My uncles buck
9/28/07 4:28pm
Well, I am back from the henries. My uncle got the buck we had been spotting a little before seven on opening morning. He is a perfectly symmetrical, 32" 5x5, 6x7 if you count the eyeguards. by one o' clock we were off the mountain hunting for our own bucks but couldnt find anything. I dont know how to post pics but when i find out i will put some on.
If you have problems posting pics you can email them to me and I'll post them for you. My email address is
Here's how you post them (Give it a try):
1) Save the pics to your desktop, disk, external drive, etc. Whatever is easiest for you.
2) Go to the section/forum inwhich you want to post them. Click on the "New Topic" button to start the new thread. (If you are going to post them to this thread then you can skip that part).
3) Look directly below the text box used to post a message. You'll see a banner that says "Add an Attachment". Right below that you'll see a blueish button named "Browse". Click it.
4) Remember where you stored your pics and what you named them. When you click "Browse" a mapping window will open up. Find the pic that you want to post and double-click it. The mapping link should appear in the box next to the "Browse" button.
5) Right below the "Browse" button is another button named "Add Attachment". Before you click this button you can add a comment about the pic in the box to the left of it. Once you are done making a comment click "Add Attachment" and that is about it. If you want to add multiple pics just repeat the steps above before hitting "Submit".
NOTE: If the pic is too big or is not in the right format you will get a large brown banner stating such at the top of this page after you hit submit. If this happens you can save the pic as a JPEG, resize the pic, etc and then try again.
If this does not work, you can again email them to me and I'll post them for ya.
Good luck and again CONGRATS
Maybe bowhunter3 can jump on here and give a brief story behind this great buck.
10sign: 10sign:
From AGCHAWK "I know there are a few others on here deal with it differently but I'll tell ya what I do: If I'm posting an exceptionally long message I highlight what I've typed and copy it before I submit. If it does indeed time out on me all I have to do is hit post again, paste what I had typed, and submit like a charm.
Also, if you know that you'll be typing a long message, such as a story, you can type it on a word processor such as Microsoft Word or notepad, copy it, and paste it in the body of the post."
We had spotted this buck several times during the summer so we had decided this was the buck we wanted. So monday night, me and my uncle todd left for the hunt. We got there at about six though so we didnt have any time to spot, then tuesday morning our alarm didnt go off so we got out about nine. We drove all around the mountain but didnt see any nice bucks. But Tuesday night we went to were the big five was. We didnt see him but we saw a nice 7x8 that my uncle said he would probably shoot. So That was were we went Wednesday morning we had just hiked up the hill and started hiking along when I spotted a huge four point in a hidden clearing. I told my uncle that was the buck that was with the big one and to get his gun ready. Sure enough, the big five point stepped out following a doe so after a few choice words because he couldnt see through his scope. Todd shot the buck at ninety five yards a few minutes before seven. After the smoke cleared we saw him drag off, so I started to track the buck. There was a lot of blood and we followed it into a steep bowl. I looked up and saw his horns sticking up above the brush. We couldnt believe how the he was and the very unique character. I think he had a guy score it at 213. It was really fun and by one o clock we were of the mountain headed to the boulders area to try and tag some more. But we were unsuccessful there. It amazed me how after nine years it only took fifteen minutes of light to get the buck of a lifetime. It was one of the funnest hunts I have ever been on and i look forward to doing it again. My dad has 14 points and my uncle has 12 so it should be soon. I cant wait!
wish I could draw out for Elk so I can start putting in for Deer! :-k someday!
" A resident may apply in the drawing for the following permits:
(a) only one of the following:
(i) buck deer—premium limited entry, limited entry and CWMU (upto two hunt number choices); or
(ii) bull elk—premium limited entry, limited entry, management bull elk and CWMU (up to two hunt number choices); or
(iii) buck pronghorn—limited entry and CWMU (up to two hunt number choices);
(iv) only one once-in-a-lifetime permit, including once-in-a-lifetime CWMU permits.
(3) A nonresident may apply in the drawing for the following permits:
(a) only one of the following:
(i) buck deer—premium limited entry and limited entry (up to two hunt number choices); or
(ii) bull elk—premium limited entry, limited entry or management bull elk (up to two hunt number choices); or
(iii) buck pronghorn—limited entry (up to two hunt number choices);
(iv) only one once-in-a-lifetime permit.
(4) A person may not submit more than one application per species as provided in Subsections (2) or (3)."
so you can only put in for 1 LE hunt Elk/Deer/Antelope and 1 OIL hunt. so choose wisely my friend! :))
We could apply for Deer,Elk,pronghorn,Mtn. Goat,Big Horns,Moose,bear and lions all in the same year and still get left over tags. lots of $$$$$$
but still possible. Any ways thanks for the info 270