Need help for Wyoming.....

.....hey guys, I'm new to the forum but I've been a DIY archer/rifle hunter for deer and elk for about 7yrs now. I've been successful here in Colorado many times, but like any addict, I need another needle to the vein. I'm looking to hunt, especially mulies, up in south central Wyoming and was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. I only hunt public land and I'd pack into hell if I thought I'd find deer down there. I tried the DOW website for Wyoming, but it was "down for maintenance". Sounded more like the highway dept. to me. Anyhoo, I would appreciate any advice and thanks for having me on the forums.
songdog, ::wel to Muley Madness. :)
Wyoming's deer applications are due in by 3/15ish. They started a preference point system this year for Non-Residents, which should help our odds of drawing a tag in a good region. Regions like C are usually underdrawn each year and have leftover tags avaliable but keep in mind that most of C is private land and can be tough to get permission to hunt those ranches without paying a tresspass fee. Let me know if you have any more questions on WY & MT as I've been studying their regs for a fews years now and have hunted WY a lot. I have MT tags for this year and plan on hunting there in Nov.
WELCOME TO THE SITE SONGDOG! Sorry, never hunted that region, but I'm sure you'll get some help here at MM.
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If you go on fish and games website, they have a program called "access yes" I think, anyway its where private land is open to walk in hunting. There are a few ranches in c where there are always left over tags if you cant draw..

above is the game and fish link, may need to copy and paste it.

Good luck!
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.....thank you very much. I've gotten comfortable with the chaos of Colorado tags, so this is a whole new world. Any help is greatly appreciated. I hope I can return the favor.
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I have hunted Wyoming a few times with a little success. There are definitely some great spots in the south central and south west of the state. The Wyoming Game and Fish website is the place to check out all the regs etc. Also there are some private land areas in Wyoming that the Game and Fish provides access to through their private lands public wildlife program and Hunter management area program. Definitely see the website. Sounds like you got on to the highway dept. website. The draw has already past for this years hunting but be ready for next year. A few good limmited entry units are 101 and 102 south of Rock springs. I haven't drawn a tag there but have hunted to the East several times. The general area W is pretty good if you really want to hunt and can't wait out a limmited quota tag. Wyoming has decent mule deer hunting throughout the state you just have to find them. :)
Hope this helps your cause man. Good luck.