My Mistake Buck :P
10/3/08 11:15pm
Shot this on the 3rd day of Utah muzzleloader season. I took him on account of mistaken identity. I seen him and a fairly big four point together and i spooked them down into some quakies. I went in and followed not knowing how close i was and spooked them out of there beds again and i didnt have much time to see him so when i seen antlers i shot thinking it was the four point. O well hes still pretty big for a two point(second deer) and has brow tines. Maybe i can get the four point next year when hes bigger :) and also sorry i havent been posting much lately. Been right in the middle of a move and still havent got to settled yet but anyway heres some pics. " alt="" /> " alt="" />
Lil bro and me with deer " alt="" /> " alt="" />
Me and pops " alt="" />
Sorry for all the pics and sorry if you dont like people shooting 2 points. I was trying to hold

Lil bro and me with deer

Me and pops

Sorry for all the pics and sorry if you dont like people shooting 2 points. I was trying to hold
Did anyone else in you party tag out?
Its not the size, its who you are hunting with it looks like your bro.and dad will remember that 2 point for a long time!!
Where'd ya move to Cody, you still out in the basin?
Not a bad buck at all. Way ta go..