Need help ASAP!!

I need to find a Game Processing shop or someone that does game processing, ASAP! I just shot my very first Mule Deer(3x3), and I need to get it cut up. I live in St. George, UT.... Please help! I will be at work all day tomorrow so if you can give me a call with any info that would be great!! 435-862-5600 leave a message if I dont answer. Thanks!!

If nobody gets back with you quickly, I would run over to Sportsmans Warehouse in St. George or one of the other sporting goods stores. I'm sure somebody in there could point you in the right direction. Good luck.
I think the closest meat processor is in Cedar City. Bulldog Meats I believe.
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Just heard of a guy a couple of weeks ago in hurricane.
Name: Randy
Number: 435-635-2884
Let me know if this is la git.

Kory Bundy
At First Light Guides
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well I eneded up taking it to Custome Meat Shop in Cedar City. If someone opened a place here in St. George they would make a killing!! Anyways, thanks for the replys!
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Just a suggestion for your future hunts. Get a used refrigerator for your garage or similar area for next years hunt. You can store your quarters or boned out meat in it while you are working and in the evenings you can cut it up yourself with a small amount of direction for the 1st time. You will be pleased with the results and taste, and you will know what's in the package. If you kill on opening weekend, you can cut it up at your leisure the following week. A Foodsaver or similar machine will make it easy. A great investment for all your foods.