My turn "Southern Bucks"

I took a camping trip down South to my elk hunting spot last week. Hoping to see some good bulls to make me regret not getting a tag this year due to my sheep hunt. I never saw a bull and only about 8-10 cows and calves but I did see some great bucks. I'm sorry to say that I never got any footage of the 3 biggest bucks I saw but I did get some video of some other good ones.
Here's some side notes on the video. The first buck was taken with my video camera @ 32x optical then the next scene is the same buck taken through my spotting scope. What a difference! The next 2 bucks were over a mile away and through my spotting scope again. (that's why the picture is some what fuzzy) The buck on the left was a 6x5 with two inlines on his left side and one on his right. My wife saw a big buck coming into water at a pond the day before I shot this video. These bucks I videoed were only about 500 yards uphill from the pond. She said, "the buck was tall, heavy and had a lot of branching going on with its antlers" I'm guessing it's the same buck. The last two bucks on the video, I saw the morning I headed back home. I saw them at first light. The 3 point has an extra on each side. An inline on his left side and a small cheater on his right. Could be the same bloodline as the other inline buck. :-k I just might need to get a Southern tag next year. :)) Enjoy!
Springville Shooter
Wow Ridge, those are some great looking bucks, Really high and thick. A couple of no question shooters if you ask me. -------------SS
Man Ridge you weren't kidding, that one buck with the inlines looks IMPRESSIVE! :thumb
You may have to re-up and get that southern tag after all. The ones on the video were some good ones, sure would like to see the 'big ones'. :thumb
Wow, that inline buck looks like he's got some serious mass! Great looking bucks! Thanks for sharing! :thumb
one hunting fool
GREAT BUCKS.. I love the trash buck.. Remember your old buddy Brian if you don't draw a tag next year i would love to try for that non- typical with a bow. :thumb