My new 17M2" alt="" />

converted from a 10/22
pretty good performance!
goood shootin but my thought i think that gun is ugly
Nice color, so he wants to stand out so nobody shoots him. Looks pretty lethal to me. I'll be honest I haven't a clue what a 17M2 is?
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It's another version of the .17 HMR. Which is basicly a .22 rimfire necked down to a .17 caliber. They are some sweet shooting guns but a little small for me. About a year ago I went and got a .204 Ruger and have love it.
Chet, great lookin' weapon. Have ya had a chance to take it out huntin' yet?
what all is involved in converting a 10/22 to this 17m2, barrel, chamber, and action? anything else? i like it though. looks like it would be a tack driver!
If you look closely you will see a couple of dead rodents laying there. I had to look at it a couple of time before I noticed them also.
yep i see them what are they. pdogs,potguts?
Potguts would be my guess.
Man, I missed those little buggers completely! I was concentrating on the rifle!
I missed a coyote that same day!
bow nut, youre right, if I woulda had my 223 that dog woulda been dead! but at 200 yards it sure was fun to empty a 25 round clip on him!!

All you need to do is change the barrel, it comes with a heavier bolt handle to add mass to the action. It corrects the timing of the action to suit the pressure of the 17m2. I had to buy a stock too, cuz i opted for a heavu barrel.

1/2 inch groups at 100 yards is the norm

potguts at 100-150 are a BLAST!
the cartrige really suffers after that
Yep one of these little beuties will be sharing it's new home with the rest of my stock one of these days.
i completely agree wuth kade. but very lethal
i completely agree wuth kade. but very lethal
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You don't have a problem with the banana clips? I have heard that most do. Also...That isn't your predator gun is it? The HMR is just enough for coyotes, unless you're way close, since only the V-Max is available for it, I don't the the Mach 2 is enough to consistenly kill coyotes.
my varmint collection consists of 223 243 and 25-06, so depending on the situation at hand, I got it all covered.
but that particular day I was just plinking around with a new toy when the opportunnity at the dog appeared. It is quite possible that a few of the bullets hit him, and I have no problem with wounding a coyote.
However, a shot to the vitals on a coyote less than 150 yards will tip em right over.
the banana clips work about half the time, I have found that the red tip hornady is the most accurate and the most reliable.
I still think that the good ole 22 mag outperforms both hmr and m2 due to the heavier bullet transfering more energy.
The Ox
well the 22 mag is awesome and has more bullet options. the 17 is making progress in that thogh and i have found a 17 hmr game point which is supposed to be a soft point but havent really shot them much. i love that little 17 hmr it is a tack driving rabbit gun its amazing i would say. ive never had a rabbit pop back up after that hmr went through it. although ive only had one coyote cross my path with it it was a bit for out for that caliber (250-300 yards) making it a little on the weakside for the dogs. however my uncle dropped one dead in its tracks with a shot to the spine from 200 yards. altohugh i think the 22 mag has a bit more ft lbs of energy , the hmr just feels smoother to me i love my 17 hmr. i dont nessecarily think it out performs it by much if any its just a whole different world. if you havent shot one try it before you make any assumptions. i havent shot the mach2 but cant wait.

love the gun chet, quite unique
thanks ox!