My Shed Hunting Buddy

I'd just like to take a minute to brag about my son / shed hunting buddy. He just turned eight years old and is a stud of a kid. He loves doing things outdoors with me and is super talented when it come to sports and anything athletic (didn't come from me). Last year we hiked timpanogos on the opening day of the rocky mountian goat hunt. He was seven at the time and practically drug my but up the mountain. The hike gains approx 4000 ft in elev. and was 14 miles round trip.

My neighbor down the street showed us a place thats not too far of a drive to go looking for sheds the other night. Heres a nice heavy two point we found.
I'm very much looking forward to the not too distant future when he can start getting tags and hunting with me.
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My son is two now, and I cant wait to take him out.
Again great post not enough! I sure can't wait for my first little hunter to get hear! :thumb
right on NOTENOUGH!!!! i think to many times dads get caught up in their own hunting, while the kids are younger, to take them out with them. good for you for all the time you share together! i think when you put the effort in taking them hunting when they are young, it will pay off when your old. they will take the time to take their "old man" hunting :thumb

and that bike jump pic is a broken arm witing to happen lol - i know, i guess you cant be to over protective either.
cool post, cool kid
Kids are AWESOME Great job!!

10sign: 10sign: 10sign:
Very cool, I agree kids are great. :thumb

That's a big 2 point shed, you have a great neighbor also. :)
I posted this before but thought it would be appropriate in this thread also. This was diner on a Uintas hike last year.
i have a feeling in 10 yrs or so your going to yelling at him to quit skipping school so he can go hunting :)) i did it all the time, and cant say i turned out TO bad. oh and you wont here the end of it when he killes a buck just a little bigger than yours:) but wouldn't that be great!
That's a good days finds. I think the young man has a great outdoor future :thumb The Dad to.
"killerbee" wrote:i have a feeling in 10 yrs or so your going to yelling at him to quit skipping school so he can go hunting :)) i did it all the time, and cant say i turned out TO bad. oh and you wont here the end of it when he killes a buck just a little bigger than yours:) but wouldn't that be great!
Thanks for your comments Killer. Nothing would make me happier than to get a daily ribbing about his trophy mount making mine look tiny as it sits next to mine on the wall.
That is so cool i love those bike pictures you remind me a lot of my own dad even though my dad has never takin me out looking for sheds he always pushed me to become better in whatever i did and he supported me jumping both my bmx bike and dirt bike keep it up!!!
Springville Shooter
Very cool post. IMO these things matter more than anything else. I have been impressed with all the great dads on this site. I am so excited as next year will be the first year my own daughter will be in the big game draws of the west. Let the fun begin!-----shooter.