My new 17M2
3/6/07 11:25am

converted from a 10/22
pretty good performance!
bow nut, youre right, if I woulda had my 223 that dog woulda been dead! but at 200 yards it sure was fun to empty a 25 round clip on him!!
All you need to do is change the barrel, it comes with a heavier bolt handle to add mass to the action. It corrects the timing of the action to suit the pressure of the 17m2. I had to buy a stock too, cuz i opted for a heavu barrel.
1/2 inch groups at 100 yards is the norm
potguts at 100-150 are a BLAST!
the cartrige really suffers after that
but that particular day I was just plinking around with a new toy when the opportunnity at the dog appeared. It is quite possible that a few of the bullets hit him, and I have no problem with wounding a coyote.
However, a shot to the vitals on a coyote less than 150 yards will tip em right over.
the banana clips work about half the time, I have found that the red tip hornady is the most accurate and the most reliable.
I still think that the good ole 22 mag outperforms both hmr and m2 due to the heavier bullet transfering more energy.
love the gun chet, quite unique