my wifes new toy

well i sold my gun and was able to get her a great Muzzle loader in return.
its a CVA electra. anyone know anything about them?? here is a stock photo
I dont know much, but i know CVA makes quality stuff, and when i was lookin into gettin a new muzzy i considered CVA, but ended up with the Remington Genesis.

But i think you made a quality choice there :thumb
I've got an old CVA percussion but don't know anything about this one. What is that in front of the trigger guard? Looks like a magazine, though I know it isn't (???)
That front part, is part of the new electric ignition system thats on that gun
"camodup" wrote:That front part, is part of the new electric ignition system thats on that gun
See, I learn something new every day! I believe that is illegal in CO, if my reading comprehension has improved any over the years. Thought I read something about it on the DFW website.
one hunting fool
Hope not!!! i may use it there one year. or that was the plan.. I am going to take it and break it in this year for her on a Caribou hunt with my son. i was going to take the bow but i think i wanna try this bad boy out..
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They are not legal in CO for elk hunts nor are scopes,pelleted powder, and saboted or belted bullets. Don,t know about other game. NM has alot of muzzle loader restrictions on elk hunts also.Just check the regs carefully and you won,t have any problems. I bought a CVA 50cal cap lock 15 years ago and I still use it from time to time. I,ve been good to it and its been good to me. Good luck on your hunts and carry some xtra batteries for it.
one hunting fool
wow that is a lot of restrictions to the new muzzleloader world. i use all that stuff on my muzzy. the restrictions we in utah is the scope has to be 1 power. but as far as i knwo thats it.
"maintguy47" wrote:They are not legal in CO for elk hunts nor are scopes,pelleted powder, and saboted or belted bullets. Don,t know about other game. NM has alot of muzzle loader restrictions on elk hunts also.Just check the regs carefully and you won,t have any problems. I bought a CVA 50cal cap lock 15 years ago and I still use it from time to time. I,ve been good to it and its been good to me. Good luck on your hunts and carry some xtra batteries for it.
pretty much the same here in oregon. but i would rather have it this way.
one hunting fool
i have poored my own powder and used a ball and to tell you the truth. i think you hit an animal with the ball in the wrong area you better be lucky. i prefur the pellets and the sabots for quick humane kills. IMO. and for beginners its much better