My WY Muley
12/8/09 8:15am
This is mountain country 8-9 thousand feet. I like this as well as the badlands except the elevation is a little hard on a MN guy. The hunt began on Oct 15 and I was on a 4 day hunt. Right away opening morning passed on a opportunity on a 24 inch 4 pt. I have this thing about filling the tag 1st day ](*,) Anyway by the time the 4th day arrived I was punishing myself, hadn't seen much for deer especially bucks. Thought tag soup for sure :-k
I was pretty much finished with the long hike and turned back toward the truck. One more canyon to get across and a pretty deep one. I was getting worn out. Couple shots down the canyon. Good place to sit back against a rock, take a breather, put on some nutrition. Maybe 15 minutes spotted this lone deer across the canyon up near the top. Binos, sure enough a buck, rack looked fairly high, couldn't tell the width. I thought if he stops I'll take a shot. He did and I missed. Got a better position with the pack on a good rock, he stopped again. This time a good hit. He made a crash against a large deadfall that echoed across the canyon. The deadfall as it turned out kept the buck from rolling to the bottom. [I was VERY lucky] 50 feet to the top and another all down hill pack. Brought out the rack and 20 pounds. Waited till morning to get the rest out. MAN! I was worn out, but totally happy with the adventures and views in the mountain country.
Some pics " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" />
I was pretty much finished with the long hike and turned back toward the truck. One more canyon to get across and a pretty deep one. I was getting worn out. Couple shots down the canyon. Good place to sit back against a rock, take a breather, put on some nutrition. Maybe 15 minutes spotted this lone deer across the canyon up near the top. Binos, sure enough a buck, rack looked fairly high, couldn't tell the width. I thought if he stops I'll take a shot. He did and I missed. Got a better position with the pack on a good rock, he stopped again. This time a good hit. He made a crash against a large deadfall that echoed across the canyon. The deadfall as it turned out kept the buck from rolling to the bottom. [I was VERY lucky] 50 feet to the top and another all down hill pack. Brought out the rack and 20 pounds. Waited till morning to get the rest out. MAN! I was worn out, but totally happy with the adventures and views in the mountain country.
Some pics


12/8/09 8:32am
Great post! Sounds like a great time and congrats on a good buck.

12/8/09 9:26am
Another great buck and adventure for sure. Cool pics, looks like some neat country.

12/8/09 3:25pm
Awesome buck, gotta love it when all the hard work pays off! :not-worthy

12/8/09 3:39pm
Dang Wayne, you're rippin' it up this year! CONGRATS on another nice lookin' Mulie!

12/8/09 4:19pm
Sweet pics and even better story!, I'm in your same boat when it comes too hiking up and down the high country canyons but i love the country and i'll keep going back. Congrats again on the kill.

12/11/09 8:38pm
Wayne, Good job on your hunts this year. :thumb

12/11/09 10:23pm

12/11/09 11:53pm
Great job wayne. Glad to see that you're having such a great year.

12/12/09 8:15am
Thanks, it did make for A busy Fall. So many adventures on the prairies, peaks and badlands. I do thank my dear Wife for being so patient and understanding. Maybe with a little luck I can do it all again in 010. [-o<

12/12/09 11:17am
Pretty good year you had there. Congrats

12/12/09 1:43pm
Congrats on your WY buck. Looks like good country.

12/13/09 10:23pm
Classic country, and one nice buck, congrats. 10sign:

12/14/09 7:30am

12/14/09 2:18pm
Awesome buck Congrats :thumb