My Wifes First!

My wife was able to take this Antelope on the first afternoon of the hunt. She made two good shots with one miss inbetween, before having her first big game animal ever on the ground. Im very proud of her, and had a blast helping her get her first animal. She was very excited, and I think she may have the huntin bug now :)" alt="" />
CONGRATS TO THE WIFE!! That is one heck of a buck!

What state did she harvest that fine animal in?
Nice lope, congrats to both of you. :thumb
Snake River Marksman
Very nice antelope! More details! Rifle, cartridge, range, location (I prefer UTM format for my GPS lol )
Thanks guys, this hunt was in Utah on the Parker Platue Unit. She was using my Savage Predator .223, with 63 grain bullets. Her first shot was about 250 yards, and she hit him in the
leg #-o . He took off and stopped again broadside at about 400 yards, she torched another off but hit just below him. He was losing a lot of blood at this point, and was really starting to slow down. We were able to get just over 100 yards from him and she made one more shot that dropped him in his tracks. I have never personally seen an animal drop like that, so I was very impressed with the shot. He was in a heard of about 30 goats, with 5 bucks total in the heard. This was the biggest buck in the heard, and she let him have it.

Here is another picture of our 3 year old back at camp. He was also very excited for his mom.
Congratulations! What a great 1st trophy. Hopefully, in a few years, the little guy will get one as well. =D> =D> =D>
Great first kill!!! Congrats to you and your wife. Way to get the family out and enjoy the wild! :thumb
Springville Shooter
You know what's cool, I think I drove by while you were taking this photo! What a great year up on the plateau. We got two nice bucks up there, one on Sat and one on Sun. Congrats, I remember when my wife killed her first antelope in California, lots of fun.
Springville, are you talking about the field photo, or the picture of our son back at camp?
Either way thats pretty cool. Post some pics of the bucks you guys were able to get. My buddys mom also killed a real nice one opening morning. We had a great time out there!
Springville Shooter
I drove by while you had your wife and the antelope up on the hill to to the north of the Rd. I'm positive that it was you guys. It sure didn't seem like too many people were killing bucks up there, and by the time we left on Mon, we didn't see any hunters the whole way out. We were camped west of pollywog lake. I posted a picture of my goat, and I will get some more on after resizing. Were you in the pollywog lake area?
Springville Shooter
Here are some more pics from our hunt. My buck is 14" and scores 74in with no deductions. My friend also took and nice buck with Ivory tips.
Springville, we were about 8 miles east of pollywog lake, so it probably was not us that you saw.
Springville Shooter
Oh well, I guess I saw somone else with their wife and a simialar buck. I was driving east on the road that goes from pollywog lake to dag lake. I was just a little past antelope springs when I saw a gal up on the hill getting her pictures taken with a nice buck and a smile ten miles wide. I think that antelope hunting is the best way to get our better halfs out into our world. I will never forget my wifes antelope hunt in California 5 years ago. She made a great shot on a thick 13" buck.
That a good start. :thumb