Need some help
7/22/09 10:50am
I just looped my last 10 or so vids from my cam in chronological the first one is the oldest and the last one is the newest.... I am trying to determine how many different bulls (tough task) got my camera set up on a sheep watering hole and here is what I have come up with 5 or 6
my reasoning
First bull (posted before) does not have the mass the second bull has and has a weird twist in an eye guard...and I think the second bull may be what spooked the first bull.
2nd Bull looks to have better mass but not as long of beams as the first
3rd bull (the one that spooks off right in front of the camera) is not bulls one or two
4th Bull 2 clips is a club horn really massive and still growing but not a huge bull
5th bull 2 clips perfect symmetrical eye guards so not the first, not as massive as the second...I haven't ruled out him being the third... not sure????
6th bull 2 clips weird main beam on his right side...kind of goes up and looks to be forking, not very wide.
I hope these guys are around in a few weeks I want to see just one!
my hunt plan is to shoot the first Elk I see, call me crazy but I have never got an archery Elk so a cow is a trophy to me :) history has shown these guys usually cross the street to the LE side...and passing up a cow or a spike doesn't make any sense¤t=fullelkie_0001.flv
my reasoning
First bull (posted before) does not have the mass the second bull has and has a weird twist in an eye guard...and I think the second bull may be what spooked the first bull.
2nd Bull looks to have better mass but not as long of beams as the first
3rd bull (the one that spooks off right in front of the camera) is not bulls one or two
4th Bull 2 clips is a club horn really massive and still growing but not a huge bull
5th bull 2 clips perfect symmetrical eye guards so not the first, not as massive as the second...I haven't ruled out him being the third... not sure????
6th bull 2 clips weird main beam on his right side...kind of goes up and looks to be forking, not very wide.
I hope these guys are around in a few weeks I want to see just one!
my hunt plan is to shoot the first Elk I see, call me crazy but I have never got an archery Elk so a cow is a trophy to me :) history has shown these guys usually cross the street to the LE side...and passing up a cow or a spike doesn't make any sense
Man those videos are cool. I really like the spooked bull with all the water splashing off. Great stuff. :thumb
So you going to sit the water hole? Not sure how many are different, but several bulls hitting it for sure.