need help posting some great pictures
12/9/06 5:56pm
found a couple of big muley sheds, yes in december and i need help posting the pictures.
Hit "post reply" if your adding on to an already existing topic or "New Topic" if you want to start a new topic all together.
When the template comes up to post a new message look near the bottom. You'll see a banner that says "Add an Attachment".
Hit "Browse", find the pic you want to post and select it.
Right below "Browse" is another button saying "Add Attachment". Click it.
Your picture should now be attached.
Click "Submit" and your post is complete.
If the picture is too big you may need to "shrink" it up a bit. You'll know if it's too big because when you try to add it you'll get a brown banner at the top saying same.
If this don't work for ya I can post them. Just email them to
Here is a link with images to help...