat.
In Muley country it's working the canyons and badlands all on foot. Boning the deer and packing it out on my back, some times a couple miles and more.
Here I hunt my land only. Stand overlooks a large area, grassy bogs, some open woods, narrow field crossings and feeding areas.
I see lots of deer, 30-40 per day. Plenty of yearling bucks.
I shot this deer on the 5th day of a 9 day season and turned out to be the biggest deer in sight of the year.
Dressed weight was 205. " alt="" />
Here it's sitting in a heated stand, windows and all. Bringing it in and hanging with the Bobcat.
In Muley country it's working the canyons and badlands all on foot. Boning the deer and packing it out on my back, some times a couple miles and more.
Here I hunt my land only. Stand overlooks a large area, grassy bogs, some open woods, narrow field crossings and feeding areas.
I see lots of deer, 30-40 per day. Plenty of yearling bucks.
I shot this deer on the 5th day of a 9 day season and turned out to be the biggest deer in sight of the year.
Dressed weight was 205.

Wishing you all the best adventures in 10. :thumb
We took a few site pictures, but cold or something? pics didn't work out. So this is the best photo I have. ](*,)
That is a heck of a nice looking buck.
Where are you at in MN? I am just southwest of Brainerd. Have you hunted Camp Ripley at all?
Take care
I am in the North, rifle hunting up here.
Allen, the Bobcat is handy for packing out and hanging. Tell you what! after packing 2 Muley Bucks out on my back in the Rough country. Glad to have it easy. :thumb