My Pahvant archery elk hunt. 2015
7/28/15 11:56am
I figured that I would start a thread about my elk hunt this year.
It all started with this little tid bit. Just hoping that we can find one of this caliber in about three weeks. :thumb
It all started with this little tid bit. Just hoping that we can find one of this caliber in about three weeks. :thumb
40 yards.
Hiking up out of the low lands. Just over nine more days. ](*,)
Enjoy. :thumb
Your in for one heck of a fun hunt !
Good luck everybody.
Good luck on your hunt and looking forward to the successful pics to come!
Unfortunately they moved out of the area a couple of days before the hunt. #-o
Back to work for a week then back down for the last two weeks of the hunt.
Hope that they start to sing a little. [-o<
How did your end up?
Saw some awesome country and got to spend a bunch of time with my brother and nephew which is always a great time in its self.