My portable game washing station
Snake River Marksman
10/16/09 6:07pm

I like to tinker with stuff. I hate it when I'm hunting and I get all bloody and want running water to wash my hands with. I also like to wash out the body cavity on any game that I get. just in case the bladder was punctured or there was a gut shot or for some other reason the stomach contents might have escaped the stomach.
I came up with this:
I got the pump from a hot tub but a washing machine pump would work as well. A bilge pump submerged in the barrel would work and could be run off of 12volt power, say, the power from the 5th wheel connection? The 15gal drum came from a hotel supply store. I run the pump off of a 100watt inverter plugged into the cigarette lighter. This set up doesn't produce much pressure but it does a good job of allowing me to wash out body cavities and clean my hands. 15gal of water will do about 3 antelope and my hands.
Take a tap off the heater lines on the truck and run them back to the bed of the truck and put a coil inside the drum?
+1 :thumb