My Riverbed Pronghorn
9/23/10 10:57pm
I call him my plan "C" buck :)
He was my 3rd choice. Anyway. I killed him @ 343 yards w/ my 7mm Rem Mag. " alt="" /> " alt="" />
He was my 3rd choice. Anyway. I killed him @ 343 yards w/ my 7mm Rem Mag.

I wish there was an interesting story to tell, but to be honest, this was the easiest hunt of my life.
We spotted him from the truck, went a few hundred yards down the trail behind a swell and parked. We made a short jaunt around a knoll and came over to see him at 320 yards. He scented us and moved off a little bit before presenting a nice broadside standing shot for me. One round at 343 yards was the ticket. He trotted about 10 yards slowed to a walk and dropped. I am having my friend Jeremy Judkins with Judkins custom Taxidermy do a European platform mount for me. I have seen his work for years and it is top notch. I had considered doing the mount myself but his prices are very fair.
I wish you all the best of luck on all your hunts this year!