11/25/07 11:44am
I dont know if this has been posted before but I was just curious to how people got their forum names or what gave them the idea.
mine is obvious it doesnt have to do anything just kinda liked it.
mine is obvious it doesnt have to do anything just kinda liked it.
My last name is Hawkins which takes care of the second half.
I love hunting evrything, but especially things with horn/antlers on their head and I love turkey hunting and seeing that turkey tail fan.
Lifetime you suck, I am jealous i wish I could have bought me a lifetime hunting permit back then man that would be nice.
I thought is was appropriate and suggested it, but she agreed. :)
I thought is was fitting, she LOVES cookie dough and well she is a girl...thus the "doe" ending.
However YOU came up with came up with the sweet AVATAR and it's also SWEETand very appropriate. :thumb :thumb
Nice work on the 2-point. I'm impressed! =D>
When I first thought of the idea of the website, it was about 1998. I wanted to do it then, but couldn't "get er done" at the time. However I did come up with the name back then. Hard to believe but that was almost 10 years ago when I thought of it.
I'm a Mule Deer nut, hence the name MULEY...and MADNESS according to the dictionary is...
1. the state of being mad; insanity.
2. senseless folly: It is sheer madness to speak as you do.
3. frenzy; rage.
4. intense excitement or enthusiasm.
I really relate to #4 above when hunting an seeing BIG BUCKS, right Cookiedoe (???)
TuPapito means "Your Daddy" in spanish. I speak fluent spanish (mission to Ecuador).
Not sure why I chose TuPapito, but it was a heck of a lot better than tapehoser. :thumb
I have four names...I'll spare you what they are.
My initials are GPWD.
I thought I was being clever by adding "eer" to the end to make it work with the theme of the forum.
Really I did it so I could remember it because I am GPWDFJ on another forum dedicated to the FJ Cruiser by Toyota which is what I drive. So I wanted to keep it similar to that when I joined this site so that I could remember it. Turns out I spend more time here than I do there now, so this one is easy to remember!
GPWDeer :thumb
I dont know how many times I start in Big Cottonwood and end up in Millcreek, or up Parleys and end up down on Wasatch Blvd, and then call the wife or friend to get me back to the truck. Or just catch a ride from another hunter.
Used to be Cvr-n-grnd now just Cvrn.
Whew. Glad that is over.
We are always trying to promote our website, but really its a hobby gone wildly out of control.
We (Ann & Harlan) are both avid outdoor photographers/hunters. When we're not huntin 'em with our rifles, we're doin' it with our cameras!
We thought it would be fun to start designing and printing our own hunting/fishing/outdoor t-shirts, and I guess we totally underestimated how well it would go over! No we can barely keep up with the updating of our photo gallery on our website, and getting new t-shirts online!
It's been a fun, yet challenging ride, but we're gonna keep on keepin' on, because eventually, we'll quit our "real" jobs, and retire in Jamaica or some extremely pleasant beach resort!
We need to hear more stories about our fellow MulieMaddess'ers....Thats a good one Brett!
although this one is dog lover not a dog hunter